Trick or Treat, turns into Merry Christmas

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2009
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Southern Maryland
My youngest daughter is the only one of us that lives in a real neighborhood, all the rest of us live on farms. Infact, one of my daughters and I live on the Nanjemoy Pennisula, and a writer with the Washington Post called our area like a third world country. Any way, everyone goes to my youngest daughters house on Holloween night so all the Grand Kids can go Trick or Treating. We never get Trick or Treaters here in the boonies. Well while all the kids, grand kids and one great granson went Trick or Treating I stayed at my daughters house to give out candy, I was in little kid heaven. They were all so cute, and they came in herds like our little horses, never just one or two but seriously a herd of five or more. some of the little ones were having a hard time getting up the three stairs to the door, so I took a bowl of candy and went outside to give out the candy. Some of the little ones needed to be reminded to say Trick or Treat, but one little girl, dressed as Snow White and around four yrs. old, walked right up to me and said, "Merry Christmas". To laugh at her would have hurt her little feelings, so I said well a Merry Christmas to you too. After she left is when I laughed, Too cute!! Just had to share this little angels words with you guys, enjoy!
Aw! How cute!!!

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