This has been the most difficult election year I can remember in trying to decide who to vote for to run our country. Nearly everything you hear has to be taken with a grain of salt and you can't believe half of what you read. I continue to get forward after forward of the ideas and principles that supposedly Obama stands for and just got to thinking about the founding principles of our country. There are people from every country on Earth that can call America their home and are Americans. There are millions of legal immigrants that live here and millions of people, that even though they live here and call themselves Americans, still adhere to the cultural beliefs and structures of the countries that they immigrated from, and which also include religious and political beliefs as well. We are starting to see many of those beliefs being injected into our own cultural and democratic society, ie. challenging the English language as the official language of the United States; being challenged or sued by someone who is offended by the name of God; and the list goes on.
We have to be "politically correct" (sensitive and understanding so as not to offend those of other cultures or beliefs) so much so now that we don't even know who we are anymore.
So, for the purpose of discussion (not arguement) I pose the questions:
Is America and her founding principles disappearing?
What does it truly mean now to be an American?
We have to be "politically correct" (sensitive and understanding so as not to offend those of other cultures or beliefs) so much so now that we don't even know who we are anymore.
So, for the purpose of discussion (not arguement) I pose the questions:
Is America and her founding principles disappearing?
What does it truly mean now to be an American?