Something isn't right with my cat

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Jess P

Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
New Hampshire
This all started on Tuesday.

We found the remains of some sort of creature (probably a chipmunk) on our deck and we immediately knew it was from my cat who is the expert hunter. We brought our new dog home that day and we noticed my cat was acting pretty strangely. She was very slow and tilted her head to the side and would just meow slowly. We thought she just wasn't feeling well because of what she ate. We let her outside and she layed behind a bush for a few hours until she came in and looked/acted better.

Yesterday she was walking around with her tail swooped to the side like it was almost broken. She also seemed like she didn't want to sit down.

Today I guess she was having some problems walking with her front legs.

I am thinking it was something to do with whatever she ate and may be neurological? She is over 10 years old.
Take her to the vet...FAST! Perhaps she has a bone caught sideways in her mouth/throat, thus causig her to hold her head sideways to relieve the pressure. GOOD LUCK!
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I agree she should see a vet ASAP.

Some things that sprang to my mind as to what could be wrong are an abscessed tooth or an ear infection.
She isn't tilting her head anymore. That was the first day. She seems to be changing everyday. Sometimes she is fine, other times she has something weird going on with her limbs.

I am going to talk to my mom about the vet. She isn't really big on going to the vet's unless it is extremely important (not like this isn't).
One time one of our Shih-Tzu's, Willow, was walking in circles and couldn't really move right. She'd been acting depressed for a couple of days, however, we had just gotten a new King size bed and she and our other shih-tzu's sleep on the bed with us. I thought she was upset about the new bed and that had depressed her. Then when she was walking in circles, I thought she had a brain tumor! It turned out to only be an ear infection. I hope it is something similar and easily fixed with your cat.
I'm going to have to go with a trip to the veterinarian.

No way I could guess what's going on there, as Mona said, could be a bone lodged in the airway (they can really work their way in bad if they are sharp), an abscess, ear mites, worms, infection or illness of a multitude of types.

Good luck and let us know what they discover.

I would give your mom a push on this one.......take your 10 year old kitty to the vet!

There is something definitely NOT right.

I got through to her !!

We are calling tomorrow (Mom has to work tonight) so we can see if we can get her in there tomorrow.

I honestly do not think it is anything with her ears or mouth. She doesn't feel well on the inside.
Sounds like she got something from the the remains of some sort of creature (probably a chipmunk) on your deck.

If possible try to take her temperture, cats can be hard to handle, need a helper.

Have you seen her go to the bathroom, check her kitty litter if possible.

Good Luck tomorrow, hope everything works out OK
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Has she had her vaccines? I hope.

Has anything chemical been sprayed around the area she frequents?

Some chemicals can cause things that you describe. Had a tiny poodle who was very sick from ant spray! She had absorbed thru pads of feet and became almost paralized. Took meds and a few days but she got thru it. Sounds like something is definately needing attention.
Sounds like it could be any number of things, as side from what others mentioned...she may have had a stroke or been hit by a car. Keep us posted.
She has had her vaccines,

We use no chemicals besides lyme for the lawn but we did that a day or two after we noticed her acting funny.

She is lethargic right now. We will see how she is tomorrow and will bring her to the vet.
:new_shocked: Could be a stroke, My old man cat had one a couple of yers ago. He pulled through but has never been normal again.
She is going in to the vet at 1:30.

This morning I noticed her meows were softer and quieter (She is a very loud, annoying cat) and she was shaking slightly when she moved. We fed her some wetfood and after that she was dragging her hind leg as if it were paralyzed or fast asleep.

I don't know how much testing we can afford so we will see.
Back from the vet.

She really doesn't know whats wrong either. We tested her for feline leukemia and AIDS, both negative.

It is possibly toxoplasmosis, which we started her on meds for,

a brain tumor,

or rabies which I doubt.

So really only time will tell.
I hope she's going to be okay!!!

The slight possibility of rabies really scares me for you.
It scares me too. We have her alone in my brother's room with a litterbox and food. This is so we can make sure she doesn't show any signs of it. If she gets worst it probably means euthanasia so they can test her bran cells.
Oh I really hope she is ok and recovers quickly! I'm having kitty problems right now too, while on vacation two of our cats (indoor) escaped through a second story window! We just found the one a couple of minutes ago, he was hiding behind our neighbors garage and is perfectly fine just very hungary. We are still looking for the other one though! I hope both our cats turn out alright!

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