OFFICAL "weigh in" thread

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Hi Folks! I'm new here, I hope you don't mind if I join in? I have been struggling with my weight since going on medication about 7yrs ag0. I need the meds for Rheumatoid Arthritis and exercise is a struggle for me but I HAVE to do something I hate feeling like this and I am inspired by the loss many of you report.

Part of my program to lose involves working with my mini horses at least every other night and getting exercise that way (the fun way!) I have at least 60 lbs to lose. I plan to weigh-in on Friday... Can't wait to report.

Mona- I LOVE your profile photo!!! too cute

I'm sending Happy Thoughts to all of you, May we all have a successful week!
Hi Ashley and Frosty Meadows,
Thanks for joining in!

This thread has really helped me stick to trying to lose this time. Every one here really cares and that is such a nice feeling.

I also go to Weight Watchers now but any program that works for you can be a good one. The American Heart Association is often mentioned by weight loss specialists, or check out your local hospital's web site. Many are now offering on-line forums for healthy life styles. I like WW because I need the weekly weigh in front of some one other than my mirror. I like this group's leader since she too had to lose a lot of weight and freely shares her story. We get tasty recipes and tips every week. Plus the cheers of other members for our success, big or small. They have programs designed for expectant mothers as well as diabetics.

It all boiled down to one thing for me.... fill up on healthy food, forget the snacky stuff. Watch out for the terrible trinity of fat, sugar, and salt in food. Stay away from ice cream by replacing it with those fruit smoothies we keep mentioning here. I start each morning thinking, "What do I get to eat for breakfast today?" I have a bigger breakfast than I ever did when I woke up thinking, "I need to be good and not eat too much today." Now I get to have a good lunch and supper. Plus snacks!!! And no guilt!

Something that has really helped me stick with it this time..... I told my family and friends that I was doing it. And the ladies here.

Before, I thought it was all about will power and that it was my private battle. I was setting my self up for failure.

I go out to eat with friends a lot and I realized that what they ordered influenced me. So, I explained to all my buddies that I was addicted to food. That I needed their support to break my addiction. Now every one asks if I can find healthy foods at the places we eat. My Ladies group has even started having Salad Night instead of cover dish dinners!

My hubby gave up eating ice cream every night at home in front of the TV. (Although I suspect something is going on... Most evenings he says he is just going out for a short motorcycle ride. Sometimes I get a faint whiff of ice cream cone breath when he kisses me good night.). I do not want to know!! .....

My weigh in is on Thursday night so then I will find out how it went this week. I think I lost but I have been fooled before. At least I have lost the heaviest burden I was hauling around. Morning Guilt! So ladies, enjoy the day, all day long.

Thank you for the warm welcome and interesting insight, like you I have been in a secret battle trying to quietly lose by myself and it's NOT working AT ALL! My husband and I love to eat out and I really must find healthier choices rather than saying "I'll put my diet on hold for tonight" it seems one night out can blow a whole week of diet and exercise. NO MORE ... I am committed and I am telling my family and new friends here and making changes!!!

Thank you for your support and hopefully I can be of support to others in our battle together.

Hi Ashley, Sorry, I didn't realize you were pregnant. Enjoy your food and stay healthy and welcome to the gang...


Hi Frosty meadows, welcome to you too
... Gain or lose, we can all use the support and well wishes and inspiration from each other. thanks for joining.

Our ww group didn't meet this week so I didn't weigh in today. I didn't exercise as much this week and ate out yesterday so i didn't feel up to weighing in anyway. It wouldn't take much to tip me in the other direction I think... I think keeping the weight off can be as much a challenge as taking it off. I will be setting my goal weight next week, I am getting close to my upper end goal weight, but would still like to lose 10-15 more.

I got a bravo from my kids for not eating fries yesterday. I saved lots of points for the meal itself, but still felt too full when I got home, so I needed to show better portion control on the chicken. I find I can over eat without going over 29 points if I make poor choices.

