Re: the rabies problem in China and resultant

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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Has anyone here found a good contact(s) for making our voices known about this?

I found a few, but I am not so sure they are going to be noticed!

I did manage to prod a "famous" someone into maybe doing something about it...I hope.... there some link or email address that one knows to be good that we can make a lot of noise to?

I know several who want to and I'd love to pass it along if someone found any.

My searches come up empty...and I want to make a difference. I have been fairly successful at other things but since this is in China, I don't know where to lay my efforts and theirs.

Thank you...

Liz M.
I just e-mailed all the Chinese Ambassadors in all the countries I could get an address for- do a Google on Chinese Ambassadors- we have one in Manchester of all places!! Not just London.

Bet they were surprised!!
With around 500,000 dog population. What were they supposed to do . PETA even does this themselves with 10K so this was 50K I am still not certain that is an true number of rabid dogs they are putting down. I did see PETA telling them off That is telling them the kettle is black isn't it? Oh ya they did less then what happened in China.
I think, shminifancier, that they were supposed to vaccinate in the FIRST place, and euthanize in lieu of any other choice. Look up that word.

You may find something like this:

EUTHANASIA-Greek: easy death. The act or practice of painlessly terminating the life of a person or animal. As applied to animals, it is sometimes referred to as "humane disposal." N.J.S.A. 45: 16-14. As applied to persons, it is accepted in some cultures but in the United States it may be treated as criminal, subjecting those responsible to prosecution under the homicide statutes. Two types of euthanasia exist.

active euthanasia refers to the act of putting to death. Also known as "mercy killing," it involves the termination of life as painlessly as possible such as by an injection of lethal medications. Courts are struggling with this area of law which is also known as "assisted suicide." For the rights of the terminally ill, see 95 Uniform Laws Annotated 609 (1987).

passive euthanasia involves withholding artificial life support, such as breathing or feeding tubes. It is often called the "right to die."
Hm. Wait...there is nothing in there about being beaten to death. IF you had a choice, would YOU want to be beaten to death, or given a dose of medication that would make you feel sleepy and be sure to work quickly (oh, yeah, I know there are exceptions, but a lot less than a death by beating, not to mention the trauma of being torn from your comfortable and happy life).

I think it was an irresponsible reaction to a problem that I understand they needed to address, and I do entirely disagree with their attitude towards life in general.

---Forgot to say that I completely abhor PETA and I would not condone or excuse any other organization's shocking indifference and cruelty on the grounds that "they did it so it must be ok" or "whoops...PETA's worse" it's not quite the same thing, but just for the record I had to say it.

Thanks, rabbit...seems I'm still not having any luck. I was hoping to get this other person some easy venues of contact and noone I am finding has email...YET.

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I think, shminifancier, that they were supposed to vaccinate in the FIRST place, and euthanize in lieu of any other choice. Look up that word.

You may find something like this:

EUTHANASIA-Greek: easy death. The act or practice of painlessly terminating the life of a person or animal. As applied to animals, it is sometimes referred to as "humane disposal." N.J.S.A. 45: 16-14. As applied to persons, it is accepted in some cultures but in the United States it may be treated as criminal, subjecting those responsible to prosecution under the homicide statutes. Two types of euthanasia exist.

active euthanasia refers to the act of putting to death. Also known as "mercy killing," it involves the termination of life as painlessly as possible such as by an injection of lethal medications. Courts are struggling with this area of law which is also known as "assisted suicide." For the rights of the terminally ill, see 95 Uniform Laws Annotated 609 (1987).

passive euthanasia involves withholding artificial life support, such as breathing or feeding tubes. It is often called the "right to die."
Hm. Wait...there is nothing in there about being beaten to death. IF you had a choice, would YOU want to be beaten to death, or given a dose of medication that would make you feel sleepy and be sure to work quickly (oh, yeah, I know there are exceptions, but a lot less than a death by beating, not to mention the trauma of being torn from your comfortable and happy life).

I think it was an irresponsible reaction to a problem that I understand they needed to address, and I do entirely disagree with their attitude towards life in general.

---Forgot to say that I completely abhor PETA and I would not condone or excuse any other organization's shocking indifference and cruelty on the grounds that "they did it so it must be ok" or "whoops...PETA's worse" it's not quite the same thing, but just for the record I had to say it.

Thanks, rabbit...seems I'm still not having any luck. I was hoping to get this other person some easy venues of contact and noone I am finding has email...YET.


:aktion033: :aktion033: I totally agree!!!!!!!!
Well I am rather disgusted by "who" this person got on board with, but his heart is in the right place.

Anyway, I found a page of contact information (and one of the links leads to PETA, but the page itself has good contact info for officials who may be able to get something done):

Kinship Circle

Please just take ten minutes and let your feelings be known, be it about the orphaned baby girls or the killing of animals in an inhumane manner when there ARE alternatives to both.


Liz M.

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