Tease Looking Close? Maybe? Hopefully?

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Another night of anticipation, waiting for Tease to keep on teasing. I hope you are feeling better Kay and I have everything crossed for a safe delivery.
4:12 here :(5:12 Tease time). Cam is blackish-is it on? I'll keep checking back. There is going to be a lot of us really attached to this foal, isn't there
Russ is too chicken to check her udder and I am feeling pretty bad again. Its like 1 step forward 3 steps back. I havent been this sick in years. I swear Im not normally such a wuss when I get sick.

We are supposed to have an even worse storm hitting in a few hours. High wind, hail etc. Just what Ohio doesnt need. Hoping the wind doesnt take the cam down.

I was thinking of Baxters Painted Anticipation if its a filly but I am open to ideas.

It just so reminds me of the movie ground hog day when I just keep watching her and watching her and ..................

I had a physic reading done (more for fun than anything else) and she said we would have a foal born this year with very unusual markings. Well the last two are minimal pintos with no body white. Does kinda make you wonder and makes me want to see this foal even more LOL
Well-if you've got the movie (Groundhog Day) and are needing to be down and rest (and it sounds like you should)
grab a pen and paper a take name - notes! I think I'm sorry I made the suggestion of Stormchaser if you are getting another one!
I hope this storm passes you by; don't wish it on others either. Life!!
Painted Pastures Endless Anticipation.

Just checked in and there she is getting ''beautified", having her udder checked and enjoying a visit from the cat. Did she fill you in on her plans for tonight (or in my case today)?
Forced myself to go out. Her back end is softer than ever but she still has no udder. I talked to my neighbor about it as its really bugging me but she said shes probably one of those mares that wont fill up until right before she foals or right after. I have only had 1 mare in all the years I have been doing this foal without an udder. But as you can see in the pics shes very swollen right in front of her udder. Strange

Oh I like that "endless anticipation"!
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I dont think we will see a foal until the weekend. But I am too paranoid now not to watch LOL. Especially with these extreme temp changes. ughhhh
2.00 am cam time and she is standing statue!

2.30 am and she is hoovering her stall
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Could she be anymore relaxed!!!! I am watching her again since 2.30 Tease Time and she has only been eating and sleeping.
Will this hacking cough ever end? Okay Ill stop whining. Im trying to drink enough coffee to go feed.

We have cut her feed back and she is not happy about it. Because we thought she was due weeks ago I had already increased her feed. Now shes getting a really fat neck so she is cut back some and not happy! I feel her pain as I am not a fan of diets either lol.

Tease will be out terrorizing the other horses outside today. If more storms hit again she will be back in early.

I dont know why but I keep feeling like she will foal on Sat.
Woman's intuition? or else wishful thinking! Maybe these storms have to get spent out first. Hope you don't have any bad ones. Mother nature seems to be having PMS this year! (oops, maybe I shouldn't insult her).
We are so flooded its not even funny anymore. Poor Feature has been at Sally's farm now for 2 months as we only have a couple stalls left that are not wet. We keep running fans and digging moats but with this much rain its just impossible.

I am happy to say she is finally getting a big tight udder! I was kinda shocked this morning because I am so used to feeling it being small and flabby. This morning its finally big and somewhat tight.

Surely we are nearing the end finally!
I am just so dang relieved to see some udder going on. My neighbor had shots on standby just in case but its always a better feeling to finally see some forward progression.

Yes I get those hacking fits where I can barely breath! Scared hubby last night I had such a bad one I about turned purple.

Guess this stuff is making the rounds. My poor sister (lives in ks) went on vacation and came down with the same exact thing. I feel so bad for her. As bad as this is I would rather have it at home than on a pricey vacation to captiva island!

Maybe I am not far off thinking Sat?
Glad you are feeling a bit better Kay - yes the cough can be a killer (and also embarrassing!) Mine seems to strike without warning, usually as I open my mouth to say something of importance to someone - worse if it is a stranger/shop assistant - I take a breath and away I go! Tickle, tickle goes my throat as I struggle for breath and rush, tears streaming, for a tap, any tap, so I can gulp some water before the whole situation gets totally out of hand - why does it never happen when I'm on my own, or rarely, but always at embarrassing times/places. But I have to admit to feeling better, no energy yet, but better, but this coming Saturday will be 4 weeks so it's about bl**dy time! LOL!!

Do you think my Saturday date might be a certain foal's BIRTH DAY???

Just when I think things are looking up I have a major case of pink eye. Seriously?!!!! Im gonna run away. well as soon as she foals lol.


Im trying to go check her but my eye is almost swollen shut and killing me
OH MY! I have been quietly following this thread and waiting for you to announce a new foal and feeling sorry for your rotten luck with first being flat out exhausted and then getting sick on top of it, but this is just too much.
I wish I could send you a change of luck. Hope the eye clears up promptly, that little mare gets down to business and you can get some rest.
I've been following too

Hope your feeling better soon

Sick and marestare must be a terrible combination

Tease is certainly earning her name hope she foals soon so you can rest.

I must say she is entertaining to watch LOL


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