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Sheri Hill

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
Reaction score
Mulino, Oregon
Have you all went in to the AMHA studbooks and added pics yet? The guy called me on the phone as I e-mailed with some questions. It is free right now you can see it all, you will always be able to edit your own horses pictures. There will probably be a fee like the studbooks, or with membership, or how many hits type thing, they will figure that all out. Go put your horses pics in! I have been wanting this feature for years! I think it will be a great asset to us all! I pasted the letter I got, not my id or password that was at the bottom though. I think this is great!!! Wish all past horses pics from registry papers could be added. What a wonderful resource. Go add your horses and make it better! :aktion033: :aktion033:


letter I got

AMHA is inviting all members to follow the link on the AMHA web site home page or click here and watch as our new Registry Application is being developed. During this time feel free to add pictures to your profile or profiles of your horses. You may also check out pedigrees, and research blood lines, and show results. As you explore the system you will see more and more functionality as the program progresses toward completion. Please experiment with the screens. Do not be afraid to change drop down selection items or of entering text in the text boxes, or clicking on column headings to see the differing ways in which information can be retrieved, displayed, and sorted. Currently you will not be able to change your profile or the profile of your horses except as mentioned above.

Please remember that this application is currently a work in progress and you shouldn’t expect all aspects to look perfect or have complete functionality. At this time we do invite all members to e-mail any suggestions for inclusion and report problems to [email protected]. These suggestions will be considered for current and future development.

As you will come to see this application represents a quantum leap, from software that’s currently 20yrs old to today’s leading edge Web Based Software. We as the Board have taken this brave step in order to ensure a bright future for AMHA, and vastly improved services for its members. The system will continuously be improved and expanded based on your input and the industry standards in registry management and technological advances in web based system architecture.

We hope you all enjoy this new age of information accessibility and benefit greatly from it in the promotion of your horses. You will find your Id and password below.

Warm Regards,

Mike Want

President AMHA
I went on there, but it was so confusing.

I tried to register, but I was already registered! It had my name, and all my contact info, and it also has all of my AMHR horses that are under my name.

I have no clue how to get to AMHA, or how to add pics, but would like to know how.
This is great! I found it very easy to use & lots of fun! I especially like the ancestors page. It shows the number of occurances & percent of blood from every ancestor on your horses pedigree. Just be sure to put a check mark by the horse you want to research.

Does anyone know what the TOP 20 page is? I wasn't sure if it had to do with showing or number of views.

Also, what does SP stand for on the horses page *(located between owner & dam?)

This will be a great tool for horse shopping! I can't wait until all the show results are added!
Well haven't received anything from AMHA, but perhaps AMHR is doing this too? AMHA doesn't know my new mailing address yet but AMHR does, so they would be the only ones that would know my contact info.

Still can't do pics, how can you?
I got an email about this and was fooling with it a tiny bit from the office today. I was a little confused (a familiar feeling for me!), but didn't have time to really give the site a lot of thought. I look forward to fooling with it some more soon. Looks like it will be really neat!!!
Well haven't received anything from AMHA, but perhaps AMHR is doing this too? AMHA doesn't know my new mailing address yet but AMHR does, so they would be the only ones that would know my contact info.
Still can't do pics, how can you?

Thank goodness! I got the email too but can't load pics. My profile was there but not my horses. It was very confusing to me. Now I know I am not the only one!
I was on it for a little bit yesterday and found it very confusing. I wish the links to the pedigrees, offspring, etc were actually labeled instead of just pictures that you have to hold your mouse over to see what it is. My horses are all co-owned with my mother, but her name doesn't appear on any of them anymore, just mine.

J & H, I was on it a few minutes ago and it was working, I even loaded one picture, then it came up as an error and hasn't worked since.
I used it for an hour or so last night and had no trouble using it or checking all around the site. Had no trouble putting on pics of each horse either. Checking the decendants was quite interesting not just direct offspring but also grand and great grand (offspring).

He did mention they are still fixing and tweaking it. Like I had tried a feature that wasn't set up yet but they got it working right after I asked about it. So try to be patient, he also said he would try to get some FAQ's up and some of the top ten questions, so some help features also once they get it all up and going.

I can't get any of it to work. If I click on 'add a picture' the page just reloads like it place to load a picture. Yesterday I updated my profile but today none of the updates are there and that page is dead. Guess I'll wait a while to try anything.

I went to the site and it's pretty interesting. I haven't tried to do anything yet other than look at my horses. However, not all of the horses I own are there! Guess they are still working on it!
I know they are still tweaking things. But I was looking on show results and all of my horses are missing dates, class and shows. :eek: hopefully they will also fix the placings in the classes aswell.
It's confusing to me too. The program has all of my AMHR horses but not my AMHA horses listed? How is this, if this is an AMHA thing? :eek:
I tried it yesterday, but couldn't figure out how to do anything. How do you load pix? How do you get their pedigree? Ok...I'm dumb and need step by step directions!!!
I tried, but it will not let me log in, and they did e-mail me the password ,so, I am still trying. I cannot wait to get in!!
I'm REALLY confused. I joined, but my horse isn't there.. Nor can I see any show results.. Nothing!
Did you click in the box before the horse you want to add a picture to? Click the box it will put a checkmark in it, and then go up to the icons above it and click the one to add a picture and a box should come up to browse pics on your computer to add.


I can't get any of it to work. If I click on 'add a picture' the page just reloads like it place to load a picture. Yesterday I updated my profile but today none of the updates are there and that page is dead. Guess I'll wait a while to try anything.


That is really wierd.
: Makes no sense, as I wouldn't think they would have any info. on your AMHR horses, only ones registered with them (AMHA) Very strange.


It's confusing to me too. The program has all of my AMHR horses but not my AMHA horses listed? How is this, if this is an AMHA thing? :eek: