How to find a new home for a donkey

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Granbury, Texas
I know, it's not exactly a mini topic, but...I have a 2 yr old full size spotted jenny that has lived with minis that needs a special home. I am afraid to advertise her in the paper for fear of not finding her a good home. Last summer Sailor ate a toxic weed that set off a reaction in her liver. She is now quite photosensitive and needs to live in the shade in the summer months. She's been living outside during the winter and has done fine, but I'm told that she will react again this summer - even removed from the toxic weed. The photosensitivity causes severe scratches on her legs and nose. I am happy to give her free to someone who can provide the home she needs. Does anyone have any ideas on how to find her a good home?
Did you put this on the donkey forum on LB?? I bet someone could help...
The foum moderator just gave me permission to put it on the donkey forum. My new vet told me that she can pull blood to see if the jenny is likely to still be photosensitive. So, we're pulling blood on Weds and hope to know more soon after that. I'll keep you posted.
i would take her in a heartbeat, i am a sucker for donkeys... but living in Arizona, that would not be good for her problem! our "summer" is usually over 6 months long...

best of luck to you, hopefully her blood tests will come out ok and the problem will be solved!

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