Update on the 24D Ag complaint

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Apr 20, 2005
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Southwest Oklahoma
Wow, we opened a can of worms! I expect hooded figures in front of the property any day.

We are considered interlopers, trying to ruin the livlihood of all the area farmers, moving to the country with our city ways and expecting cattlemen to alter their way of life to suit us. We are accused of being gestapo-like--naming names and pointing fingers. Our neighbors aren't even interested in knowing the truth. They are simply reacting in fear to a possible threat.

All because we complained about a spray plane flying over our 80 acre property. The closest drift of chemical would have had to be at least 1/2 mile away. Chemical can't be applied with any greater control than that?

The dept of ag sent letters to many area landowners. I have not seen the letter, but it is my understanding that it is simply a fact-finding letter, asking landowners what aerial spraying work they have done in a time period. We are now uncomfortable in our corner of the world, lepers and pariahs. But times are changing. People are waking up to the effects of aerial chemical spraying and starting to be squeaky wheels. It is just no fun being a minority squeaky wheel in a wagon yard.

No wonder people are moving to the city--it is d a m n e d hard living in the country.

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