Reiki, Bonnie and other blessings

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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[SIZE=14pt]Many of you know that I have blown out my knee and am scheduled for surgery in September. About a month ago I contacted Bonnie for some Reiki help.... after that I became a Reiki 1 practitioner. In that months time I have been doing Reiki on my knee and I have had phenominal results according to my surgeon and therapists. At that visit a month ago I only had 78 degrees of bend in my knee. My visit yesterday was 125 degrees and I was able to put my heel down to the table! I was also able to walk three laps around the clinic WITHOUT a brace! God be praised for his healing mercies. We are now looking at the possibility of NOT doing the surgery but rather just having me wear a brace for support when working with the animals.[/SIZE]

Esther has been having really a terrible time not having a "job" to do. She has broken out in a rash and everything.... she is under my feet constantly as if she wants to be in harness and I have been afraid of falling over her and I have been short with her a few times telling her to move! Bonnie spoke with her last night and explained to her that she needed not to be underfoot or our partnering again would be longer in coming back if I fell over her. I tried to make her understand that myself but apparently my frustration with the situation was all she could hear. She has been scratching herself raw from nerves. Today she has not been under foot unless I call her thanks to Bonnie teling her that she needed to stay away from me unless I call her. Bonnie also said that Esther is a bit jealous of Robby (which I knew) and that "the short person stinks and is noisy alot"! I had to laugh at that because that is right on! She also asked me if Esther was panting alot at times and I said yes that I was worried that she had something health wise going on but Bonnie said no , that there was a spirit horse, a pinto mare with a foal that comes around and she gets anxious when that happens like she should be doing something about or for that horse. That the mare feels security here and cant quite leave yet. My Fancy was a dapple and white mare who had a red and white pinto filly that died and she died herself 10 days later. I had felt like she was still around at times but this confirmed it for me. Bonnie said she will come less and less..... That sort of makes me sad but I dont want her to think she has to stay here for me. She was sick a long time and I was convinced that she was hanging on for me and the day I released her , she left a couple hours later. Sorry this has been so long but it was a lot to say, the evening was quite eventful and , today Esther is quiet and staying out from under my feet! Thats a miracle. I am telling her several times today that her "job" isnt gone....she is just on administrative leave or a vacation of sorts till I am well enough to be a team again.

Thanks Bonnie and Thank you God.

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As a "believer" and Reiki practioner I know what you mean Lyn, how about you do some reiki on Esther for her itching, remember it is great for the 2 and the 4 footed. Keep it up, you'll become addicted to helping and healing like I am!

Am so glad that things with your knee are better. Bonnie does have miracles come to her she has helped me so much with my 2 yr. old colt. Prayers for continued good news.
Lyn i'm so happy your knee is doing better, i'm sure surgery is the last thing you want.

I have to get a reading on coco sometime! Have fun with your Reiki though, i'm a big beleiver in it!

God Bless,


Your post was exciting to read. You are on your way to a whole new way of looking at things and experiencing them.


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