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Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
Hi Mona,

I have received your PM a bit ago. We have our volunteers ready, and we will open up auction efforts here shortly. In addition we can accept any donations for Marty and her family. If any would like to contribute by PayPal, our PayPal Account email is:

[email protected]

Any one who wishes to contribute, please specify their contribution to: "Garrison Family Efforts".

100% of any contributions by PayPal will go directly to Marty's family. Our foundation will cover all fees/costs, so that any and all proceeds will be fully benefited to their family. Our proceeds collected either by monetary donations and/or auction efforts will be given by "Check" from our Foundation's Bank Account, in one full lump sum, at the closing of all auction listings.

If any would like to contribute by Check or Money Orders, please make payable to "IHSF, Inc.", and you are welcome to direct them to our Foundation at:

IHSF, Inc.

c/o Garrison Family Efforts

P. O. Box 37

Paisley, FL 32767

Or you can make them payable to: "Marty Garrison", and mail them directly to Marty's family at their home address of:

Garrison Family

Rt. 2 Box 146

Pikeville, Tenn 37367

When bids are placed on any auction listings posted by "IHSF, Inc.", at closing of the listings, please either submit payment through our PayPal Account, within the listing's check out, or send your check/MO to the address above, made payable to "IHSF, Inc.". Just be sure you disclose in the MEMO of your check, that those proceeds are for "Garrison Family Efforts".

Ok, if anyone would like to donate any items for our auction efforts please contact either myself, by email or PM, or you can contact our IHSF Auction Efforts Coordinator, Stephanie Driver, also a forum member here, under Steph_D, or you can email her at: [email protected]

So far we have several folks willing to donate toward these efforts with various items and including a Stallion Service for your bidding. These items will be posted TODAY, and once listed, I will come back and post here, that folks can start their biddings for them.

THANK YOU EVERYONE who contributes and assists with these efforts for Marty and her family.


EDITED: Just to let you all aware too, that the proceeds collected from these efforts will be forwarded to Marty and her family for them to expend however needed for them to do so, whether it's for funeral service expenses, or a monument marker in Michael's memory for his family at his gravesite, or for any additional family to be able to lodge with them through their time of need, food provisions, or however else they may need.

Mona, can we please pin this post for any who wishes to contribute or assist with these efforts?
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I just wanted to add that the funeral home is also willing to accept donations for the Garrison Family. Please be sure to make the check payable to Marty or Jerry Garrison.

Here is the address of the funeral home.

Putnam - Standeser - Reed Funeral Home

50 May Rd.

Dunlap, TN 37327

[SIZE=12pt]NOTE TO MODERATORS: Can we please have this thread PINNED so folks can find where/how to help with these efforts for Marty's family?[/SIZE]


Thanks so much Sheryl!

Many have asked how they can help... You are welcome to donate however you feel lead. By monetary contribution, or by an item for auction.

Just, please, we ask that any donors of auction listings, please help with cost of mailing your item to the winning bidder at the auction's close. Once the item has closed for bidding, and payment has been confirmed received, we will notify the donor of that item so they can send their item directly to the winning bidder of that item.

For those willing to contribute Stallion Service auctions, we ask that you assume full costs and responsibility arrangements to follow through with your service to your winning bidder as well. Again, once the service listing has closed for bidding, and payment has been confirmed received, we will notify the donor of that service so they can make contact and proceed with arrangements directly with the winning bidder of that service.


In His Hands,

IHSF Volunteers
I just thought I'd add that a donation does NOT have to be horse related. My kids wanted to help, so they drew pictures that will be posted on the auction soon, to be emailed and printed out by the winning bidder. I'm also going to be donating some live aquarium plants (if that's ok with auction staff).

Just saying that you don't need to be limited to horse stuff to help out here.

Hi Steph & All,

Ok, we have 9 listings posted so far, with several more incoming. I do have to leave for a bit, but will resume posting them as soon as I get back home tonight!

Steph, while I'm out, you are clear go post the donated items you've been recieving as well. And, those items from your two daughters, Courtney & Hannah, oh my goodness! SUCH PRECIOUS GIFTS!!!! Please HUGG both of those baby girls for me, ok? They are so precious!!!! God bless their BIG BEAUTIFUL HEARTS!!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE for all your kind, caring and generous hearts! God bless you all!
I must have missed something, where is the auction set up? Is it at IHSF or is it on Monas site?
Are the items available now to be bidded on? If so can someone please let us know where they are posted at?

You can view the IHSF auctions on the LB/LC auction. Go to the LB/LC auction and type IHSF into the search box to view them all. I'm still adding, so keep checking back :bgrin
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You can view the IHSF auctions on the LB/LC auction. Go to the LB/LC auction and type IHSF into the search box to view them all. I'm still adding, so keep checking back :bgrin
this may sound silly but i for the life of me can't figure out where the auctions are. i guess i don't know the lingo yet, sorry
Oh my gosh! The donations are POURING in :aktion033: Please be patient with me, as I am still learning the new auction format. Also, with your donation email, please include a picture of the item and suggested starting price. We would also appreciate it if the donor would pay the shipping charges, just to make it easier on us all.

