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  1. F

    Some FACTS about the AMHA Measuring Petition

    Mona et al, I will always support members who get involved and follow our rule book to achieve the end result they seek. In the very early stages of your effort, however, some things were put in print that did not help your cause. The talk about how something was sneaked throuth the meeting...
  2. F

    New Mini w/ weight issue

    I don't know where you are, or just what you have available in the way of feed, but I will make my suggestions. Aalfalfa hay is generally considered one of the safest feeds to give to undernourished horses. Start her on it nice and slow and build it up until she is getting at least 2% of what...
  3. F

    Hot Walkers

    Regarding treadmills, I expect opinions to be divided. I used an inclined treadmill for 4 years and sold it. I felt using the treadmill was hard on the minis stifle joints. In additon, I felt a treadmill exercised the neck muscles as well as all the rest of the muscles. I found it counter...
  4. F

    Hot Walkers

    Lot's of people use treadmills and they can be a help in bad weather. I uesd one for about 4 years but I found two things I didn't like. First, I feel they are hard on the stifle joint and will cause lots of horses to start popping. Second, treadmills build all the muscles, including the neck...
  5. F

    Hot Walkers

    As someone who trains, a walker is a real necessity for me. I can work a horse in the round pen and put them on the walker to cool. If you are looking, I would suggest two things. I will not own a walker that a miniature can not stop. Since the nylon halters are stronger than their necks, I...
  6. F

    Among The Uninformed

    I am not a person who frequents this forum because I find most of the information presented as facts to be nothing more than unsubstantiated opinions. Below, I have copied two examples. I would far rather see most of these horses (the protested ones) being used for breeding than the little...