My Heart Won!

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O So

Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2010
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Yah it's weird title, but one of the forum members said to me in another thread that my brain was trying to tell my heart what to do. (basically). Well, my heart won. I decided to go ahead and get O So a buddy! I felt so bad that he was all by himself and decided that in the long run he would be better off to have a friend. Even if it means some adjustments need to be made!

So..... today I went and looked at a 3 yr old gelding. He is a whopping 27 3/4ers tall. Just a tad smaller then O So. He is registered as a Bay. He was born on May 4th 2007. His actual name is Cameos Serenade Gold. Have know idea how they got his barn name out of that. LOL I fell in love with him the minute I saw him. So needless to say, I bought him and he is now home with me.

Here he is!!







I know I should have quantined (sp) him before introducing him to O So, but things didn't go to well when I first got him home and so that went out the window. I was trying to get him into the yard and trying to keep my little dog in the yard. Needless to say I ended up having to drop his lead rope and go pick up my poor little dog. She got kicked in the cayaus and was not looking good. I figured out she had just gotten the wind knocked out of her, but I still had to hold her for a good 20 minutes to get her back to normal. She is fine, but the horses have had nose contact now. I decided that I would lock the little dogs out of that yard till things settle down. On that note, how long should I wait to actually let the 2 horses be together with no barrier?

I have some feed questions for you all but I am going to make a new thread on that.
How precious! The first name that came to me when I saw him was "Lil Bit" lol - don't know why but I just ADORE his color - mule bay I think? He's a cutie either way! Congrats on a new family member!!
He's adorable. And love the name.
He's very proportionate! In the pictures you took from ground-level I would have assumed he was a much larger mini. Congrats! I would definitely keep the dogs out until Pippin has had a chance to settle in as it's only natural that the dogs will run in at the worse possible moment and one horse or the other will instinctively stomp them.

Let the two boys get used to each other over the fence and stop squealing, stomping, snorting or otherwise having New Horse Fits. Once everyone's calm about seeing and touching each other, I'd spread a couple of piles of hay in each paddock and quietly open the gate once they're munching. Let them go discover each other in their own time. They'll get to playing soon enough!

Let the two boys get used to each other over the fence and stop squealing, stomping, snorting or otherwise having New Horse Fits. Once everyone's calm about seeing and touching each other, I'd spread a couple of piles of hay in each paddock and quietly open the gate once they're munching. Let them go discover each other in their own time. They'll get to playing soon enough!

Thanks for the tip. I have been trying to figure out how and when I would let them in together. I will need to separate them during meal times for now, but I am hoping eventually I will be able to feed them without being locked up. It will make things a lot easier. For now we will deal with what we have too.

Thanks to all for your kind comments!!
Oh, my! He's terribly cute. Just the sweetest face. Can't wait to see him naked in the spring.
Congrats - he is adorable!! Sometimes things don't work out quite perfectly with quarantining but my experience is that if a new one has something VERY contagious, there is NO WAY to prevent the other horses from getting it. So we just do the best we can.

Having the boys get used to each other through a fence is the easiest way to introduce them. When you do put them together - I like Leia's suggestion - just make sure they are in a large area and no one can easily get trapped in a corner.
AWWWWWWW!!! He is just soooo cute and Im such a sucker for bays! I have 3 of them!

What an absolutely adorable guy!! I just want to give him a hug and a kiss. What a sweetie. Can't wait to hear how the boys make out as friends.
The new guy has very pretty eyes. His colring may be bay with pangare causing the lighter colored areas.

Do you have much space for these guys to run around? It looks from the photos like thay are sharing a small yard with furniture and equipment.
Oh, heavens, he is just adorable! He has the cutest face. No wonder you brought him home.

The picture of O So looking at him is hysterical! He has this look on his face that is a mix of curiosity and disgust. I'm sure he'll decide his new friend is GREAT! Better than toys!
I knew it, I knew it. hehehe nobody can have just ONE mini, you wait before long you too will have 5 or 6. hehehee

Congratulations he is just the cutest little boy, bring on the spring.
Congrats! He is a cutie!

Yep, as soon as you even mentioned getting a 2nd Mini, I knew it would only be a matter of time before it one has only one Mini for very long....LOL!
Oh many congratulatons - he is gorgeous!

I know you said that you fell in love with him as soon as you saw him, but your heart has made a great choice - he looks a great match for O so (height/weight etc) I'm sure they will soon be great buddies. I dont think you will have much trouble getting them together once they have been next to each other for a while, but you will have to make sure they have plenty of safe space to run around in - two youngsters are going to race and chase at quite a speed, so also make sure your space is clear of everything that they might run into - they often find it difficult to stop in time to prevent a crash LOL!!

Good luck - and give that lovely Pippin a hug from me!


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