362 days gestation today. Any mares longer than that today?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2005
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My Merryweather is at 362 days today and since Reneé's Gracie foaled I am wondering if anyone else is at this stage or longer? I need a past crazy marestare buddy!
I'll have to get pictures of her today. She looks less pregnant to me. If you have photos of yours I would love to see them. Also, my gal is a maiden.
Looking 'less' preggers could be a sign of something soon to come !!!

I know my maiden mare went from looking like a ball on sticks to

'oh my did I miss it' and then within the week the baby was born!

All my best to you!
Sounds like she's getting ready! The mares go "slab sided" once the foal moves into birthing position! My mares will even start sleeping flat out on their sides.......does that ever mess with you during mare stare!!
She has been laying flat out for the last few days but this morning she is wider again. She is really messing with me! The baby was moving quite alot and she was making these funny faces and looking at her sides lots. Also, last night was the first time she ever buried all of her poop. She has never done that before. Here are her pictures taken about 30 minutes ago.


362 days I never had mare carry that long!

Are you sure that she didnt get covered the following heat cycle or beyond?
If I remember correctly from your other topics talking about your mare that had the false pregancy you still had the stallion in with the mares as of August 14th of 2007.
So, maybe she/they were descrete about breeding after that.

What does her bag look like now? Any pictures recently.

By the photos she looks to be very last stage of pregnancy
The one I have here that is due soon (300 days on 3-15) is just now filling in her bag pretty well not a maiden though and she was hand bred on her foal heat . Her due date is calculated at 330 days, however I dont think she will hold out that long by looking at the previous notes I have on her from last year. I had no breeding dates on her last year since I bought her bred so the only thing I have on her is the notes I wrote on the calendar last year with her changes.
So I am thinking she will be a 320 day mare if she holds out that long.

I personally dont like leaving the stallion out there with them for any reason unless I know they are for sure(as in tested) in foal and even then I watch them like a hawk during the day in turn outs.
I have went through not knowing breeding dates one to many times with horses I bought "pasture exposed" and don"t like it at all.

Nothing wrong with pasture breeding but it is just not my cup of tea, since I like knowing with in a shodow of a doubt when my foals will arrive.

Well good luck and hope you mare with the false pregnancy last year comes through with a foal for you this year.

Oh - hoping it is soon - know of some 13 month babies too from the past -- hoping yours is not.

Hi Jeri,

I saw him breeding her on March 17th, I freaked out and yanked him out of the pasture that day and then he didn't go back in with this girl and her mother(false pregnancy mare) until August 14th. Could she possibly be this big and be due in July? I have seen alot of kicking and movement on her but she has really no bag. Saggy skin that is getting a bit saggier but no bag. And no pictures of it either cause she freaks when i get too close to it. Which is a new reaction too. Until 2 days ago I could touch it, clean in between and check for milk and now if I even work that direction she tries to bite me and kick me. If I brush her belly she will let me look but that is it. Hard to take a picture that way.

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