Carpal Tunnel and Driving

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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
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A number of you have stated recently that you have Carpal Tunnel syndrome. I have recently experienced a "coldness" in my hands and fingers lately when I work on the computer. While it's not a tingling and numbness, I was told recently that it may be an early symptom of Carpal Tunnel. I need to get a better wrist rest, especially for my mouse hand. I had one at work, but since I decided to stay home with our son, I haven't used one. After having a class in ergonomics in college, I have an idea that has something to do with my hands issues.

How does your CT effect your driving? Does it make it more difficult to hold the reins or apply pressure, etc.?

I had to move the computer mouse to the left hand and learn to use it that way. After years of doing sewing handwork, I can't stand to "mouse" with the right hand for very long. Don't know if it is cp, though.

While I can't "mouse" with the right hand, I don't have trouble holding reins. My sister has cp and sometimes her hand goes to sleep while driving, but it does that frequently anyway, so I'm not sure holding reins is the issue.

I have CT in my right wrist. Driving exacerbates it. Holding the whip with the reins is what makes it happen for me. If I am pleasure driving and I feel my hand start tingling, I put the rein and whip in my left hand and hang my right straight down at my side to get the feeling back and relieve the ct. If I am competing I just grin and bear it. The hand will eventually go totally numb, however it still functions properly. I just can't feel anything any more. At the first opportunity I will then transfer rein and whip to left and again, just hang hand, wrist, arm straight down at my side.

Heavy whips do it for me in short order! My light, balanced whip doesn't affect it at all.
I was a hair dresser for 16 years , then started driving ...I couldnt hold the whip and reins in one hand or I would get a cramping , and then numb fingers. Holding the reins without the whip hurts too. I was wrapping my wrists up to my elbow to help support the muscles above my wrist, it helped a little ... I eventually stopped driving because it hurt too much. Sorry to hear your having problems.
So far, I'm not experiencing any issues with my driving, just interested to know what might happen. I'm trying not to "hold" the mouse when I am not using it, like when I am just reading, so I hope that helps. I also put a wrist rest over the edge of my laptop, and I think that will help. Tomorrow, I am going to Staples to get a rest for my mouse. I have my computer on the pull out keyboard tray of the desk, because my husband puts his work laptop on the top, so I think I was resting my hand too much on the edge of the wood tray, and that also has contributed to my cold hands.

Along the same lines, does anyone know of exercises to do to make your driving hands stronger? Mine are fine, but I am interested for my 8 yr. old son, who whines about anything that is remotely uncomfortable, hats, gloves, lately he is saying that it is too hard to hold the reins. Maybe he is just trying to get out of practicing. He says he wants to show, but I don't think he wants to practice!

I have CT in my right wrist. Driving exacerbates it. Holding the whip with the reins is what makes it happen for me. If I am pleasure driving and I feel my hand start tingling, I put the rein and whip in my left hand and hang my right straight down at my side to get the feeling back and relieve the ct. If I am competing I just grin and bear it. The hand will eventually go totally numb, however it still functions properly. I just can't feel anything any more. At the first opportunity I will then transfer rein and whip to left and again, just hang hand, wrist, arm straight down at my side.

This is basically how my right hand works (or doesn't work!) With an additional problem if there's too much pressure on my index finger (the one nearly removed by a large dog a couple years ago). i wish I could hold the reins and my whip in my left hand, but I have no wrist in my left - it was fused with a big metal bar.

Sometimes i just have to grit my teeth and get through each class. At one show Appy and I were winning quite a bit, and in the Championship class I was really trying to shake some feeling back into my right hand in the line up after the judges turned in their cards. one of the judges came up to me and (joking!) said "You know, if your horse is that hard to drive, I could ask for my card back to change some numbers!" - this was really funny 'cause Appy is SOOOO easy. I said "It's ME, not HIM!" and the judges laughed at me. (And we won Champion in the class, which I guess is why they were teasing me...)
When I used to work 6-8 horses my hands would go numb so bad that even eating dinner, I would have to stop, hold my arm down by my side and let the feeling come back into it. When a class gets into the line up...feels like such relief to put the lines in one hand wait with one arm hanging down letting the blood flow back into my hands.

Couple things I've found helped:

-Lunge Whip...had one broken so I cut off the long fiberglass rod...saved the top 2' with the long lash attached and that is my lunge is light doesnt kill my wrists/hands like holding a long whip out working horses.

-Doc said ice (never heat)...on the hands/wrists few times a day to help take down inflammation

-Wrist braces ... I wear them to sleep in...keeps my wrists straight and quiets that constant aching so I can sleep....they are priceless. Get the adjustable velcro closures...anything with elastic makes it worse for me.

It is just years of computer work, farm, horses, riding, firewood, lunging, he mentioned something about getting old...whatever that was supposed to mean!

I know one thing...I cant stop learning to manage it best I can. A nice fiberglass show whip is very helpful...they are so lightweight.
I manage the few horseshows I do without my CT being much of a problem. Thankfully, it bothers me much more clipping then it does driving. It does, however bother me summers when I tend to go for hours long trail drives with my freinds. (Summers my driving horses will drive 8-10 miles most days.) i get very creative holding my reins on those. by the end of those drives i'm often driving one handed and switching hands often
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