Take care

WELCOME Amy!! Thanks for the comment on my little "Monkey" boy. He really is a little darling, and the love of my life!
I noticed your little Chihuahua face right away too. I used to raise and show Chihuahuas for a number of years before getting into Miniature Horses, and then again I raised them more recently, but didn't show this time around. Unfortunately, I had to sell them all due to some family health issues, so now I will just stick to keeping my "pets".

Melinda, I agree...the way you said you like WW because it teaches you to fill up more on fruits and veggies, even though I am not in any weight loss group (other than this one here), I have lost my 50lbs or so from changing my eating habits, by swithich to more fruits and veggies and trying to stay away from so much sugar and snack and junk food. Last year I was also doing a lot of walking each day, but have pretty much stopped walking for exercise since this Spring.
I did not weigh in this week with Monday being a holiday, but it's been another up and down week...which is OK since I am not doing anything to change it these days...

I will be starting back on the 17 Day Diet soon ("soon" meaning I need to get the groceries in the my next goal date being Sept. 8th for Nationals! 2 months to do some losing!
Well, my first official weigh-in was this morning, and I have to say I'm a little disappointed. I lost 1 lb. After all my exercise this week I thought I'd at least lose 2. this is a very frustrating process. but at least I'm headed in the right direction. My 18yr old son announced this morning that he does not want to go to college, he was going to start in August. I feel a migraine coming on and REALLY want a snack!!! This is going to be harder than I thought. I'm ready for life to be easier.
Hey, FrostyMeadows, a one pound loss is far better than a 1 pound gain, so congratulations on the loss! Even with the "pressures" of life, try to hang in there to stay on track. Good Luck!
Thanks Mona, it's been a pretty lousy day, and it's nice to hear some encouraging words. Even though this week didn't go as well as expected I'll keep trying and hopefully next week will show great results for all of us!!
Sad news today... I broke my blender making a smoothie.
The "jar" cracked up one side; I called and could get a replacement jar, but it would cost almost what I paid for the blender during a CMHR fundraiser auction, so I'll just use my hand blender and see how long that lasts.
Sad news today... I broke my blender making a smoothie.
The "jar" cracked up one side; I called and could get a replacement jar, but it would cost almost what I paid for the blender during a CMHR fundraiser auction, so I'll just use my hand blender and see how long that lasts.
Sorry to hear that, that's so frustrating! I have found that my local GoodWill store has many replacement "jars" you might find one at a second hand store that fits for next to nothing. I received a hand mixer for my birthday that I love, hope your's works OK for you for now.
I know my blender will be next...sorry you lost yours! I make emergency hand made smoothies sometimes. I take the frozen fruit out of the freezer until they are just sligtly thawed but still very icy, just not hard as a stone and I smash them up in my yogurt by hand. You can make a pretty decent frozen treat this way and it is closer to the rule in ww about eating the fruit in its whole form.

good luck ladies, I am down a bit this week hoping I can hang onto the edge so it becomes real weight loss... I haven't had a much time to walk this week and my loss has been minimal at best, the walking really does help me.I had stayed the same for a week and am starting to creep down again now. I find I lose more steadily if I keep my bread points to only one bread choice a day. The rest of my carbs have to come in other forms,

I eat more lean protein for points and my last choice of anything at the end of the day is a protein. It can be 5 almonds or something like that but I try not to end my day on a carb or fruit because I remember from when I had gestiational diabetes that blood sugar can soar at night while you sleep. When i would eat a protein at the end of the day, I could manage the spike. Also pair your big fruit smoothies with a protein. You can eat 5 almonds for a point. Just a thought.

Good luck ladies, I have to wait until Tuesday to weigh in.

thanks for sharing...
Sorry to hear that, that's so frustrating! I have found that my local GoodWill store has many replacement "jars" you might find one at a second hand store that fits for next to nothing. I received a hand mixer for my birthday that I love, hope your's works OK for you for now.
I live in the sticks, it would cost me more in gas to get to a second hand store than what I would save buying the replacement there. But, good idea.
I have taken off not quite 55 lbs the last 2 years! It really is a life change as far as eating is concerned.People are starting to notice which is nice.When I hit 35 lbs people would look at me and cock their head and say did you get a haircut? I would smile and say yes,and they would say it looks nice!


