Rottweilers and mini's

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2005
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Long story short.

We've been burgled while on vacation. Our cattle dog was locked in a small room with no food or water for 5 days by the thieves and left there to die (luckily she didn't!!!!). No one knew she was there. ...Mini's are 100% safe and sound and our pet sitter knew nothing about the house being broken into.

Here's the long and short. I NEED a protection dog that will deter anyone from coming onto our property that will be safe around my tiny (oh so precious) horses. I feel so violated. My cattle dogs bark like crazy but they aren't protection dogs. WHich is why one ended up being locked in a room all week.

Does anyone else have suggestions for a breed that will protect our place (as much as can be expected - at least as a deterent) and be safe with my ponies.

Thank you.

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I've only ever really known one rottweiler, and he was very good with horses including minis. He was actually like a big clown and while he looked mean, he was just basically a goober of a dog
Oh please oh please don't get a rottweiler! We had a neighbor with a rottweiler....he wanted to buy a mini from us for his kids but I said no. He got one from somewhere else and I later found out the dog killed AND ate the mini. We also have a friend that before she started in minis had a rottweiler. The rott ONLY liked her so she had to kennel her if anyone else came to the house and she had to have a special fence put around the pens already set up for her horses because the dog bit one.

Get a COLLIE!!!!! We've had 2 collies now and they are the best dogs you could ever ever ever ask for! Not only are they extremely sweet and loving (and amazing at helping to catch those horses that don't like to be caught) but they are smart and know when people who are at the house shouldn't be. We are next to a highway and we get a lot of car accident people that come to our house for help. Once a man came in the middle of the night and asked to come in and use the phone. He was little odd and I opened the door to let him in but my collie layed in the doorway and growled and would NOT let him in the house. I handed him the phone through the door and then locked it. The cops came and said he was drunk and had hit someone else and was trying to flee.

Hope this helps you out. and I'm glad you and your pets are all right!
I can confirm that Collie's are great with horses and great watch dogs. I love mine, Kelsey, so much! Several members here do have collies and Mary Lou has one as well... hers is colored kind of like mine but is a boy and is short haired.

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I am so sorry about your little dog. If you would like to take a look at my website (under my signature) you can go to Lakota's page.....we could'nt have asked for a better guardian! She's a Cane Corso....prounounced "Connie Corso".
The friend that used to have the rottweiler now has a big slobbery english mastiff...and she's great with the horses! Very big but she's oh so sweet and looks pretty darn scary when she's protecting her babies (the minis!).

My collie is a gorgeous sable and white...with long hair! Too smart for her own good sometimes
: She now sleeps in my bed with me...sometimes I wake up and she has the covers AND my pillow!! But I'll always feel safe with her around.
No guarentee with any dog breed, especially if someone wants to break in.

They must of known what they where doing :new_shocked:
Thanks guys, this is the help I needed. The mini's safety comes before anything else so I won't risk a breed that could be great with them - but also, may not be.

Maggie, our ACD will be fine. She was dehydrated and hungry, scared and frustrated. She just about tore the room apart trying to find a way out. They police already have names and leads and loads of finger prints...oh and get this...take about getting onto "America's dumbest crooks" show on T.V. These guys stole my sons camera..took pictures of themselves partying here, drinking beer, in the hot tub etc and then FORGOT to take the camera !!!!!!!!!!! Today we printed pictures out for the cops while they were here !!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I'm in touch with animal control and they are going after them for animal endangerment or whatever the charge will be.

Thank GOODNESS they didn't touch the horses.

Next time we go away even for a night I'm paying for someone to stay here and sleep.

I'll look up the breeds suggested. Thanks.
Our cattle dog was locked in a small room with no food or water for 5 days by the thieves and left there to die (luckily she didn't!!!!). No one knew she was there. ...Mini's are 100% safe and sound and our pet sitter knew nothing about the house being broken into.
Sorry that you guys had to go through such an ordeal...that poor little dog! :new_shocked: But I have to wonder just what this "pet-sitter" was actually doing? Obviously not pet-sitting if they hadn't seen the dog for five days...and it didn't ring a bell? HELLO!! :eek: :no: :no:

An excellent idea...having someone to stay in. We do that whenever possible. I'd rather pay someone to eat my groceries...than worry about the animals.
We have Rottis and Pits and ANY dog is dangerous if not trained propperly. ANY breed dog is safe if taught well/ Goodluck and sorry your poor dog was locked up, and thank god she is ok. Sorry about being robbed also.
I'm sorry to hear about your break-in and your poor dog's ordeal. I hope those guys are caught and put away!

An excellent type of dog for horses and other livestock are Livestock Guardian Dogs. These include (but are not limited to) Anatolian Shepherds, and Great Pyrenees. These dogs live with the animals they are guarding. That wouldn't really help your house to protected unless your fencing surrounded your house, but it would give you more peace of mind about the safety of your horses. I think that your idea of having a house-sitter is an excellent one-- a human can call 911!
Sorry that you guys had to go through such an ordeal...that poor little dog! :new_shocked: But I have to wonder just what this "pet-sitter" was actually doing? Obviously not pet-sitting if they hadn't seen the dog for five days...and it didn't ring a bell? HELLO!! :eek: :no: :no:

Sorry I didn't make myself clear. The house was broken into at approx 10.30pm. When the sitter came to feed at 8.00am the next morning the gate was left wide open (the chain was off) and the dog was missing so she knew right away. She posted flyers all over, called the pound, called neighbors and of course called us. We called the pound (daily) managed to e-mail a pic of the dog, called neighbors, everyone was looking for "maggie". Neighbors searched our area to see if the dog was lying somewhere hurt. No one thought to check the inside of the house, as all of the blinds were closed no one could see in. The thieves jimmied (sp) a window to come in and left through the front door, closing it behind them. Everyone was looking for a run away one suspected for one second that she was "dognapped" in her own house (to stop her from barking I guess) :no:

