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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Reaction score
Fort Worth, Texas
I just went to the Exploring the Equine Hoof and Beginner Trim classes the last couple of days. I am not sure where you live, but Ida does travel all over the country putting on these clinics. I learned so much and would recommend you go if she is ever in your area. Here is her website:
I learned a really cool thing. I can use bonsai cutters instead of nippers on my minis! Bonsai cutters are so much smaller and a lot easier for me to handle.

This is the one I ordered and I’m so sorry, I ordered the last one.… but they do come in different sizes.

Does anyone else use bonsai clippers?? Or any type of other different and cool tool to trim your minis??
I used them yesterday on the cadaver leg, but those weren’t very sharp because they are used all the time in her classes. They fit perfectly in my little hands though. You can also use them instead of a knife, so I think that will be good for me too, especially since I’m just beginning this journey.

I ordered mine yesterday and should be here next week. Woohoo!
I just went to the Exploring the Equine Hoof and Beginner Trim classes the last couple of days. I am not sure where you live, but Ida does travel all over the country putting on these clinics. I learned so much and would recommend you go if she is ever in your area. Here is her website:
I learned a really cool thing. I can use bonsai cutters instead of nippers on my minis! Bonsai cutters are so much smaller and a lot easier for me to handle.

This is the one I ordered and I’m so sorry, I ordered the last one.… but they do come in different sizes.

Does anyone else use bonsai clippers?? Or any type of other different and cool tool to trim your minis??

These remind me of the concave edge thick nail clippers, like this one:
I keep looking for a convenient powered hoof trim gadget. I bought a battery powered oscillating tool like this one't tried it yet, but I am not very optimistic.

I have seen a farrier use a hydraulic nipper on a full sized hoof, but the price is much higher than I want to pay ~$200+
Ohhhh! Instead of rasping, you would use that battery oscillating tool? Very cool!! Can you please go use it and report back to ALL of us?? 🤣
I have used a Roto-Zip in the past (you need the metal burr-type heads, the sandpaper-type ones last about an eighth of one hoof before they are finished). The difficulty is that it's hard to get a flat plane, very easy for it to kind of dig in and give you dips where you don't want them. It's also hard to remove flare/do a mustang roll effectively. If you're mainly trimming wall (IMO it's not a good idea to remove any sole that isn't dead anyway, and the dead stuff flakes off easily with a knife) then it's not the most convenient tool. I have known of some people using an angle grinder and that may be a better bet. It's definitely a use-with-caution item though, especially on a tiny horse! You can take a lot off, really fast. Back in the day there used to be an "abrasive trimming" group or something, you'd have to Google to see if it's still around.

Money is best spent on a good rasp (which will set you back about $40 these days!) - if the feet are really hard, you can either trim when it's been raining out so that they are softer, or start out with the fine side which cuts really hard hoof better. I only use nippers when the foot has grown out quite a bit since the last trim - I try to keep up with my own horse's feet enough that I rarely need the nippers. But they are good to have all the same!
Yes, yes, yes…. That is what I am hoping to do, keep up with their feet so hopefully I’ll only have to rasp and rarely use the nippers. I will still have my WONDERFUL farrier come out every other month to check my work until I get much more confident in trimming. Shadow has 1 high-low hoof, so I think it is important I have the farrier out just to get a second pair of eyes on him especially. I am going to try to trim/rasp 2 hooves a day :)
I'm using a battery powered polisher with Velcro sand paper. Works well. If it's all you are using, I would highly recommend extra batteries. The tool runs around $120 at Harbor Freight. Extra batteries are $25 each. The sand paper runs around $10 per pack, I cut it to fit the polishing head. If you're just doing one horse, you could get away with one extra battery.
I took the oscillating tool to try yesterday. It made a slight impression on heels and next to no useful effect on the long toes. Ba humbug! Sounds like BSharpRanch has a better tool, not sure if it is rotary or orbital. I suspect an abrasive band tool might be up to it as well.

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