Thank you all so much!
I probably missed it but could someone post the email address to send donation info to for the LB/LC auction?


Hi Karen, you can send them to me at [email protected] My email is having problems right now and I can't send a reply without sending a new email. I'm trying to get back to everyone in a timely manner, but it's taking time. I am getting a LOT of auction listings and will probably be up pretty late posting them, but I'll try to get them all tonight.

Thank you all so very much! Marty is such a wonderful person, it's nice to feel like we're giving back to her

Oh, Starleemay, I've been getting your emails and will start on your auctions as soon as I get my girls to bed
I want to contribute and unfortunately while money is somewhat tight right now I have some really nice things I can offer. I don't have time at this hour to look and see how to get it in motion, but I will be.

I can't fathom all of this and I guess it makes me feel a little better to try and ease the financial burden since I am powerless against the emotional.

Thank you for the organizers in doing us a way to help in some small way.

Liz M.

We have several listings posted and many have already received multiple biddings. We have several more items still coming in, as well as several more Stallion Service offerings, a total of 6 stallions so far. We are so incredibly touched by the outpouring of love and tremendous generosity of so many for this family. THANK YOU ALL with all our hearts! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!!!

Regretfully, I need to get some sleep now, as I have to go back to work in the morning (a blessing in itself, PRAISE GOD), but our IHSF Auctions Coordinator, Stephanie Driver, will remain on hand for a bit longer tonight, and throughout the day tomorrow, till I can help with more postings after I get back home from work tomorrow night.

We are so deeply appreciative in all your kind patience with our ongoing efforts of getting responses out to everyone as quickly as we can, and also while we form our efforts to compile all the information for each listing and then get them posted for your active biddings.

Ok, I must sign off now, so I can rest up for another day tomorrow. GOD BLESS YOU with all our hearts, and thank you so very, very much!

With all our love, hugs and prayers,

Tanya Belasky - IHSF, Inc. & Volunteer Staff
I think you might get alot more bids if it wasnt "by pay pal only". I wont bid on them as I dont have pay pal and I wont use it.
I think you might get alot more bids if it wasnt "by pay pal only". I wont bid on them as I dont have pay pal and I wont use it.
Hi Ashley,

Thanks for pointing this out. We are hoping for folks (that ARE able) to please choose PayPal as their payment source, primarily so we can expedite any incoming funds to Marty's family much quicker.

However, those that do not have PayPal but want to contribut still, either through auction efforts or directly with monetary donations, we most certainly will accept Personal Checks or Money Orders on their behalf. It just may take a few extra days for time relay of mailings. So we ask for continued patiences throughout, of those who can contribute in this manner.

Postal address for mailing information is at the beginning of this thread.

Thank you Ashley, for your kindness and caring and wanting to help. I hope this enables and encourages yourself and others, who might have felt left out from PayPal.

Hugs & Prayers,

Is there anyway to get a link posted on the front page of the auction section. I cant find all of the items and I have been looking. I am not the most computer literate person in the world so I might just be missing something.

Lisa, right now there are 19 items listed. I'm resizing pictures right now, getting ready to post more. I have at least 5 more auctions to post, maybe more. The link that ML posted at the top of page 2 (the one that says Click Here) will take you straight to the IHSF auctions. You might have to refresh your page, once you get there, to get all of the auctions to come up for you.

Y'all, we have gift certificates, artwork, horse blankets, body suits, books, stallion services, and many other things on the auctions. Please check them out
I just wanted to quickly advise for any who may wish to seek Pastoral Support to help with families grieving through this, we have Chaplains available through our foundation at:

Then just click on the email link to our IHSF Chaplain Director, Pastor Weldon Stockwell. Pastor Stockwell is one of the founding members of CHHA (Christian Harness Horsemans Association), and if further needed, he can help put families in contact with local Pastoral Support as well.

At this time, I would also like to say, that if anyone out there would like to volunteer as an IHSF Chaplain with us, we’d be forever grateful to however you can help. PLEASE contact me as soon as possible, if you can volunteer or know of someone who can. We would need your Letter of Interest and disclosure of credentials, so that our Board of Directors can review along with our IHSF Chaplain Director for pre-approval of your volunteer tenure.

ANY and ALL Faith based Chaplains are WELCOME and ENCOURAGED to volunteer in this capacity. However, please understand that we are a Christian Faith Based organization, and our Chaplain Director, Pastor Stockwell is as well. But, by no means does this mean that we are not open to the diversities of faith, as we realize that everyone must grieve in their own way of beliefs and faiths.

That is why we are in great need of Chaplain Volunteers of all Faith Based capacities, so that we can strive TOGETHER to help families who are in great need of guidance through their times of great trials such as this.

Volunteering as a Chaplain of your faith will help us to be able to further provide spiritual guidance to those who are in need and seek such of help.

THANK YOU & GOD BLESS YOU, to any who could help in this regard, and through our many other avenues of efforts for this family and others in future need.

In Christ’s Love & Mercy,

Tanya Belasky

IHSF, Inc. & Volunteer Staff
Y'all be sure to refresh your auction pages, I just added FIVE new auctions, including a stud service! :aktion033: