Hyperlipemia/Fatty Liver Desease has raised its UGLY head!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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This is only our second case we've personally experienced in almost 20 years.........Both cases have been with pregnant mares who have colicked.

Last week our young mare (6 years old), Cita, showed symptoms of gas colic and we treated her. She improved to normal behavior. Two days ago she was acting depressed and not interested in her hay. We pulled her into a stall again.

She didn't show improvement after a few hours, so we called our new vet.....who happens to be a mobile vet...... It took 24 hours of treatment (mostly with Larry not sleeping!), having her under camera, a little bit of knowledge, and some gut intuition......and our vet agreed to pull blood. Within a half hour he was able to see the fat separating in the blood samples - even before they were shipped to the Lab.

He called us immediately, and came back to the farm with Insulin and Dextrose for us. She has already been given her first doses. The Insulin is IM and the Dextrose is oral.

Please keep our girl, Cita, in your prayers.........She's being a fighter. She's 6 months pregnant, but we won't be surprised if she loses it........That's not important. She needs to LIVE.

I'm so very glad that our Dr. Jake listened to us about this possibility. He's young and has never treated a case like this before........ Interestingly, Larry wrote an article about Hyperlipemia for our Health Page on our website.......and Dr. Jake is following the protocol.


I hope most of you who read about this NEVER need to know about it.
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Maryann and Larry,

Cita will be in my thoughts -- here's to her return to good health!

I'm glad your vet listens -- we had a vet who didn't. Our new vet listened to me and I was right. Grrrrr...
Good luck Maryanne - I know this one is tough to deal with, but with your loving care I think she will be just fine - however if she does hold onto her foal, she is likely to be a candidate for another reocurrence of this post foaling.

[SIZE=14pt]Larry, Maryann and Brianna we are so sorry that Cita is very ill and you have ALL of OUR PRAYERS!
...please keep us posted and as you know and many of you might not know, we had Cita's dam, Princesa and she passed away this summer. She had an ulcer and we don't know what else, but she died a week into her treatment of colic. We hope she did not pass anything along to Cita! Please No God

Blessings for Cita and her un-born foal soon!


Mel and Jenny
I hope everything goes well for your mare and she pulls though.

Good thing you had a vet that would listen to you.
Susanne........ Obviously I don't know the details of your relationship with the vet, but I agree -- Grrrr..... We are now VERY cautious about signing on a new vet or vets. We literally interview THEM.
Granted, when a farm has between 50 to 80 horses (minis, ponies, and full sized), the proposed vet is much more willing to LISTEN. I will say, that if you ever have a health issue that you feel needs your vet's attention and they aren't taking you seriously? Get ON LINE and PRINT OUT the subject and SHOVE IT IN THEIR FACE!!!! (We have done that.)

Stac..........Thanks for the heads up...........We will watch her. It seems that when a horse starts showing a tendency toward having a "funny tummy" they will continue to have it.
So, I think I know what you mean......

Jenny.......... Bless you BOTH! I remembered how you and Mel lost Cita's mom, so I wanted to make sure you got Larry's e-mail letting you know what was going on.

This stupid condition is scary.....but I'm hoping people at least know it's out there as a possibility when vets are scratching their heads because the colic OR the ulcer treatment isn't working. The most important thing is to catch it as early as possible and then be AGGRESSIVE .
Oh no you guys!!!! I am so sorry to hear this!! I have never had to deal with it here (knock on wood!!) and hope I never do, but know it's so serious and hate to hear anyone's horse going through this!! Prayers for your little gal!! I hope she will come through it!!
We've delt with it and lost a loved filly to it. My healing thoughts and prayers go out to your Cita. I send you and Larry {{{Hugs}}}
I sure hope your mare is going to be okay. I personally have never dealt with this before but it sounds horrible.
How is your mare today? Any change?
Very glad you have a good Vet that listens MA. Am sure with everyone's care, she will pull through!!
I am so sorry you are going through it -- I've only experienced it once with my beloved Cody.
Keeping your little one in my thoughts and prayers.

Liz R.

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