Just saw a mini with a "set" tail in Journal?????

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Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2004
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I guess I am totally shocked :new_shocked: when I got my ASPC/AMHR pony Journal and notices a driving mini with a set (broken and reset to stand up like 5 gaited horses)

Does AMHR actually allow this :no: I personally hate this practice and was always pleased to see that minis liked to show their horses without any of the cruel practices... (soring or the broken set tails etc)

now I have seen one that won a class at the AMHR national show!....oH NOOOOOO!

Please someone tell me this should not be a new accepted practice in show minis.... please
I don't have my journal yet
but I'm guessing you saw a picture of a fine harness mini. The tail is not broken, there are devises now that are attached to the tail to give them that look.
In park harness classes they put on thre "fake" tail to appear like that.. I am pretty sure that is what you are seeing and is the horses tail IS NOT BROKEN and reset
In park harness classes they put on thre "fake" tail to appear like that.. I am pretty sure that is what you are seeing and is the horses tail IS NOT BROKEN and reset

:aktion033: thank you please forgive my ignorance, but I just about died when I saw that photo. Glad to know it was just an appliance and not the kind of torture I envisioned.... :lol:
I am going to sound hypercritical here, but your title should read, Are "set" tails allowed in AMHR, and NO THEY ARE NOT.

This was a false tail, which is made very easily. No harm to the horse.

We need to be careful on how we approach things. Flame at me, fine, but don't assume the worst, ask the question first.

The title could cause an uproar with those that don't understand.
I am going to sound hypercritical here, but your title should read, Are "set" tails allowed in AMHR, and NO THEY ARE NOT.

This was a false tail, which is made very easily. No harm to the horse.

We need to be careful on how we approach things. Flame at me, fine, but don't assume the worst, ask the question first.

The title could cause an uproar with those that don't understand.

If I understand right, the original poster did think it was a 'set tail'. So she was correct since that is what she thought it was!
Rob, I understand your concern, but I'd much rather people ask their questions without fear of saying something wrong. By posing this question on a public forum, the question is asked and answered, rather than simmering on a back burner. Besides, I've seen many headlers worded in such a way that I'm sure the writer would prefer to change, but cannot be cchhanged in this forum setup.
While at Nationals, I got to watch others get ready for this class. Yes, the tails are fake and it's actually kind of funny how they do that---- one that I was watching had an empty pop can under there for the height and to hold it up like that.

Dont worry, after the class, they come right off again!
I guess I am totally shocked :new_shocked: when I got my ASPC/AMHR pony Journal and notices a driving mini with a set (broken and reset to stand up like 5 gaited horses)

Just wanted to point out- a "Set" tail on a horse- even a 5 gaited horse- is NOT "broken and reset to stand up".

The tail is NOT broken.

I personally do not like set tails either- but false information and rumors are worse. If you have your facts straight you can always make a more convincing argument against that which you do not like.
:new_shocked: Ok I'm going to have to say..I used to show Hackney Ponies and American Saddlebred and yes Acheron is correct. The tails are not broke at all. That's an old practice. I have to say though that the coke can idea is very clever, never thought of that. Anyhow if they allowed that into AMHR, that would be soo sad. However, IMO Park Horses in minis should look like a 5 gaited horse anyways. Like I said in my opinion! And yes most people who use the device to help the tail that way. When I was boarding at a Saddlebred Barn here in KY last year. I had to watch the procedure that they have to go through to make sure the tail stays that way. Long story short...They cut the tendon underneath the tail and then put it in that device to hold it up, so that tendon doesn't fuse together again. But once the tendon heals, the horse now has the full ability to wag its tail and make it stand straight up, kinda like a dog. Either way, I'm not sure if that's what all horses have done to them but that IS what I saw.
I think I know the picture to which you are referring and agree with the others, it was "just" a falsie :bgrin