Marlanoc Foal Thread, All Foaled! 4 colts, 1 filly

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Hmmm.... I woke up this morning with an odd urge to get a new stallion!

I figured you'd like him Diane
no idea how I reached that conclusion!
I've got my fingers crossed that it will be one of my show fillies to keep

Shifted 4 of the girls, Dreamy and Beauty are next to Tinker and Beauty is flirting as if on heat... even though the belly, the foal kicks and the udder say otherwise
Poor Tinker! Stupid me though moved Jilla and Painted Lady next which made Rivain take off with the other girls to find my firend's mares. Should of known by now to move my lead mares LAST.

Oh well, they'll be back up later and I'll get her then.

Took a peek at Painted Lady and couldn't see anything major going on in her udder, won't be photographing them tonight as I want them to just settle into their new paddocks.
fingers crossed!!

haha typical mares! well typical horses actually! always taking off when you want them! Smartie knows which ute is the farrier's now and whenever he sees it in the driveway he runs off to the bottom end of the paddock and stays there till I come trekking down to get him LOL

who is due first again Bree? they can keep cooking their babies a bit longer
its much too cold atm... brrr.
Painted Lady is first but I'm begining to think she went on her second covering which puts Beauty and Dreamy in the lead. Hard to tell because of the height difference!
Will do

They have to hold on for another week, but after that they can get going as soon as they like!
Well Painted Lady, Beauty and Dreamy all have flabby udders
:ThumbUp Beauty is the only one who feels like there is a bti of something in there still. I think they'll safely reach their August dates!

Will try and grab some pics later when I turn some horses out.
At the moment I'm still not sure, Dreamy and Painted Lady got covered twice but could have gone on either of them. But Beatuy rejected Tinker after her first heat cycle with him so she could end up being the first to go. But then Painted Lady apparently goes early so she might not give as many textbook signs. Mares! Still sure that Rivain will be the last of the August/September girls so the race is really between the other three. Anyone want to lay their bets?
Ended out cleaning out all the rabbit cages and then working with the almost-yearlings so no pics yet! Will snap some before dinner time and after I've put Tinker away so he doesn't help raz everyone up
Yes, pics first please - but after my lot this year I dont think I will be anywhere near with my guesses! LOL!!
Well udders are too small and the girls to hairy to get anything other then blury pics
Got some new side on photos though which I'll resize tomorrow and post up. You might have to rely on the 'grope test' for a bit longer!

Beauty has been lifting her tail a lot but I think that's more to do with flirting with Tinker
Before breeding the mini horse I bred mini lop (or holland lop as you guys say) rabbits. At peek I probably had between 20 and 30 of them? Anyway I stopped breeding last foaling season when I couldn't give them enough time with all my showing and foaling, sold off most of my breeders and kept my retired bunnies and a few youngsters I couldn't part with. Sadly last month something, we suspect calicivirus, hit and I lost 4 including my two most loved males
very heartbreaking. Down to 8 now.

Resizing the pics from yesterday right now so they'll be up soon
Beauty first:

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Painted Lady:

120726pladyback.jpg 120726pladyfront.jpg




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And just because I love them:



Beauty & Spesh:


Spesh hasn't been clipped since Nationals back in April, has only just come back in to the stable for hardfeeding... and I reckon I could take him right out in the ring as is and still kick butt!
I reckon I've hit the worst part of the waiting... so close and yet so far to go!
they are all looking soo good
thanks for the pics Bree, yeah you are at the hard part, I remember racing out each morning to see if the udder had started filling yet and then the disapointment when it hadn't lol.

won't be long now
4 more days of July then we are into August! Woohoo!

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