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  1. M

    Darmond Storm Survivor

    I am so sorry for your loss. I have heard it said.. "They only break your heart once." It is so true. Bless you.
  2. M

    So excited to announce our new PINTO colt..

    Wonderful news! So glad you had a great foal after all your troubles.
  3. M

    C- Section and lost foal today

    Thank you all for the replies. For some reason, it helps knowing that others have loss like this. As mentioned in another post, I too know of a breeder that has 30 plus mares on pasture (pasture bred) and they just have them. No cameras, no alert system and no clean birthing stall with...
  4. M

    Sad day here.

    So sorry for your loss. My mare is at the vet hospital tonight after a dystocia and a c section. I know how hard it is to lose them. Thre are just no words but I am so sorry.
  5. M

    C- Section and lost foal today

    This morning our 6 year old maiden mare went into labor. We have had her under camera and pager for 53 days so we were right there. Water broke and then we had no presenting part or "bubble". Phoned the vet who wanted us at the University Of Georgia Vet hospital. We loaded the mare and set off...
  6. M

    Giving up on our dream to raise minis

    As many here have said...I have been there too. I started breeding mini's in 2004 and have had some foals but this year is the first year I would say has been a success. It has been very stressful and I would not have been able to do it if my mother was not my partner in the minis. One of us has...
  7. M

    2nd 2009 Foal for Crayonbox

    VERY nice. I am sure you are pleased as punch! Congrats.
  8. M


    CROCS get my vote too. I am in the medical profession and so I just ended up using my "old" pair at the barn. They sure do cushion any stepped on feet. They also wash well in bucket of soapy water.
  9. M

    Question to breeders about gestation

    If you hand breed and know your dates, do you start counting from the first day the mare was bred or the last day? I have been counting from the first day and am getting quite the range in delivery dates. My first mare went at 327, second mare at 336 and now we are watching our next mare at 348...
  10. M

    Foal in distress

    What type of enemas do you use? I have a colt that passed the meconium first stool last night but nothing more today. He is nursing well but only a few toots tonight. No milk stool that I can see. He has strained a couple of times but is still in good spirits. I have a saline childs enema but...
  11. M

    Hairicanes 1st overo foal of 09 and

    I just love the picture with the rooster in it ! What a great looking foal. Thanks for sharing the pics.
  12. M

    Bag filling then decreasing before foaling

    I wish mine looked that close !!! Keep your eyes on her and best of luck. I am sure we will see baby pictures soon.
  13. M

    frustrated- I'm very impatient this year

    I am right there with you today. We have 2 mares under camera now with equipage alerts on. My palomino mare has decided that she likes to sleep FLAT out wrecking havok on the equipage system. ( and me ) I am having to watch the cameras most of the night while she sleeps so beautifully FLAT...
  14. M

    Fly Control

    We have had great results with feed thru fly control. The tub is a bit expensive looking at first, around $55.00. However, my tub lasts almost 2 seasons and I feed around 6 minis. I used the fly predators but seemed to have better results with the feed thru. I bet there would not be a fly around...
  15. M

    IGG testing

    Thank you for all the opinions. We are watching our foal closely and he is doing very well. We have decided this year to watch and test only if we have any reason to believe that there is a need. He is nursing well and having sticky orange milk poo also. In a perfect world ,I suppose I would...