Wow Bonnie, thanks for the story, very encouraging you did GREAT with your loss!. 55lbs WOW. Want to share some tips with everybody?

People are only just starting to look at me like "huh, did you get a hair cut?" LOL that really cracked me up. My figure is so short that I have to lose quite a bit to have it be noticed on my loss, but gain a pound and everybody can see. Whats up with that?

I am nearing the upper end of my weight range as dictated by ww, but would love to lose another 10 on top of that.

Working hard, wish I had a magic genie wand to whip the rest off and tighten up the loose skin. Anybody have ideas to tighten the flappy skin? I guess I could exercise more. I keep thinking of that kids golden book called "the baggy saggy elephant"
I'm thinking the baggy skin is here to stay.
It may tighten up to a certain point, but for the most part, I am told it will never go back to "normal", as it has lost all it's elasticity from being stretched for too long.
Bonnie, Thanks for sharing about your 55# loss over 2 years. Reminds me that slow and steady bets fast and saggy.

Last time I lost a lot of weight, it was due to a undiagnosed thyroid condition. It happened very fast and I really got the saggy upper arms and droopy inner thighs. Blood hound face. Hopefully, this time my skin can have time to adjust a little better.

I lost it so fast, people did not think I had a new hair cut. They thought I was undergoing cancer treatments!! No kidding. Before that all happened, I used to pray that the weight would just fall off. Careful what I pray for now.

When I weighed in at WW Thursday, I was down 16#. Added to the 3 # I lost after starting to post here, 19 # in about 6 weeks. I think it will slow down a bit now, but I am okay with that. Started at 233# so just a few more to hit a 10% loss. They say that can really make a difference in your health.

Just a little aside: Yesterday I had a small emotional upset...Chester the "Gelding in Waiting" again. Really praying his other testicle drops so he can be cut here instead of at Vet School. He has been so very good since I posted about his kicking me. We have been working every day on his "stall at feed time" manners. Last night, my dog was looking through the crack of the door when I opened it to hang Chester's hay up. Luckily I have been cautious opening the door. His butt was right up to it, and he did some mighty power kicks, both hooves, butt high! About 3 of them, bam, bam, bam. Missed me and the dog. I know he was aiming at Jupiter, but still...

Good news....when I came in and wanted to eat for comfort... all that was in the house was healthy power type foods! I searched all over for the junk foods. Later asked my hubby where they had gone. He chuckled and said he had eaten them to help me out. Bless him
. He offered to go to town and buy me anything I wanted, but by then I was full after eating 2 bags of pop corn, an apple, a mango, a bowl of water melon, and a small smoothie!!! Still did not use up my points at the end of the day.
I am so glad so many of you are trying to get healthy!!!

No big secret to my loss. I lost about half of it when Larry was dying.Working through my grief (if you ever really do) I decided I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I always gain weight in the winter.I was diagnosed with S.A.D. and went on big doses of vitamin D and also a different antidepresent and it seems to be working. I lost 50 lbs on my own then my sister asked me to go to Weight Watchers with her.So joined a couple weeks ago and have lost more. But it is slowing down and is harder to do which is normal and I knew would happen.

I just really try to watch carbs and fill up on veggies. I eat little to no meat by choice.

I got on a show jacket I have not been able to wear since 96 Nationals. I didn't even know I still had it found it when I was cleaning out a little used closet.


Been a rough day, did not count calories but burned a lot working on landscaping so I think it evened out??? Then got news that my aunt died so I have to fly out of town for the funeral, I tend to use food to cope with sadness and eating out is difficult for me to stay on track so I'm concerned that this will not be a great week for me. I'll still try though, I'm really tired of feeling and looking like this and I'm inspired by those of you who have lost and are reaping the rewards.