We have Rottis and Pits and ANY dog is dangerous if not trained propperly. ANY breed dog is safe if taught well/ Goodluck and sorry your poor dog was locked up, and thank god she is ok. Sorry about being robbed also.
I agree with that...and whatever we get will go through training classes (and be a family pet) Our 2 ACD's are awesome watch dogs. Great with the horses and bark like crazy with anything gets near (which is why maggie got shut stop her from being heard). I guess I'm just feeling vulnerable today. I want it all...a dog great with horses but who will eat first and ask questions later if someone uninvited comes calling.

Maybe a house sitter is the easier way to go.

Thanks all.
To be honest, start laughing now! We have 6 dogs total Rottis, Pits etc. We also have a Corgi! LUCKY the lil rug rat will be the 1st one to clamp on anyones ankle who doesn't belong on the farm. LOL THey others scare the crap out of intruders, BUT someone tried to steal a Peacock once and it was my Corgi that bit. LOL :aktion033: :eek: :new_shocked:
: that lil mutt!

I hate when people violate your land, home property. The feeling is horrible. HUGS
I would highly recommend an Anotolian or a Great Pyrnese, or a cross of both. We live in a very remote area and have had a lot of trouble with prowlers at other neighbors homes - our Pyr was enough to deter anyone from even thinking about comming into our place. Unfortunately we had to put Toby down last week due to old age and cancer - his replacemnt is only 9 mos but is already patrolling the fence-line and making known his precense. I like the fact that these dogs don't chase the horses, are bonded to both the horses and also me and do a wonderful job of protecting both.
I have known several ACD's that were pretty good watch dogs. Unless you want something that is going to do more than bark a lot, I am not sure what you expect, and then you have the liability of a biting dog.

Any dog can be dangerous, but this break in almost sounds like someone who somewhat knew the dogs and knew you were gone also. As for the pet sitter, if the gate was left open and the chain gone, she didnt check the house area??? Didnt notice that someone had been there? Sounds like they left a mess. This doesnt sound like someone just passing by and decided to break in- they had more knowledge than that. The pet sitter should have called police when she found the gate open and chain off- I would have, knowing that SOMEone had been there. The police could have searched the house as well, to make sure it was safe and someone was not hiding there. She is lucky that she didnt encounter something worse as well- like thieves in the middle of a robbery. It could have had a much different ending.

Yep, I think this should be submitted to the show Americas Dumbest... when it's all over- that was pretty darned stupid!! I hope they get caught and get what they deserve!! They weren't after your horses, just being idiots- thank heavens it wasn't worse than it was!!

P.S. Just edited to note (and I'm sure I'll get beat up over this one) I have never known a Rottie that was even very good around people, let alone livestock. My obedience class years ago had two that were both finally kicked out. Our neighbors had one that after biting a kid, they failed to keep it secured and it leaped into the face of a neighbor when the owner answered the front door and ripped her face. Doggie was permanently removed then. Few other stories as well, but I am just not real impressed....
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Thanks all.

I think I'll stick with my very noisy ACD's they have never bothered the horses (being stock dogs) and do bark like crazy. You're right, I don't want a dog to bite some poor visiting kid :new_shocked: and I sure don't think crooks come with a sign identifying them. I'd love a GP I will look into them. 'Til then I'll fire my pet sitter (not that this was her fault ) and hire someone to stay here full time next time we go away even if it's just my 17 year old son and a couple of buddies (which isn't going to be for a while)

Oh here's one more "for the idiot books"...not only did we get photos of some of them...the house they chose to "intrude and rob" is owned by myself and hubby. Hubby retired 10 years ago. His position when he retired was Dayshift Commander of Robbery and Homicide with the Portland Police Division. These guys are SUNK ! :aktion033:

Got their faces.

Got their prints

Got a retired cop with time on his hands feeling very violated

Oh and "yes" the feeling of having someone in your house taking your "stuff" is just horrible.

Oh dear!!! Yep, boy are they STUPID!!

We were broken into once years ago, and I dont think that feeling of violation EVER goes away really!! The shock and anger subsides somewhat but it just always leaves a feeling in the pit of your stomache!! I'm so sorry you guys had to come home to that!!

Go get 'em!! :new_2gunsfiring_v1: :xbud:
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Oh dear!!! Yep, boy are they STUPID!!

We were broken into once years ago, and I dont think that feeling of violation EVER goes away really!! The shock and anger subsides somewhat but it just always leaves a feeling in the pit of your stomache!! I'm so sorry you guys had to come home to that!!

Go get 'em!! :new_2gunsfiring_v1: :xbud:
Thanks. Yup it's heartbreaking. Loosing the "innocence" is the worst feeling. We keep finding things that are missing as we are clearing up. Got a call from the deputy assigned to the case and they've already got a kid spilling names. Apparently it was teenagers. They met in town and said..."Drew's out of town and so are his parents...lets go party!" Can't get a better smoking gun. Can't get the naievity (sp) back either though.

Just can't stop hugging my dog. For 5 days we thought she was gone forever

Truth be told..'ain't nowhere like home. Especially when mini's live there :bgrin
Here are our Rottie's as pups. They are the best pair. They were raised with horses, kids, minis, peacocks, chicks,GUineas, ducks etc It really is not the breed that is the problem.


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