psychic abilities

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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I don't know if psychic is the right word to use, but I had a conversation with someone a few days ago that really really believes in this type of thing....(she is an extremely trustworthy person)

I also remember when I was a little girl, my mother swore that she would get kind of a bad feeling when one of us kids was hurt or not feeling well, when we were not around her, lets say we were in school or something. I heard of this with twins too.

Does anyone else have experience with this or believe that someone can really have these types of abilities?
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Seems like everyone has had ecountes like that. I get DeJa Vu a lot. (sp)
Happens to me all the time - a gut feeling that something isn't right - make a call & sure enough something has gone awry.

Also, regularly think of people, either think about me calling them, or them calling me and almost every time the phone rings and it is that person.

I used to think it was kind of spooky, now I just go with the flow.

The only experience I have with it is my Mother. On several occasions she has called my cell phone right after something bad has happened to me. She will say,"Brandi! Are you ok, I just had this awful feeling something wasn't right with you." The last time it happened I was working at a ranch and I had just finished riding a horse that I shouldn't have been on. I had some troubles with her and got really scared. She was acting up so bad that I had to have another worker get on her to straighten her out. It is always a weird feeling when it happens but pretty cool too
A month before Michael was killed, I had a daydream that I was at his funeral.

I don't know what that was about to this day. It haunts me badly.
I think it is called intuition and women in particular have it. I get some very stong feelings about things and trust it a lot. Mary
Well I can vouch for Stacy. I have talked to her a couple of times and she said she was thinking about me, what she didn't say was if it was good or bad

I know that some people have extra abilities. We could have a BIG discussion on this and other things, like after life experiences ect.

I have GUT feelings on people. Viva it be good or bad, it is always right. It has only steered me wrong twice and unfortunately this last one has been very devastating to our farm. I learned from it however and will listen to my inner self in the future.

And a mothers instinct is the strongest. I always know when something bad happens to the kids or animals or my other half. I have never been wrong unfortunately.

So yes there is ability I believe in everyone but the person has to listen and use the feelings.
I think there are people out there with "abilities". I use my gut feelings a lot, especially about people. So far, I haven't missed yet.
If my gut tells me to stay away, if I don't, I regret it.

I've talked to people that truely do have "it". One told me that all people have the ability but we shut it out as we grow.
Intuition is a powerful sense, if we choose to use it........

Too often it's squashed or not encouraged when we're children. And as the old saying goes...."If you don't use it, you loose it."

In my family, a lot of things w/o easy explainations have happened.

Lots of times (few times a week), I will call my mom just when she's thinking of calling me, or vice versa (mild example).

When I was 8, I had a strange dream. We lived in a townhouse and in the living room, which had a sliding door to the little yard, my dad had built floor to ceiling book shelves. I was very horse obsessed and I had a dream that there was a house out back in the play ground and I brought it into our back yard and then into the living room. In the living room, it kicked out the book shelves My mom had the same dream the same night!

When I was a baby, I had a spell where I would just pitch a fit at bed time to be held. The doctor told my mom and dad to let me cry it out, so they tried. I was pitching my fit and then just stopped and a second later my mom bolted up in her bed (down the hall) and told my dad I was going to jump out of the crib. They ran down the hall but got there right after I had landed on the hardwood floor (concussion).

My parents used to have an old timey radio / stereo cabinet. I still remember it. It was made of wood and had a lid on it, that was to lift up on hinges, but for whatever reason, the hinges had been removed. So, the wooden lid just sat on top of the cabinet which they had been using for storage in their bedroom. This is more than 30 years ago. The cabinet had belonged to my uncle, who wasn't much older than my dad and he and my dad had been roomates. My uncle Mike was a veteran and an alcoholic, which he died from years before this happened. In bed one night, my parents were watching TV and the lid to the cabinet lifted up about two feet and then went back down. They both saw it.

My parents used to have these wicker chairs that were like a cylinder at the bottom. My dad as a joke would sometimes put my cat, Christopher (below) under there and he'd have a fit as it was like a cage. One night, the chair was making a ton of noise and my mom thought Christopher was under there but when she turned the light on, the noise stopped and he was not under there.

Then something with my little sister... she was really lonely when I started school and my mom would try and keep her company, etc. during the day. They were both in the kitchen of that townhouse making cookies. It was POURING rain and they both saw out the window a little boy running from accross the street diagonal heading RIGHT to our front door in the pouring rain. Neither of them said a word but both ran to the front door to let him in. No one was there when they got there. We think it was a ghost coming to play with Robin.

