Tease Looking Close? Maybe? Hopefully?

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Its a good thing she is heavily in foal or we would have to have a come to God meeting LOL. She almost got me good tonight. I cannot believe she acts like this when she was born here and has her udder touched since she was an hour old. She has apparently forgot everything she learned in 4 years.

My eyes are finally much better today. Its my first day without sunglasses! Im so excited. It got old living in the dark. Thank you so much for asking
Glad to hear that you are better. Now if we could get Tease going.
Tease-your ratings will be dropping if you don't put on a show soon-LOL!
Shes about to lose her owner if she doesnt foal soon! lol
Okay, Kay. Everyone, we heard it here first! If Tease doesn't foal, she'll be up for grabs -- so we'll all place our bids here, since it seems obvious that Kay is getting ready to let her go!

Any opening bids???? Personally, I primarily breed appaloosas, but for HER, I'll make an exception!

Of course, we'll still help the new owner watch! We're all pretty addicted to her, and she's so beautiful, it's imperative we ALL see her foal!


Kay, I hate to tell you, but she looks pretty comfortable again tonight, just standing in the corner with just her head showing in the cam. Playing the perfect statue once again! But don't worry, because if you have to let her go, I'm SURE one of us will happily adopt her............


Just Kidding!! Come on Tease!!











FOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALREADY!!!
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Come on Tease, it's time! Kay, I am glad to hear you are feeling better.
I will make a bid even though I don't normally buy ugly horses
I will make an exception for Tease

It is 1.25am and getting near to Tease's tantrum time, I wander what she will do tonight?

(just kidding Kay, I will have a horse like her in my dreams!)
How can you get mad at her Kay....she's just making sure your eyes are perfect and you have your 20/20 vision back....so you can see why she's taking her time....she wants you to be able to see her wildly FILLY the minute it arrives. It will be tomorrow night....Im sure of it.
Cant believe its 3 AM almost and am still watching the paint dry...in my little barn and at Teases place. Do you still have horses of your own to watch too Diane.... I dont know how you all do it.
4.22 Tease time and still not a budge. When I tuned in this morning I was hoping to see a little action a a couple of hrs later and she is laid down looking very relaxed. Oh well she will keep us in suspence another day at a least
YEP! We all definitely are addicted to Tease.
I think she has a lot of foster families out here now-so if you ever need a "horsesitter" Kay; you have a real crew available! I have to laugh reading this WHOLE thread over and over; everyone keeps saying how it will be tonight, tomorrow night, soon etc. What's the saying-'Hope springs eternal'!!!
(Wish I could find and figure out how to use all those other neat emoticons every uses-darn, I'm computer ignorant!).
YEP! We all definitely are addicted to Tease.
I think she has a lot of foster families out here now-so if you ever need a "horsesitter" Kay; you have a real crew available! I have to laugh reading this WHOLE thread over and over; everyone keeps saying how it will be tonight, tomorrow night, soon etc. What's the saying-'Hope springs eternal'!!!
(Wish I could find and figure out how to use all those other neat emoticons every uses-darn, I'm computer ignorant!).
No kidding! Even though I haven't posted, I've been watching tease all night every night sense Kay posted... May 7th I think it said?

She is a part of my routine now!
You are right about becoming addicted. I started watching her when it was 'day 340" and tought I would miss it as we went out of town for the Memorial Day weekend and I had no internet to watch. But, lo and behold, when I got home and she still had not foaled. I actually had a dream last night, with my laptop next to my bed, that she was foaling and tried to wake up my husband to watch. But it was just wishful dreaming....

I hope tonight is the night because I am really tired....:)

Good luck with the foaling...and if you can, please video tape it. I really want to see it and don't know if I will catch it. We had 2 mini mares that were supposed to foal this year (both had confirmed US) but now neither of them is pregnant....a little interesting to me but we are trying to breed them again but have to wait 11 months!n
I feel so bad about the date screw up! I am so dang careful just to avoid this exact situation but like her mother, she sure fooled me. I finally got a good look at her udder today and it looks to me like she still has some days before shes ready. I just get so paranoid with maiden mares because they dont always bag up first. I know her back legs are getting really wobbly. I thought I had this all planned out so all 3 would be born before show season. NOT.

The good thing is that huge bulge in front of her udder is now finally going down into her udder. So I guess we are making a little progress
I finally am starting to feel like myself. I finally got the eye infection under control and dont have to wear sunglasses all day inside. I will never take my eyes for granted again! Rusty said I am finally starting to look like myself again. Thanks so much for caring.

My new ad

One free tovero mare that refuses to foal. Due sometime in 2011? Big as a house and mean as a snake. Back is wide enough to set a dinner table for two.


The suspense at this point is about to kill me
Okay decided to do a guess the date and time contest on FB. We wanted to thank everyone for their help and have some fun. Its been a long watch!!!!
Oh the poor girl she is huge although not as dropped as I thought she looked on the barn cam. I just love her though and if she is going for free I will take first dibs

Glad you are feeling better and seeing better although I laughed when you said you thought it was your eyes that were blurry and not the camera

C'mon on Tease the joke is over now
Between 4.30 and 5.30 a.m. I thought we were finally going to see some action. Tease was down a lot and did not even once stand in her favourite spot. But perhaps she had just changed her schedule to keep her viewers interested.

Or perhaps this is all a huge confidence trick being prepetrated upon us all by one very pretty, but devious little mare.

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