What are you taking to the county Fair?

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Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Southwest Oklahoma
Our Fair has lots of categories and I'm trying to get my items together. The hardest to choose is the Recycled. It is such a broad category. In Recycled clothing, I plan to enter my cardigan with the picture buttons.

I'm actually entering two photographs this year. There are hundreds of entries in that category so the competition is stiff.

I have to work as a Supervisor in the Antique section, so it's hard to do much baking to enter as I need to be at the Fair early. I may take some cookies and squash bread.
I'm entering some canning products, blackberry jam, bread & butter pickles, green beans, yellow squash, salsa and tomatoes. I didn't make relish this year. I've won first before with my strawberry jam, but the dang bunnies ate all of our strawberries before we could get enough.
I'm entering some canning products, blackberry jam, bread & butter pickles, green beans, yellow squash, salsa and tomatoes. I didn't make relish this year. I've won first before with my strawberry jam, but the dang bunnies ate all of our strawberries before we could get enough.
Good for you! Good luck! Ours begins tomorrow and I'm gathering up entries today.

I lost my strawberries to roly polys.
I used to enter arts and crafts thing. I have a wall full of huge Best Of Show rosettes, blue ribbons and some 2nds too. I miss it very much! Good luck with your entries! Be sure and tell us your results!
I worked at the Fair all day yesterday. Got home about 9:30 last night. I was superintendant for the Antique section and we had lots of wonderful entries!

Our onions got grand champion in the vegetables and my canned green beans got grand in the food preservation! My blooming orchid got grand in the flowers.

My squash bread did not place. My Hubley caterpillar did not place in antique toys. My button-face sweater got second in reclycled clothing--the judge unbuttoned it and one of the shanks came out of the button. She thought that was not good.

More produce entered this year than the last two terrible years so that was good. Not a lot of blooming flowers; everyone is having trouble with grasshoppers. Lots of photography entries and the 4-H entries were wonderful.

The animals come in today.

Anyone else entering??
Well wish me luck, I sent my on-line entries in today, I only entered yellow squash, green beans, salsa and bread & butter pickles. I take the jars in on Wed. and judging is on Thurs. The fair opens Thurs. night, but we won't be able to go till Sat. after morning chores. I'm looking forward to seeing some old friends. Marlene & Larry Graves will have their antique tractors there, my friend Mary is running the pony rides and the petting zoo. My friend Debbie has goats entered, and the list goes on and on. I forgot tomention out local 4-H club has always won alot in years past, so I can't miss the 4-h building. Love seeing the livestock. About grasshoppers, my grandchildren were here today, because my son-in-law was helping us cut down a tree and get it cut up for firewood, My grandaughter is a little diva, seriously, not a farm girl at all. A Grasshopper jumped on her leg and she got hysterical. I caught the little begger and showed her that he was scared too and didn't mean to jump on her, but she would have nothing to do with it. Oh well to each their own. Glad I didn't have to tackle a black snake.
Well wish me luck, I sent my on-line entries in today, I only entered yellow squash, green beans, salsa and bread & butter pickles. I take the jars in on Wed. and judging is on Thurs. The fair opens Thurs. night, but we won't be able to go till Sat. after morning chores. I'm looking forward to seeing some old friends. Marlene & Larry Graves will have their antique tractors there, my friend Mary is running the pony rides and the petting zoo. My friend Debbie has goats entered, and the list goes on and on. I forgot tomention out local 4-H club has always won alot in years past, so I can't miss the 4-h building. Love seeing the livestock. About grasshoppers, my grandchildren were here today, because my son-in-law was helping us cut down a tree and get it cut up for firewood, My grandaughter is a little diva, seriously, not a farm girl at all. A Grasshopper jumped on her leg and she got hysterical. I caught the little begger and showed her that he was scared too and didn't mean to jump on her, but she would have nothing to do with it. Oh well to each their own. Glad I didn't have to tackle a black snake.
Sounds like a great Fair! I wish our fair had antique tractors. I have a 1946 MM R with a little prairie gold trailer my son made for me. It would be fun to show it off.

Good luck with your entries!

I don't blame your grand daughter for being scared of the grasshopper. Some of them are so huge and their feet stick on you. Ick.

Our fair this year had the Insect Zoo from OSU. It is awesome!

Too bad the children have to come through with the noisy classes; it's hard for them to appreciate what they see. I try to be a "docent" in the antiques, baking goods, and canning. They seem to enjoy it more when someone takes time to show them things. A jar of pickles or gem-like jelly; a deocrated cake in the shape of an owl with big pineapple eyes, an antique cherry pitter that they can turn the handle...
Wow Marsha, you did really well!!
Too bad about the button shank.
Is there some way to post pictures on here taken with a android phone? I'd like to post some pictures of the crafts from the fair.
Our fair is over, and it was awesome as usual. I won first with my canned yellow squash, my other entries got the gate, haha. Lots of good competition. Someone had Old English Baby Doll sheep there they were the cutest little things.

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