standing stalls

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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2004
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ok hope I explain this right,I need some of your great photos of anyone out there who has small walk in stalls just for standing in while they wait till it is their turn for grooming and they can be fed their grain in there as well.I have 2 big stalls and want to convert one into 4 standing areas (like the big horses have in a barn to wait in)I feed their hay on the ground but need 4 small ones so they each have their own area to eat their grain in or they steal from each others and if I have to give medicine to one the others can not get to it.

The floor in my barn is dirt , will try later for a photo of the inside but my camera hates the cold and it is so cold here it will not work.

Any one with photos out there on what it looks like - I am pretty good at following what a photo looks like rather than typing the specks. thanks guys
Are you thinking of tying them up??

I think that would be the easiest way of doing it.....
Are you thinking of tying them up??I think that would be the easiest way of doing it.....
Yes but for only when needed,it would not be an over night thing because my guys go in and out of the barn on their choice and only have a haulter on when I am there. - I think it would be the size of what some have in their horse trailer - enough room for mini and a person to stand beside and a butt chain so they can not back out till I release the butt chain.

I can tie them in their own corners but they hit each others butt and turn sideways
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not sure how your barn is made but i've often hung sheets of plywood to the rafters in the barn at the intervals that i want. they swing but work great and you can take them down. you can either use a whole 4' wide sheet of plywood and hang it so they can't look over at each other or you can cut it down and just use narrower strips.... for most mini's 4' is fairly high anyhow but you can hang it higher off the ground if you need more. doesn't take much effort to put them up ect. I drill holes in the wood to attach the rope or chain that i'm using to hang it.

if your rafters aren't exposed you could put I rings in the ceiling to hold them up by.

if you want to reduce the swing you can put I's in the wall and attach one side to the wall with rope or chain and do ropes or chains by the butts. I've never had any problems with them having swing but it's a way to reduce it. it's a great easy way to make stalls that are temporary so if you want to reuse your big stall later you don't have to rip out nails ect and the plywood is easy to replace if you have a chewer or if they get damaged down the road.

ohh more reason i do it like this and LIKE swinging dividers is because you can swing them over a little to walk by the mini's if you need to get up by their head and often the mini in the next stall over will either move over or already had that space there...where if you have a fixed divider you either need to make your stalls wider so you can walk in or it is difficult to get by ect.
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There is a farm behind us that the former owners raised Morgan. In each field they had what I would call feeding sheds. Each one was a small covered shed enclosed on three sides. The shed was divided by plank walls that went above head level. Each horse had his own "feeding slot" the space was just big enough for the horse but not big enough for them to turn around or another horse to get in ( As in it was pretty tight) Each horse knew his "slot". They had to back out ( so it made it an effort to play musical stalls) and the space was small enough another horse could not bully his way in. It seemed to work well for them. Sorry I dont have any pictures
What about using portable panels to make your standing stalls, they wouldn't be permanent and you could arrange them any way you needed.
Cattle panels are great. They are long and you can cut them to size and tie them up. I actually use big horse panels. I downsized my round pen after just working the minis in it. So I had 4 panels left. Made 2 temp. feeding stalls out of them by using my fenceline in a corner. But in the barn, we generally use cattle panels for temp. things.
I don't seperate my horses. They each have their own feed pan and I can put them in a tight circle and they don't bother anyon elses feed. I always start with hay so when the grain comes out they are not super hungery. I don't use deviders.
Check this out, I remembered Clinton Anderson's barn with tie stalls.


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