Thank you all so much for all this input!! I truly did not mean this thread to be a complaint but rather an honest inquiry as to WHY nothing had changed with our local shows and a lot of great organizers are kicking in here with comments. Thank you!
LindaL said:
There is a show coming up in June that is a flat fee show (I think that is where you thought to ask about it Leia...seeing it advertised on the saleboard?)
Nope, I've just seen a lot of people on LB talking about such things and been jealous.
LindaL said:
and actually unless you have a horse that shows more than halter (or even 2 horses that do), it doesn't pay. This is for people who have all-around horses or more than 2 horses to show per registry. For us to show our 2 in halter only it will be $240 ($60 less than the flat fee of $300). It is meant as an incentive for trainers and people who want more competition to come show, so I do think it is a good idea.
MountainMeadows said:
Would there be enough folks who bought the flat fee option to make up the difference? - Not sure, but I doubt it since in order for that to pencil out you would need to enter your horse in 6 classes - and that is quite a few for one horse to go into unless it is being shown in Youth, Ammy, Open and a bunch of Performance classes - in that case I could totally understand wanting a flat fee per horse and perhaps that is something that we should look into - any suggestions on how to propose such a fee structure would gladly be looked at by the clubs -- it is always in the Club's interest to improve participation at the shows and any way to do so would be welcomed.
Absolutely. When I made the suggestion I had expected that it would be an option people could select for their all-around horses, not a set flat fee for each exhibitor no matter what they were entering. I come from a 4-H background where every horse was an all-arounder and most of us went in 13 classes a day!
When I first showed Kody he entered Open, Ammy, and Ladies driving, Open and Ammy Jumper, Open and Ammy Obstacle and Obstacle Driving, Liberty, and any fun classes that might be offered like Disciplined Rail Driving. We were also training for Versatility. That's what, at least ten classes a show? Turbo will be able to do all the same classes plus Hunter and Halter classes (both Open and Ammy) so he's looking at 12-14 classes a show. At $24 a class times even 10 classes that's $240 PER HORSE,
plus a $60 stall per horse...we're looking at at least $600 per show which let me tell you ain't in my budget no matter how many extra hours I work!
Especially when those shows are crammed in two or three per month early in the year.
I want those high points. I want those all-around amateur titles. But it isn't going to happen unless I either go back to only showing one horse (which most mini people don't) or the clubs start offering a package deal where you get eight classes for the cost of five or something. Even an "All-Around Amateur Package" would be helpful- maybe any four amateur classes (I figure there's amateur Obstacle, Obstacle Driving, Jumper, Hunter, Driving, Showmanship and Halter) and maybe two open classes (Liberty and Versatility, whatever they chose) for a package price? That's probably getting too specific but you know what I mean. Something that opens it up for people to go in more performance classes than they can currently afford.
You already have to buy the ribbons and offer the classes. You already have to pay the judges for all those classes regardless of entry numbers in them. You need a set amount of money to break even. Totally understood. With a package deal the performance exhibitors would be spending the same amount of money they are now or a little more but going in many more classes without (as far as I can see) costing the club anything more and suddenly there's actually some competition and people are earning some points and having a good time like we used to.
I don't make these comments with the intention of putting our individual economic woes onto the clubs; more saying that I see a problem with low entries getting worse and I wondered if there wasn't a solution that would work for both the clubs and the showers to encourage more entries in each class.
Most of us are already carpooling, combining stalls, camping instead of staying in hotels, skipping unnecessary classes, leaving more horses at home and not traveling as far as we used to (not to mention eating Top Ramen and working overtime.) There isn't much more left to cut except skipping the remaining shows entirely.
ClickMini said:
One thing to look at is the REASONS that Leia is choosing the other shows. I haven't looked at the premium myself, but if the ammy classes are the same cost as the open, that is out of sync with the rest of the shows, for sure.
gvpalominominis said:
Forgot to mention that the Pacific Crown Club offers NECK RIBBONS for their amateur halter winners AND have Amateur High Point special awards - halter & performance. What are the other clubs offering for their amateurs? = )
I don't know about other amateurs, but I like receiving something special for my wins and all my effort.
Mentioning that in your advertising might have been a good idea.
I know it would have made me think twice about withdrawing my entry and would have explained some of the higher ammy entry costs. I did NOT withdraw from the show because of those issues, in fact not for any reason except personal timing and weather and work conflicts, but the higher ammy fees was one more thing that did not entice me to stay and engendered my inquiry here on LB.
MountainMeadows said:
I feel like I need to inject a thought into those who are looking at a Hardship show - I know that I was the one who turned on that lightbulb - and I still believe it is a great way to get the horses to qualfying shows with less expense --- BUT BUT BUT - let's also remember the Clubs that already are trying to make ends meet - and if at all possibly PLEASE support them with a donation if you are not able to attend -- it truly is what makes it or breaks it for a lot of these little clubs - and again, the clubs offer so much to all of us it would be a shame to see any of them flounder. Every little bit helps ! ! !
Thanks folks ! ! !
You're absolutely right. I've tried to support them with my entry dollars even when things are tight but admit freely that's the ONLY thing I've done for my local clubs and maybe I need to be doing more.