Just droping in to say hello

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2003
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Well I finally got email access today and thought I would just let everybody know that I am still alive! I absolutley LOVE it out here. I love the horses and the people I work with and don't ever want to leave! The work can sometimes get a little hectic around the shows but the rider I groom for is amazing. Kevin , who is from Germany is one of the most amazing riders I have ever seen. He makes the job really easy by letting me ride all day! He had 7 horses and I ride 5 of them.(the other 2 are just 3 year olds) So I start out my day at 6:30 and we much out about 3 stalls each(we strips them) and we try to be back at the house by 7:30. We are back in the barn around 8 and Kevin tells me what horse he wants first so I tack him/her up and then he tells me who I am riding. I tack that horse up and head down to the riding hall. I ride that horse for about 45 min and depending on who I am riding Kevin will give me a little Private lesson. We then switch horses and I take his back to the barn and clean him up, bruch, put on cooler ect... and then tack up the next one and I go ride some more! I pretty much do this until 11:30 and then we all sweep, feed, clean tack unitl 12:15 and then we go for lunch. At around 1:45 I head down to the barn and tack up my school horse and we ride in a group lesson until 3:30 and I go back take care of the horse Kevin had rode while we were in the lesson and then tack up another for him and one for myself and he gives me a private lesson unitl around 5 and then we do back to the barn and do chores until 6. I now live in a house on the property with 2 girls who have fast become like sisters. We all have alot of fun(being 18 is great!!!!) I love all my horses to death and each is fast becoming like one of my own! Just thought I would let everybody know that I was alright and loving it!

That's great
It sounds like you are doing exactly what you want. It's so nice to see things turn out like that for someone who has worked hard for it. Way to go
WELCOME back, its great hearing from you and you sound like you are really enjoying this job!
Gosh, I wish I had had that much fun when I was your age!! Now keep in touch, we love to hear this sort of thing. I especially love the riding stories (Thankyou, Voodoo I can do without the nightmares- ) as I can only ride vicariously now due to general old age
It's great to hear about Spruce Meadows in such a good light, and to hear you are happy there.
So Shannon, how much do you have to pay for all that fun??

I'm just kidding, but isn't it the most wonderful thing in the world to actually get paid to do what you love more than else?!!! When I was 20 - 22, I was a Standardbred groom and spent the winters in Florida and the summers going to different tracks in the States. It was one of the best times in my whole life!

I don't even know you, but I couldn't be happier for you!
I am so glad you are enjoying and realizing the wonderful opportunity you have.. so many people would give anything to be in your shoes and take care of and ride those wonderful horses every day.

I was a groom (at a much smaller although still a hunter/jumper show barn) and I learned so much about horses and myself the pay was small but I have to tell you i am 40 (yikes that is scary to print)
but that job still to this day was my favorite and gave me the most learning experience that I use to this day. I miss it and look back on it fondly even though the hours were long the work was hard but the memories and lessons learned were priceless.

Keep enjoying the work and keep us updated on you

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