ADS Free Webinar Thurs., April 15

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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
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There will be a FREE webinar (web seminar) on Conditioning the Driving Horse.

From the ADS website:

Dr Rich Forfa presenting “Conditioning the Driving Horse.” Dr. Forfa is a long-time ADS member and an equine veterinarian located in Maryland. He is also an active CDE competitor. He will explain the physiological effects of exertion on your horse, give you tips to help you discover if your horse is stressed, and teach you the proper way to cool a hot horse. He will also provide you with a exercise routine that you can adapt to your situation and your horse’s current level of activity, to help you reach your competitive goals.

Date: Thursday, April 15, 2010

Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm Central Daylight Time

Go to the ADS website to register at the link above. It is helpful to have some form of high speed internet to watch and hear the webinar. A webinar allows you to watch a presentation while listening to the presenter. Questions may also be asked through the moderator.

(Webinar Party at my house for anyone in the So. Wisconsin area!!!)

Thanks!!! I have just sucessfully registered and sent it on...
All of the webinars are archived online at You can download them there. Even if you don't have high speed internet, you can go to your library and download them onto a flash drive and take them home to watch them.

We had six people watching the Driven Dressage webinar at our place. During the presentation, it occured to me that I have failed miserably as a teacher. My husband said that he didn't know a whole bunch of what I knew already, so I guess I haven't passed a lot of that on!

This weekend, we will be attending clinics with both Suzy Stafford and Larry Poulin, International level carriage drivers. My husband has a lesson with Suzy and our big horse, and we are auditing Larry's clinic.

I watched last night and learned a lot, even though I have ridden plenty of dressage tests. I think you can download the slides at any time but the questions that were asked during the webinar were really helpful and of course, are not on the slides. I thought the polls were really cool, but that was at the beginning when I realized I was using a computer with no sound and was frantically trying to get speakers hooked up! I wonder if the poll results will be posted??? I thought I heard there were 300 persons watching last night??
Actually, Jeff Morse's entire presentations are archived on the ADS website, so you can listen and watch the presentation. You just can't ask "new" questions. I don't know yet if ADS will do the same for the last two webinars. I'll find out this weekend.


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