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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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For those who think they know what a pit bull actually is I have found some links to some very fun identification challenges.


this one is great


lets hear how you all did
Yippee I got it right first try of course I am a pit bull lover and love am staffs as well. And love Mastiffs

However there is so much truth in this.. most times even those "tough guys" that walk around with these dogs have NO IDEA there dogs are not pits but are a mixed breed and sometimes with NO pit in them at all. So many are so quick to jump and say it was a pit bull when in reality as these tests show (and why they made them in the first place) many dont really know how to identify one let alone in a time of high stress
I also got it on the first try. My female boxer is always mistaken as a pit because her coloring is exactly the same as the pit in the picture they used. I love taking her to petsmart and arguing with people constantly about what breed of dog she is. I have her papers she used to show and while slightly similar they have a quite different body structure and head shape.
Yippee I got it right first try of course I am a pit bull lover and love am staffs as well. And love Mastiffs

However there is so much truth in this.. most times even those "tough guys" that walk around with these dogs have NO IDEA there dogs are not pits but are a mixed breed and sometimes with NO pit in them at all. So many are so quick to jump and say it was a pit bull when in reality as these tests show (and why they made them in the first place) many dont really know how to identify one let alone in a time of high stress
Lisa you and a few others I figured would get it right on the first try.....my 15 yr old did.....I admit I got it on my second pick.....but I was able to pick out a bunch that I knew weren't pitbulls LOL....it is those alpha blue bloods that when photographed have a very similar look.........I also have seen plenty of dogs that resembled pit bulls and had no pit bull blood at all.

I was talking to a judge the other evening who had the exciting job of judging a dog show in Japan. He said the Japanese have a group called guard dogs...........the guard dogs were brought into the ring with up to 3 handlers to hold them back and the judge does NOT touch them..he was saying the 200+ lb Tosa Inu's were absolutely scary 1 handler and two rope men to control them. This was in a show ring :new_shocked:

We had a black lab boxer cross who everyone insisted was pitbull he wasn't his parentage was known and for the record he was not great around small kids. I never left him alone with my son who was 2 at the time as in never out of my direct eyesight.
First one I thought number d-9 Wrong none are pit bulls.

Second test I lost took me 5 times before I got the write one.... :lol:
Hummmmmmmm........wonder if half the so called Pit Bull attacks are really Pit Bulls?
This was awesome! Thanks for sharing. I got it right first try - coming from someone who owned a Dobie, Rott and Pit all at different times, I would recommend any or all of them as family pets. However, I will probably never own another. Can't afford the astronomical hike in house insurance and one company actually dropped us.
Hummmmmmmm........wonder if half the so called Pit Bull attacks are really Pit Bulls?
I think lots of dogs are mistaken for pit bulls. It's like that line in jaws that goes something like this "if you yel Bacrrucada everyone goes 'Huh what?' but if yell shark well then thats a diffent story".

there are a lot of sharks in the dog world but the pit bull is the great white, and great white is what gets in the news and in the papers. And having a breed ban like the one in Toronto Canada only makes it better for the media when a dog attacks someone or something.

I did the second one and at first I thought there was a pit in each set :eek: (i should read the rules more often lol) but when i understood it I got the right one right off the bat.

I got it on the first try! :risa8: I wonder too, how many of those attacks were actually Pit Bulls? It's like when you go to the pound to adopt a puppy/dog, if it's brown with a longer hair coat, they always say it has Australian Shepherd or Border Collie
: People are VERY good at making assumptions!
- coming from someone who owned a Dobie, Rott and Pit all at different times, I would recommend any or all of them as family pets. However, I will probably never own another. Can't afford the astronomical hike in house insurance and one company actually dropped us.
I too have got to pay that astronomical hike in insurance......and have been canceled .....because I own those VICIOUS dobermans, who, as far as I am concerned, the most loyal, wonderful breed that ever drew breath. ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS. My Doxie or Cairn will get you before the Dobes will.
: I am just sick to death of irresponsible pet owners who are the SOLE reason that any breed gets branded.

It's NEVER going to change. STUPID IS FOREVER. Maybe it's time to SHOOT......SHOVEL........and SHUT UP........but shoot the owners and not the dogs!
I think most of the 'attacks' reported are pitbull or pitbull crosses.

Unfortunately, many wonderful breeds of dogs have traits in their makeup that can be abused to generate a monster.

I think we all are susseptible to coming to conclusions based on our personal experiences. I have always loved GSD's but have always been nervous of Dobermans. Reason because when I was a kid my neighbour raised gsd's and I loved them. The only person I knew well that had a Doberman was a person that lived nearby. They had a gorgeous home, unfortunately they had numerous serious breakins. They finally got electric gates, video cameras and 2 trained guard dobermans. This combination worked perfectly! No more breakins. These dogs had a job to do and did it beautifully!!!!!!!!!! Scared the living daylights out of me as a kid and left a lasting impression!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately, MANY, MANY lowlifes have chosen to own pitbulls and they don't want to show off their gentle, kind, loyal side! They want people to be afraid of their dogs! For the responsible people who have chosen to own pitbulls they have to constantly differentiate between wellbred, well socialised dogs and the other.

As usual the dog suffers, in this case the whole breed.

of course, just my 2 cents!
The first test I guessed the AmStaff.

The second test I guessed correctly the first time. The others I was very confident were not pits.
The first test I guessed wrong...I guessed d10. The second test, I guest right on the first try.
: I also believe that APBT are getting a bad rap as far as being blamed for so many attacks, when in fact it is other breeds/mixed breeds that share a resemblance.
The first test I chose D-9. On the second test it took me the second try to get it right. I guessed the American Bulldog on the first try. Pretty interesting!
bang on first time.

I have worked in shelters in the past. They were the ones they had to most put down. More often than not..the ones that killed other things in the most violent ways.

Then Chows, huskies, dalmations and Rotties.
Hummmmmmmm........wonder if half the so called Pit Bull attacks are really Pit Bulls?
HMmmmmmmmm...wonder as well, how many non-pit attacks...really ARE?? THIS CAN GO BOTH WAYS...RIGHT??
Sue- Read again. Pits do not make Bandogs bigger, the Mastiff blood does.

As an aside, chaining ANY dog usually has adverse effects including pent up energy and aggression, which is why certain places do not allow chaining for extended periods of time. Also, while certain breeds of dog may well be better suited for guard work, there is a difference between dogs that are properly trained and bred for such a purpose versus dogs who are not.
Bandog can certainly be a pit cross, making it even bigger...nice...

Sue- Read again. Pits do not make Bandogs bigger, the Mastiff blood does.
Exactly what I meant, when I said...a Pit CROSS...

I just wanted to bring it to the attention of the others...because it really could be a Pit cross, AND still be a Bandog, the inference on that site, is that it cannot be...