Is something about to happen?

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I guess you and I Ozy are not interpreting things the same way when reading this research. In this research nowhere does it equate "education" with "intelligence". It does however say that the most religious countries are usually the most poor meaning a lack of formal education. There are some very "intellectual" and religious, for lack of a better word, maybe I should say "spiritual" people in this world that to me are extremely intelligent, such as Ghandi, the Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa, to name but a few. This is my personal opinion.

I would like to keep discussing the Iran/Iranian issue because no matter your beliefs in this world, this situation will indeed affect you and I should either side at this point follow through with what we have been hearing. An atomic bomb or this potential first strike from either side won't discriminate about a persons color, religion, education... It will however bring much misery to our world.
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Danielle, education and intelligence are very different. For example the more educated a person is the less they will believe the earth is 7000 years old because they have been exposed to the overwhelming scientific evidence proving we're appox. 450 BILLION years old. Etc.etc.

Back to your topic...Iran is a strongly fundamental Islamic State led by IMO not very sane extremists. We have every reason to be fearful of what they will do.Lets face I...Aukmydinnersbad (AhmadInejad) doesn't believe the holocaust happened!
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Education in its broadest, general sense is the means through which the aims and habits of a group of people sustain from one generation to the next.[1] Generally, it occurs through any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts. In its narrow, technical sense, education is the formal process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills, customs and values from one generation to another, e.g. instruction in schools.
The studies are referring to education in the broader high degrees and beyond
I went to University and took a degree in Kinesiology with a minor in child psychology. I still believe in a higher power, I believe in God, and I do not see the same conflict you seem to see between science and religion.
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Boy I wish the back porh could get through a thread without it being turned into a debate over religion. I might not post very often but I do enjoy hearing other peoples opinions on world events (BTW the purpose of this post). Some people just can't leave it alone.
What do you think could happen if Israel strikes sooner than later? Do you think Iran would or will retaliate nuclear and what consequences do you think the West would be subject to by Iran. There are many theories out there and I am interested to hear what everyone thinks. I worry about China and Russia as well in this entire scenario, maybe more so than Iran directly attacking in retaliation against the West.
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I agree that this sounds like a VERY scary situation. Further, I wonder why I have not seen one word about this on American TV(though am not a bit surprised, as I have increasingly come to realize how the US media(esp. TV)controls what we see AND how it is 'presented'....

I hope you will keep us all updated on any further news on this subject as it is reported to you all in Canada!

Margo, it is being reported today on the CNN site but it could also be on the FOX site, I haven't checked. I have been perusing the newspapers fron Israel, the ones on line, as well as the one from Iran. I just have this horrible feeling that we are going to wake-up one morning, soon, to the news this has happened, a nuclear strike and that the world is now at war.

In the last 6 months I have read two books that have given me a better understanding, one being The Twelth Imam and the other I Shall Not Hate. I wasn't totally aware before what was fueling the unrest. The president of Iran doesn't care because of the belief he has that "chaos" must happen before the Twelth Imam comes back as their messiah.... Personally I think the man is as dangerous as Hitler was and as crazy. Do I think that the Jewish state is without some blame to the situation with the Gaza strip, heck no, but neither side sees they are doing anything wrong. This is about power and sovereignty of land and intolerance. It's the proverbial "well he did this so we did that and on and on we go. Everybody thinks it is their way only that is correct and justified.
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If you have the time please look and listen to this interview with the author of the book I Shall Not Hate.

This is the reason I cringe when I hear blanket statements about Muslims.

We aren't the only human beings that want freedom. As the doctor says it is the minority causing all this mess, not the majority of Palestinians or Jews. Fear and hate are the enemy.
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Seriously, you don't expect to get anything from tv, do you? FOX included!

Danielle, you are absolutely correct in your concern over Russia and China. They have big plans. But for right now this will likely be another one of those regional wars. The wars in the Middle East will eventually grow in intensity until another major world war erupts. The onset of war won't necessarily be a gradual process related directly to those smaller conflicts. Most likely, one regional war of intervention after another will exacerbate the growing hatred towards the USA and NATO by the Muslim and Slavic nations until Russia and China finally feel confident and justified enough to initiate their long-planned nuclear attack on the West.

I hope all of your diplomats over there arrive safely back soon. It is best for them.

We will suffer from additional losses of our military in the Persian Gulf and that entire region. Back home we will be suffering even much higher gas prices when a clash erupts with Iran and Israel.

