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  1. J

    what kind of stable flooring shoud i use

    I know this may sound stupid but I have been building a new stable for my mini I am getting. I need to know what kind of flooring shoud i use.. My wife is a little jelous because she says I did a better job on this than i did on my own And please forgive my bad spelling..also I am...
  2. J

    feline diabetes

    Actually this is a good question.. Because I wondering too I have diabetes. I was diagnoise when I was 7 and now I am 33. In fact two years ago I was having problems controling my suger. And I almost lost all my venmous reptiles. My suger was so messed up that I had a hard time consitrating on...
  3. J

    Referral fees for sale of horses

    I Use to do this but i called it a brokage fee..If someone was looking for a certain animal I would fine the contacts then set the price up and shipping or pick up.. Then I would charge 10% of the price of the animal. then there would be more fees if they needed special lic. or permits to keep...
  4. J


    i have a open back pickup truck but i am afraid he might try to jump.
  5. J

    How can people be so cruel

    Iam the last person to give bad news but working with alot of abused animals. The first thing is to get him to a vet. period the second thing is this if he have been severly abused or abused period watch out for a trigger. what I mean by a trigger a memory or a cause for a memory may trigger a...
  6. J


    Have anyone ever used a u-haul to transport there minis and if so how far did you drive. and another question how in god green earth do you post picks....
  7. J


    I just wanted to say thank you, to everyone that replied to my posts in the last couple of days.. I have probly learn more reading your replies and other posts than I have searching the whole net. I work with and take care of over 200 differnt exotic animals here on my and wife farm plus help...
  8. J

    do mini need freinds

    read my first post I need alot of help please to understand how I came to get this little guy...I guess I might go shoping for a little freind then or I might put the word out that I able to take in unwanted mini..
  9. J


    Like I said before I take in any animal. except for cats and dogs all of our animals are fixed and updated on shots and are microchip. that brings me to another question can mini be microchip just in case I can find a home for him. I do this in case the animal gets injured or abused i can take...
  10. J

    do mini need freinds

    Okay I got another stupid question. I was reading some where on the internet that mini need other horses to play with is this the truth...
  11. J


    thank you so much Marty you have been so help ful. The cost isn't a problem and I am always home unless I am showing animals at the local schools. I go about twice a week. I am a stay at home dad..My wife works for a entertainment company here..and no she is not a stripper..
  12. J


    Well after talking to my local vet...Actually she is my cousin. I know more vets personaly then people. I decided to take him in. I have a freind how is a pilgrim there like amish but not that hard core he is coming over to help set things up. my barn was used to house flying foxes and a black...
  13. J


    Hi there, I have search all over the internet and can't find any infomation on the questions I have.. I take in unwanted exotic pets I have owned everything from a 8 foot aligator to venmous snakes. Now I got a call for a mini horse I have no idea what I am getting myself into I don't know what...