Showing a Late Foal

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Sep 26, 2008
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I have a mare that is due to foal in late 2011, probably October. I know the foal will be considered a yearling in January of 2012. What I'm wanting to know from all of you who have experience with showing minis in halter is how difficult will it be to have a foal born that late in the year to compete against other yearlings obviously many months older? Would the foal have a chance at any success at all, provided it is a show quality baby, or would it not be worth it to even spend the time and money on showing this baby because of the differences in age, height and maturity?


Manely Minis in Texas
It depends on your show season. If you have early shows, your baby won't be as well-trained as older yearlings will be (they just plain have short attention spans, not their faults even if they are good). They also won't be as filled out and will be at a different stage of their "yearling uglies" so you will just have to wait and see. Some lines mature faster or slower than others, too.

The advantage you have is that your little one will measure in smaller than others much older.

The disadvantage will come also if you are in the Futurity, and want to drive. I am very much against driving horses that are too young. Driving a three-year-old that is much closer to two, I wouldn't do it, but others do so I guess it's up to you.

Generally, any foals I've had born that late in the year, I hold out of the show ring until they are 2 year olds. Mentally and physically, they are not ready for extensive training/conditioning/showing as a young yearling. But, as a 2 yr old, they've generally caught up and do quite well.
I agree with Becky on that you may possibly have to wait until the foal is two years old to catch up. However, just watch your foal, it might be that by the time you have some late summer shows he or she will look just fine. Yearlings will go through some stages sometimes where they look gangly or are high in the rear until their front end catches up with the rest of them to even out the topline. If your foal looks gangly in the late spring or early summer, and you really want to try him at the shows, then I would try him on body builder supplement to help him fill out where he needs it for a while to help him develop of course Its expensive but really works well. First of all keep him on a really good quality feeding program to help him develop that way.

So you will be able to show him, its just a matter of time on when he will catch up to the others.
Thanks everyone for your advice! Wasn't planning on showing this one until mid to late summer shows of his/her yearling year but I may just wait until the 2 yr. old year. Was just wondering if it was even possible if the foal turned out really nice. I wouldn't show him/her if it was at all stressful on the little tyke. My minis are my pets FIRST, show horses second.

Thanks again for your help!

Manely Minis

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