This child has trained my mini to ride

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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2003
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This is pretty incredible to me. This little girl at my barn has always loved CD. She drags him around everywhere and they really have a special bond. A few weeks ago she asked if she could get on him. She did and he never reacted as we led her around on him bareback. Last week her mom put her little saddle on him (look at the size of the pad, but it's the only one we had) And now look at him. She takes riding lessons on her big horse, so she knows how to ride. He only has the reigns hooked onto his halter.

Should I invest in a bridle and let her continue what she has started?

Darling little girl and mini. I'd think if she's only going to ride around the arena, a halter would be ok but if the goal is to go outside the pen and do more serious riding, she should train the mini with a bit in it's mouth. JMO.
I have a driving bit since we were going to start training him to drive. Should I purchase another kind?

This is the funny part. She wants to ride him in a barrell racing exposition just for fun, of course.

This is the funny part. She wants to ride him in a barrell racing exposition just for fun, of course.
That is wonderful! yes, i would get a bridle and let her ride him. a broken mouth bit, like your driving bit, would be a good start. jennifer :saludando:

This is the funny part. She wants to ride him in a barrell racing exposition just for fun, of course.

you know I have seen minis go and WIN she is the perfect size for riding him and they look adorable togther- I say let her go for it and show people how talanted minis really are!
I love to see a little child riding one of the minis. Too cute!
Peggy that is just wonderful. She is just perfect on him and he looks like he is enjoying it too. Thanks for sharing those cute pics and good luck to both in the barrel race. Just love seeing the tiny kids riding. At a show last year a little girl even smaller than her was riding this humongus draft cross. She was handling his like a pro and was a total show stopper.
Peggy, When My daughter was 7 tears old, she trained three of my mares to ride..just like the little girl you showed.. It is special when you can find a child that is talented and small enough to do this.. Now my daughter is too big, but my 4 year old son still enjoys an occasional sit on the minis.
I say go for it. Looks like she is tiny enough to go on riding him for a while yet, otherwise I would say no, because its so hard on the kids when they have to give it up! But she takes lessons already, so she knows that with horses there is a time to move on to more appropriate mounts.

He certantly looks happy! Look at his ears... he is listening to her! I'd say you have foind a VERY good pair there! And hey, when she is too big to ride him, she can always drive right?

oh, one other thing, if she is going to ride him regularly I'd reccomend buying/making a saddle pad that fits, that one could cause rubbing and sores if you use it often enough, and then there goes their fun!
What awesome pictures!! That little girl and your horse seem to have a really special bond, and she is obviously doing something right. He is happy in his new job. By training him to drive, then she can continue to enjoy him even after she's outgrown him for riding.
Thanks for sharing, I do believe that it is OK for young children to ride Miniature horses.

I would stick with the halter or get something similar to a side check made for a mini, where she can not hurt his mouth. :saludando:
I assume you mean a side pull?

thanks Yes, I think you are correct.

We use a side pull on all our riding horses. ( Registered Paso Finos )

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Hey Peggy--they look GREAT! Since this child has been riding and taking lessons already (an looks like she has a good seat and hands on her!) I would take your driving bit and put a snap on either side and snap it to the cheek pieces of that halter to make a trail bridle! Email me--I have a little nylon bridle I will send you!

Those are adorable photos; the little horse looks happy in his job of being a 'saddle horse'! I agree that it would be safer for him to be ridden with a comfortable and suitable bit(and of course, under supervision). One suggestion-because apparently, the saddle is the one she uses on a 'big'horse, odds are the tree isn't of proper shape to fit such a small horse, and regardless of the saddle pad, it could cause problems for his back. Luckily, the girl is lightweight, and likely wouldn't ride the little guy long enough in a session for it to be a huge issue, but it is something to consider, IMO.

Nothing greater than the attraction between a girl and a horse....!

This is so neat!!!!!! Thanks for sharing these pictures and post. I bet you are so proud of CD!!!