My first pet was a cat. He was supposed to be a girl and I named him Christina, but he turned out to be a Christopher. He is still the stuff of family legend. He died when I was 6yo (hit by a motorcycle). The night he died, I was asleep and our neighbor came and knocked on the door. Without seeing or hearing anything, I "knew" it was Carolyn coming to tell my mom that Scott's dad had hit Christopher and that was what happened. He wasn't killed instantly but did die soon after. The following night as I was falling asleep, I felt him curl up at the foot of my bed and do that paddy paw thing cats do on the blanket.

Additionally, my whole family thinks that the dogs (and maybe the horses) have a way to tell what we're thinking when we haven't said anything to let them know. They just put things together in a way sometimes that makes us think they know we're thinking of doing XYZ and I mean in cases where we haven't done the things we normally do to clue them in that ___________ is about to happen.
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In short--yes I believe in it! I have several possible explanations that I am okay with. The first is that we are only one tiny part of the world around us and it is mighty vain and superior of us to know what is and isn't on every little detail so it is best to keep an open mind. The second is that scientificly we know that we use less than 10% of our brain. If we only KNOW what less than 10% is for then how do we know what we would be capable of if we allowed ourselves to develop the use of other parts for things like the 'psychic' stuff? The third is my mother's way of dealing with things--she believes fully that it is our guardian angels talking with each other and then whispering in our ears. For me--I know I believe in a lot of things that some people don't because of my own experiences. I think that I haven't the foggiest clue of what my creator's plan for us is and I am going to keep an open mind and heart--who knows how much we block out that was intended to be there!


Absolutely. WE are born with the instinct and ability but as we grown humanity smothers it in stuff. If one can believe and remain open anything is possible.
It runs pretty strongly in my family in a variety of ways from precognitive dreams to seeing ghosts and hearing our animals.

It runs pretty strongly in my family in a variety of ways from precognitive dreams to seeing ghosts and hearing our animals.
Same here. My great-grandmother had a trove of stories about her experiences. She had a premonition before my great-uncle died, and my great-aunt had a premonition before she died. My grandfather also had a dream where he was visited by two people that told him it was time to go not long before we lost him. I think that form of "intuition" must be the hardest, especially the "what if's" afterward.

There are a lot of ghost stories in the family, and even I, though skeptical, have had my share of freaky events. My friends think I'm spooky because I'm always singing a song right before it comes on the radio or picking up the phone before it rings. I am constantly having deja vu. But the creepiest was when we found an old grave on one of our farms. The name on the stone had been worn away, though we had birth and death dates (1878-1894). My grandmother took me out to see it, and I bent down and put my hand on it and she said, "What do you think the name is?" And I said, "Ella Preston." I tried to laugh it off, but a few days later we went to the county records office and sure enough, there was a death certificate for Ella Preston with a matching date. *shudder*
It runs pretty strongly in my family in a variety of ways from precognitive dreams to seeing ghosts and hearing our animals.


Runs in our family too.......... I bless my mother for not dismissing experiences, probably because she had an ability herself!

I think it's important for people to journal things that are "unusual". I bet you'll find the experiences are more common than you think.......they just aren't talked about.

Yes it is possible. As a child I thought it was a curse,,,,but now I would not be without it. I do not do the ghost thing...rather a phobia with me. But I can tell a lot about a person and I know when someone wishes me harm..has saved my bacon a few times.

When I haven't listen to it...both times I have gotten hurt. Should of learned the first time.

I got it through both my Grandmothers.....
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Psychic abilities are indeed real.

Here's a question for you guys. This may not be a psychic type thing but it's still kind of weird.Frequently I will hear and read random a word at the same time. Like I'm reading word on a sign while driving and the word is said on the radio at the same moment.Or sometimes I will say a word and the tv says the same thing right then.Not typical words that come up all the time either. I suppose logic would point to it being coincidence but it just feels strange when it happens.

Does anyone else have that happen often?
Too many things happen that have no other explanation. Years ago I had been in a tack shop and just on a whim bought some new rust colored chaps. They were hand made and I just had to have them, even though we were on a budget and it was an expense at the time. I worried about spending the money, and when my husband came home I said come look at something, you will never guess what I bought today. He looked at me and said, Orange chaps.
We still laugh about it - I must have really been projecting an image of "orange chaps" to him LOL.


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