Laura, Mia and the "Bean" update

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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[SIZE=12pt]YESTERDAY, I would have updated that all was going great, no more complications and that we were leaving for vacation in Montana on is a different story...[/SIZE]

Last night about 9 I started having very strong contractions (I'm 29 weeks). I got in the shower for about 30-40 minutes and laid on my left side, just letting the water relax me. The ctx didn't stop, but weren't as intense. As soon as I got out, they were every 5 minutes and strong. I called my MW at a little before 11 and she told me to go to the hospital.

Once at the hospital (hour drive with VERY strong ctx), the ctx had slowed, but were still there. They gave me a shot of Breathine, figuring it would stop them fast and we could go home.

No such luck, as soon as I relaxed a bit, WHAM, they were back, even stronger than in the car. Shot #2 of Breathine did nothing either except give me the major shakes (whole body) and the ctx were 2-3 MINUTES long, VERY strong and with only about 30 seconds in between them. They were as strong as when I requested an epidural with Mia! They decided to admit me and knock me out, continuing the Breathine.

Mia handled it all wonderfully, not getting upset and enjoying the attention, even at 2 AM! Steve did super, handling me and Mia :) I finally got to sleep about 3:30, waking twice to pee and the ctx were MUCH better. They sent me home on bedrest, again, on Breathine and also Phenergan for nighttime contractions as needed.

We are home and I'm in bed...with my computer still set up on my nightstand from the previous bedrest thank goodness! We were supposed to fly to MT on Saturday, so Steve's on the phone right now to see about changing our plane tickets to Christmas or Spring Break :-((

ALL through EVERYTHING the "Bean" KICKED, PUNCHED and constantly showed how much were ticking him off <g>
Just behave yourself girl, and yes, it does sound like you are!!!!!!!

I did the same with my now 13 year old. Was at the hospital 3 different times with it. And then, he ended up waiting, maybe to teach us a lesson for stopping it all those times, and he ended up being almost 2 weeks over due!

I know all will be fine and will send good wishes your way!!!!! :aktion033:
:saludando: Glad to hear from you.. I pray that they can keep everything stopped for you.. They couldn't for me and my daughter was born at 27 weeks. She is 5 now and what a pistol. If you ever need to talk, you can pm me. I now that this is a scary time for you. I know it was for me... Please take care of yourself and the Bean..
[SIZE=14pt]Oh Laura, Good to hear this report but sorry you are on bedrest. My youngest daughter is 22 weeks now and her friend who is 32 weeks has been in the hospital for the past 6 weeks with a complete previa and will have to stay there until they can deliver the baby by C section at 36 weeks. Seems to be alot of this sort of thing going on with people I know. Glad the Bean is active and scrappy in there. We will miss you at nationals.......JUST BE GOOD![/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Oh Laura, Good to hear this report but sorry you are on bedrest. My youngest daughter is 22 weeks now and her friend who is 32 weeks has been in the hospital for the past 6 weeks with a complete previa and will have to stay there until they can deliver the baby by C section at 36 weeks. Seems to be alot of this sort of thing going on with people I know. Glad the Bean is active and scrappy in there. We will miss you at nationals.......JUST BE GOOD![/SIZE]



I'm still planning for Nationals. With Mia, my contractions just stopped about then (35-36 weeks) . I'm hoping the same happens this time
Be good, lots of rest, enjoy being spoiled while you can and sending lots of good positive energy your way.
Wow, you are really experiencing some tough things, but I know that you know it's all worth it (the distress and the waiting and bedrest, etc.) b/c when you hold your son, and see him for the first time, you know you would do it a thousand times over just for that moment.

I will keep you all in my thoughts that things calm down for you and you can have him right on schedule with no further complications.

Liz M.
Face it, the "Bean" didn't want to go to Montana :lol: sounds like he's already ruling the roost :risa_suelos:

OK, back to my corner again I go
LAura I am glad to hear that things got better. When I was pregnant with Katrina they kept me in the hospital for 5 days on Magnesium Sulfate (Nasty stuff). I had gone into labor as you did early on a few times and she seemed very eager to get out of there no matter what they did. Even when I left the hospital i was have regular contractions though not as strong. Thankfully Kat ended up being a beautiful healthy baby girl and is still doing wonderful. Hoping things get better for you. Also glad Mia handled things well and didnt get stressed out. :aktion033:
: ::Hugs::

Please take it easy, and make sure its okay before going to Nationals.

I am glad to hear the bean is being a active baby. So do we know now its

a boy? Any names for the bean yet. Rest and more rest..

prayers for a healthy baby.

Sending prayers and good thoughts your way.

Miss Mia knew you needed her to be a big girl and be strong for you and her baby brother. :aktion033:

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