Is everyone drying up after massive flooding

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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2007
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Brown City,MI
I hope everything is going well for all of you who experienced the worst. I have noticed that not much precip. has been in the area for a while. I was hoping for an update, however I'm sure that the work during the aftermath is really tough. Just wanted to let you know that I've been thinking of you all up here in Michigan. Take Care ~Jessica
The bayou thats runs through the middle of the property I work at is still pretty over flowed but its gettin to the point where you can actually walk most places, as long as you dont go near the bayou but if you do, you should take a shovel to chop up any snakes
: But thank god the rain went to Arizona lol, Thanks for thinking of us southeners
Yes, almost three days without that wet stuff falling from the sky. I can go out the door finally without the rubber boots on. I even mopped the kitchen and utility room today. There's been so much mud there just wasn't any sense doing it for the past couple of weeks. But boy are the mosquitos horrible. Soon as we can get a lot of mowing done, and the puddles, and every little dent in the ground dries up, I think that problem will be remedied a lot. Sure hope it went where there was such severe drought going on!
Still raining here in the SanAntonio area- my farrier has cancled on me 3 times- really need him out here- even offered him my garage to do the kids in-so far only have 2 wet stalls-they are the big guys rooms-minis are still dry........fields are standing in water and my water tanks are over flowing...........keep thinking hay-hay
I'm glad that mostly everyone are seeing flood waters going down."Running in the red" I'm so sorry to hear that you are not finding relief. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone down there. But yes you guys will finally get a good hay crop this year unlike most of the past,during the severe droughts. ~Jessica
We live just east of Waco and I cannot believe we are nearly into August and yard is green! The pastures are un-shreddable, the yard feels like walking in pudding and I need to mow everyother day, cant, but need to LOL We are at the start of a dry creek, used to take a gully washer of a rain, to get it running, now, its 15 inutes of rain. Last weeks storm, think we got 7 inches in about 6 hrs, had it about 40' across, its not but 1'x1' when dry. The water was running so hard and fast that it washed out of the culvert and over the driveway, washing down through the limestone into the culvert itself. Have been here 20 years and never saw that before.

Up the road is Big Creek, it runs into Lake Limestone. On this one low area ( read flood plain) they have a few gas wells ( dont know what idiot decided to put them there!) with well meaning berms around them. Well, after that last rain they were completely flooded out, would love to know where the waste water the berms are meant to hold back went
: Some workers were there in johnboats messing with the pipeline, visions of that oil slick in the flood up in KS kept running through my mind. Lake Limestone hold bass tournaments each year.

Least all we have had is inconvenience, hate to hear of people loosing their houses and belongings.
Row,Row,Row my boat-hope that we can stay afloat.............we've had 4" so far and it's still comming down..........all of my stalls are now wet.But, I have to turn in because of the field friend just moved 3 weeks ago that I would take the 3 big guys to when it was like this-miss her dry barn for my old morgan..........thank god our house is on beams- we have standing water all around and the water has started comming into the garage- spent all day picking up my molds- I make porcelin dolls-and moving anything that I could- tomorrow the farrier is comming out to do the big guys- going to do them in the garage.........I think I'm going to start to make costumes for the minis so that when Noah's arch comes by he'll load everyone up
Southwest OK is drying up--hurrah! We are having trouble with our rural water supply (connected to the floods), and the water company wanted us to flush the line by running water out on the ground. I said NO WAY! We are just now drying up and we are not about to run water all over the ground on purpose. They will have to flush it somewhere else. Hay is finally being cut here. Just a few frogs left. One thing happened, though, the rats were driven out of wherever they live by the rain and decided to move into one of our seldom used vehicles. They ate lots of wiring, so now it has to be repaired.

Sorry to hear some of you are still wearing rubber boots.
when we went out to feed tonight there was a massive trail of fire ants comming from a flooded field thru 3 stalls into the back of my barn- when we went into the barn looks like the little beggers are under a huge stack of, out commes the ant stuff and no horses turned into thoses stalls for the night..........but, the sun did come out for an hour- but, it's getting dark again........we haven't had to refill the pool- but, then again, we haven't been able to use it either........... joy
I am east of Dallas, and we are finally dry here. Even though we have had too much rain, we still can't cut the hay. About when the field is dry enough, it rains again. Feast or famine.
Hey Gang

Sure missed everyone...

We have been Floating on Noah's Ark.


And now I know why we FLOODED!! Yep we have a Woodpecker on board...

Yep, we have had a ton of rain here too. We are between Fort Worth

and Dallas. My Poor Barn is not surviving either, its sure having a hard time with

all this rain. I have had to move horses several times out of the back, to much

rain and mud. Its just starting to dry out some. Yeah! We have a Doctor's Physical

Therapy Building next to us. When she built her new building she built it up higher then

us. So everytime it rains she flood's our back yard and my poor barn. Its like a river

running through our back yard and barn at times. We never have to water the back yard

any more. Its so green. We fight to keep it mowed. I am working today on mowing it, and its

kicking my bottom. I even tried the weed eater.. It said NO Thank You ... We have talk to the

City so many times, no help. We just keep praying we will sale and move. Sure looking good

at the next place, at the grounds, and where will the barn be..

The poor hay man says last year no rain and no hay.. this year he can't get enough

dry days to get it all cut either. We are still at $7.00 a bale. I was sure hoping it go down some

more. I am trying to find a place to store some hay for Winter. I sure need to sell some horses,

so I could store hay in the back of the barn.

It is sure good to get to be back. I started a new job in April, and the hours are so long. I am

working for a Day Care, in the Infants Room, but subbing in the After School Building. I love

the Infants room, its great. But its sure hard working and keeping up with the horses, yards,

and trying to sale our place here.

Ohhhhh the fire ants!! Lovely little beggers aint they?
: I havent come across a raft of them yet, usually I'm the one that walks over a goat weed with them covering it. OUCH!!!!!