Sunny's Pregnancy and Foaling Thread

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Sunny is doing well and other than being a bit more fussy and uncomfortable last night she's about the same. She's doing well this morning and seems to be progressing a little each day. Poor thing must really be running out of room in her tummy as the past couple days she has been eating very little of her hay and doesn't finish her grain (she comes back to it later and finishes it). The past two nights she's been pushing the hay and straw up into one corner and balling it up into a big pile and leaving it, I'm not quite sure what she thinks she's doing.

Here's pics taken yesterday 3/24-



And pics. today 3/25-




Oh yes, I can see the change - she has been shopping again!!

Yes she may well eat less or smaller amounts at this stage as the foal fills the space in her tummy. Keep plenty of hay in front of her but make her feeds little and often. Are you still able to take her out for her walks and possible grass like you used to, or have you now got the larger space that you were planning? It is so important that pregnant mare have regular exercise and I cant remember what you said that you would be organising at your place.

I cant wait to see what Sunny has - I just know it is going to be very special though.
I can't wait to see Sunny's foal... I am hoping for a palomino
wow good change overnight! good girl Sunny!

as the others have said I cannot wait to see what this lovely girl has!! yippee!

you must be getting so excited now!
Anna C- I've been turning her out in Spirit's and Ruckus' big pen which has lots of room to roam around. I have to turn Sunny out alone and than put the boys in her outside pen because she doesn't get along with them at all and tries to get into kicking matches with them, I don't want them trying to figure out who's boss while she's pregnant and until baby is weaned. So yes, she has the opportunity to roam around- although she actually moves around more when in her small pen, she'll walk back and forth and in and out- but when she's out in the big pen she will eat the hay I have out for her and spends the rest of the time standing next to the boys. But if she wants to, the room is there for her to run around in.
Yup I'm VERY excited to see what she has
Can't wait! You guys think we could still have another month or couple weeks to go? It drives me CRAZY not having a due date!
Sunny's doing well today, not a whole lot of change the past couple days.

This afternoon she does have more of a bag than she usually does for this time of day, it's been shrinking up during the day while she's out but this afternoon it's hasn't shrunk up as much as it usually does-






It sounds as though you have it well sorted, and yes it is better to keep the boys (even geldings) away from pregnant mares. I only mentioned turnout space because exercise is obviously good for all horses, but with brood mares, it is essential. But a lot of them do get a bit lazy towards the end of their pregnancy and need to be encouraged to go take some exercise. LOL!!
Oooooo she certainly is progessing!! I would guess two to three weeks - but with a maiden I'm afraid you just never know!
Sunny's still pregnant and progressing well but someone else decided to make an appearance! One of the other mares that Sunny came with (she belongs to my boyfriends mom) decided to have her baby today! She had a TINY filly! My boyfriend's mom is gone, left yesterday, for a spring break vacation, so I've been taking care of her horses for her. This morning when I fed I checked the mare, nothing exciting- no V, no relaxed behind, no wierd behavior, she only had about 1/2 full udder, her nipples were still tucked up- did NOT give me a warning she was getting ready to foal today. I went out at about 4pm and found a tiny little filly walking around, completely dry, and nursing. Mom and baby are doing well, foal has been eating, pooped and was sleeping soundly when I left. She was a little chilly so I put a blanket on her that I had for Sunny's foal (I had two blankets just in case!

So what color do you think she is? Same sire as Sunny's unborn foal, I posted pics of him at the beginning of this thread, he's solid black. Mom is a chestnut pinto. Think she'll turn black? No dorsal and no white.

No pictures without the blanket yet, she was cold so I put it on first thing and didn't want to take it off for pictures so she can keep warm. This is a mini newborn foal blanket I got from and it's still too big for this lil' girl, she's itty bitty!





Both Sunny and this mare were turned in with the stud at the same time so Sunny shouldn't be too far behind, alright Sunny your turn!!!
oh she is just lovely! wow another surprise!! I'm no good with colours of foals but looks like she could be dark like her daddy!

yeah good idea about the foal blanket! they are the best!

I got a small dog blanket for my foal when he was a newborn. found it really good.

keep us update on Sunny and your new little girl!
Oh she's just so very cute!! Many congrats on the new little girl.

Please can I ask you to take the mare's headcollar off asap - some awful accidents happen with foals getting their legs hooked in their Momma's headcollars.

Cant wait for more pics once it gets warm enough to take her blankie off. Sorry I'm useless with colours so no help in that respect!
Aww! Congrats! She snuck a very cute one!
Sunny had a decent sized bag this morning, compared to how it's been. She's doing more belly kicking and tail swishing at night, I'm assuming she doesn't like the way her bag feels when it's filling.

Here's some pics from this morning....




Congrats she is a real little cutie. Sunny is progressing well so I doubt it will be long now.