I loved looking at your web site!!! I also enjoyed reading about your minis. I just got my first minis in October, they are 7 & 8 months old. And like you I have young grand children I want to grow up with them, Beatrice is 11 months and Aubree is 6 months and my grandson is due any day now!! Your web site is very inspirational and has lots of great info. I hope to get Misty trained for showing/driving someday. My other mini Josie is a dwarf, she was born 1 month before Misty and they are BFF! LOL I decided to get Josie too for Misty and......well to give her a forever home as our pet! I will visit your web site again I am sure, looking through your pictures makes me look forward to what fun we will have as a family with our minis!!!!