What Special Talents Do You Have?

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My ONLY talent is horses.

I cant sing, dance, or play sports to save my hide, basketball, football the ball manages to hit me in the head and doesnt go where I throw it, Im not good in big crowds or with public speaking, and I cant manage to make my hair look decent.... But I CAN ride a horse, I can brush and muck to! Im pretty much "talentless"
Im not exactly anything special ....but

I can sing good, or so im told. Ive been in anything choir related since i started school. Dancing ...lets not even go there.

There isnt much really ..
I USED to have a talent for singing (church choirs), sketching (surprisingly sold a piece), writing poetry (published)....but never had the BURN of ambition that some people have, so haven't practiced any of it regularly.

My father used to say that I -- "have a talent for attracting LAME DUCKS, both animal and human." He may be right..... I'm good with animals, I think. And people with problems seem to like to share with me.....

My biggest talent right now is that I'm a MOM to an annoyingly bright and wonderful 8 year old daughter!!! :bgrin My reward for that I hope is to see her grow up to be a responsible adult! (Does that count???)

Hum........nothing earth shattering here

Can't sang a lik, or at least I don't think so......I did stray out of the boundaries when my high school Senior class decided to put on a musical to raise money for something. I ended up being the woman villian and having a solo part so I at least conquered the fear of singing in front of people I guess.

Dancing, I used to clog a lot. Took ballet and tap when I was little like 4years old and stuck with it until I was old enough to switch to clogging, thinking about 6years old and did that through high school. Did the piano thing when I was in elementary school too, but grew tired or bored with it and never continued it.

Played basketball throughout school, have several awards from it, though I am VERY out of practice and would make a fool of myself I am sure until I practiced some more.

I can draw, but really only horses, If you try to make me draw a person it comes out awful

Public speaking really don't bother me that much either, though I really give the horses the benefit here, as when I was younger I was quite shy - but it is amazing what can bring you out of your shell so to speak.....wasn't long before I was talking to people all over the place about these little horses and at a quite young age so I got out of that quick, as well as doing numerous speeches throughout 4-H as a teenager and winning the State horse council, and I did quite a few pageants throughout highschool as well.

Of course my passion is showing horses , well actually anything with these little guys

A HUGE talent of mine right now is cramming for exams and procrastinating and getting it all in my head in the mere last minutes, staying up late wondering why I waited to the last minute, running to get coffee, cramming more in, ext.......... - 3 more weeks :bgrin
My talents include being a champion collegiate debater. I love it - following politics, current events, and business so that I can defend whatever point of view is given to me in a debate round. I also used to compete in Mock Trial which is what has inspired me to go to law school after my undergraduate studies.

I am also a great writer. I used to write for my high school newspaper and won several awards, and I always did well in my English classes. Plus, it's something else that I love to do.

Here's a new one to the list of that members have added - fly-fishing. Yup, it's amazing to go out to the river early in the morning and see the sun rise, listen to the birds, feel the warm sun, and stand in the water in your waders. I'm quite good at casting now too - although it sure did take me a bit. I was exceptionally proud when I was the only one between my family and ex-boyfriend to catch a fish on our outdoor expedition to Colorado last summer. It's a blast and very relaxing.

Dancing - but not anything structured. I just love hanging out with friends and dancing to the radio. I consider that a talent.

And finally, horses. I like to think that I have a knack for them. I love them too.

Then again, when you look at it - you can be good at anything that you are passionate about.

Oh yeah, one more - I also share Erica's talent of procrastination and collegiate cramming. It is quite useful when you stay as busy as we do!
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