The big attack is further down the road, in my opinion. Both Presidents Bush and Obama have made the United States increasingly vulnerable to a first strike nuclear attack by proceeding with "unilateral disarmament". The Russians have never lived up to their part of the agreements, and we have not ever required any disarmament from China at all.
I know your scared about a possible war between Israel and Iran, I can't say I am not either, but the fact of the matter is there is going to be a war. We are coming down to the end days and I look at it this way, if you DON'T believe in God and it all doesn't come down like the Bible says, then you and I and everyone will be just worm-poop after we die.....BUT if God is real and what the Bible says will happen, I sure will be happy to be in a new and glorious world that is so much more beautiful than what we have now, no death, no pain, no sorry, just love and happiness and more than you or I could ever imagine...I WILL be sorry for where you have chosen to be. The choice is easy don't you think?

God Bless,

I know your scared about a possible war between Israel and Iran, I can't say I am not either, but the fact of the matter is there is going to be a war. We are coming down to the end days and I look at it this way, if you DON'T believe in God and it all doesn't come down like the Bible says, then you and I and everyone will be just worm-poop after we die.....BUT if God is real and what the Bible says will happen, I sure will be happy to be in a new and glorious world that is so much more beautiful than what we have now, no death, no pain, no sorry, just love and happiness and more than you or I could ever imagine...I WILL be sorry for where you have chosen to be. The choice is easy don't you think?

God Bless,

Jenny, where do you think I have chosen to be? Please don't think I am going to jump all over you with your answer. I am curious because I perceive myself with an open mind, even though I may not be what people would consider a conservative Christian. As I said before I believe in God.
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Jenny, where do you think I have chosen to be? Please don't think I am going to jump all over you with your answer. I am curious because I perceive myself with an open mind, even though I may not be what people would consider a conservative Christian. As I said before I believe in God.
Danielle I don't know where you have chosen to be. If you believe in God and that Christ died on the cross for your sins and you have accepted him as your Lord and Savior, then you have chosen correctly.

I pray you and others have!

I think it's all related to the (sham?) 2/3 majority delegate vote at the DNC to put God and Israel back on the Democratic platform. I read an article on this that made sense to me on what is happening. It speculated that Obama secretly (or maybe it's more of a party thing, given the surprisingly equal amounts of Nays heard) sides against Israel, but can't make this known until after he is reelected. From what I understand, Israel wants (and needs) to attack Iran prior to Iran getting nuclear capabilities, because the first thing Iran will do with nuclear warfare is to annihilate Israel.

Israel realizes that she may lose our support after the election if Obama is reelected, thus an attack on Iran may need to occur before the election, as the US is currently pretty much committed to being Israel's friend at this point (as we should be, IMHO).

IF any of this is even partially true, then something horrible is brewing. And what happened in Canada certainly supports this.
I think it's all related to the (sham?) 2/3 majority delegate vote at the DNC to put God and Israel back on the Democratic platform. I read an article on this that made sense to me on what is happening. It speculated that Obama secretly (or maybe it's more of a party thing, given the surprisingly equal amounts of Nays heard) sides against Israel, but can't make this known until after he is reelected. From what I understand, Israel wants (and needs) to attack Iran prior to Iran getting nuclear capabilities, because the first thing Iran will do with nuclear warfare is to annihilate Israel.

Israel realizes that she may lose our support after the election if Obama is reelected, thus an attack on Iran may need to occur before the election, as the US is currently pretty much committed to being Israel's friend at this point (as we should be, IMHO).

IF any of this is even partially true, then something horrible is brewing. And what happened in Canada certainly supports this.
Interesting. It certainly has crossed my mind but I was waiting to see at what point in this discussion it would be mentioned if we truly are trying to keep this from "as usual" being an argument about religion. Actually, the NO's were louder in my opinion, all 3 times. That man did not know whether to poop or go deaf. lol. In fact, the NO's were so loud I would not be surprised if pearl divers off the coast of Japan heard the dissention.
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I heard Fox News talk about this situation on Friday but it was just a small segment before they returned to the economic news. Nothing last night but we had all that terrible weather pre-empting lots of stories. Life is precarious and precious and we need to stay informed. I'm not sure though we can do much about the situation apart from voicing our concerns to our politicians and voting in elections. Not to get back on the religion thing but I for one am going to pray for peace. P.S. - Ozy, thanks!!!
I've been following the escalation for a long time. Israel is our friend. Iran is an enemy, and one we've sat back and watched as they grew their ability to do harm. The USA is the world leader and thankfully still the most powerful military on the planet. But, when we do not step up to the plate, someine else will... And it's unlikely that someone will hold the values of personal freedom and liberty dear. We're the true World power who does. I hope we're not poised for another lesson in why the world needs a policeman.

Those following this thread, the USA's role in world affairs was so beautifully and touchingly summed up in Condi Rice's address at the RNC last week. If you heard it, you know. If not, it's worth watching on YouTube
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