I feel so bad for him

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2006
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Southern Ca
Yesterday we got Teddy neutered. It was a very stressful day for him, he suffers from seperation anxiety and he is VERY protective of me. We had the vet do an evaluation on him, and as soon as the vet pulled him away from me, Teddy went into attack mode and tried to bite the vet. He also sprayed urine everywhere and the vet had to leave to clean himself off. When he returned, I saw that he was bleeding, and asked if he was bitten. Thankfully, Teddy just scratched him. He was sooo scared of the vet, and we had to put a muzzle on him. The vet could barely check him out, and by looking at Teddy's front teeth, he said that he appears to be between 1 and 2 years old. Teddy has never acted like that before. Just Saterday, we had him in Pet Smart, where strangers came up and petted him. One lady even gave him a kiss. I think it was because the vet pulled him away from me, so he instantly felt threatened.

Anyways, while the muzzle was still on, they gave him a sedation shot. We put him in one of their cages and left. When we went to pick him up, we could instantly see the pain in his eyes. They also gave him a rabies shot, did a blood panel and trimmed his nails. We were originally going to have his double dewclaws removed as well, but at the very last minute, I decided that the neuter was going to be enough. When we got him home, we could see just how much pain he is in. He is walking so very slowly, and he keeps making noises like a guinea pig makes. He refuses to sit down, so I have to keep laying him on his side. I called in sick from work today because I was afraid to leave him alone. He can't jump on the couch, so he'll put his front two legs on it, and then look back at me. Of course I know that means he wants me to pick him up and put him up there. He did eat a little this morning, but he hasn't done much else.

We've had about 25 cats spayed/neutered, a horse gelded, and he makes the second dog that has been neutered. He is by far, the one who has taken it the worse. And I feel so guilty! He has a "hospital bed" on our couch only inches from me, and he keeps making his little cooing noise until I look at him, then he stops, until I look away again. He's breaking my heart!
He is on a pain medicine (we've never had to give it to anyone else but we get it just incase) and it scares me because it has valium in it. I'm so glad that I took today off so that I could keep an eye on him and baby him!

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Poor guy I have had many dogs fixed and some just have a much lower pain threshold then others.

I had one who ran out of his crate moments after getting home I opened it to put some water in there and was going to move the in heat female and then let him out to relax and recover... well he came flying out of there and WHAMO... lets just say 61 days later we had a litter of pups so pain was the last thing on his mind LOL

But we had another done at the same time and he was sore for about 24 hours
Aww ....poor little Teddy. Baby him as much as you can...you'll be seeing him up and around in no time. I remember when I had Lakota spayed...the whole night long she whimpered and "tweeted/whistled" unless my hand was rubbing and massaging her little body. I slept bits and pieces that night only wanting her to be comfty. So I know what you're going thru.
Awww poor little guy
you just gotta feel bad for them..l know when we had our Shih-Tzu Mona fixed she moaned and whinned for the first 2 days and we..okay just me.. fussed over her to the point l even made my other half drive to the nearest town to get her some chicken nuggets from Macdonalds. And l admit l let her use a puppy pad for the first week because l didn't want her to have to go out in the cold and snow to do business.
I haven't been keeping up on the forum lately. Is he a min pin? He looks just like my Rudy in that shot! He is also extremely protective over me and suffers from separation anxiety
Hope your boy feels better soon!
I have to get my "Teddy Bear" Pomeranian fixed soon.. It scares me..
Aww Mary Lou, that's what we call him. He was originally named Teddy after Teddy Ruxpin, because he reminded me of a teddy bear that a child always had to have with them. But as we've had him longer (Can't believe it's been almost 3 months already), I call him "Teddy Bear" when I'm spoiling him.
I was SO scared to have him go under. Chances are nothing will happen, but there's always that fear. He does seem to be feeling a bit better, he "tried" to chase one of the cats earlier, and he has jumped on the couch twice. I'm hoping by tomorrow, he'll be back to almost normal. It sure surprised me though when he acted this way. We got our other dog neutered in November, and as soon as he came home, he was outside chasing our other dog.

I haven't been keeping up on the forum lately. Is he a min pin? He looks just like my Rudy in that shot! He is also extremely protective over me and suffers from separation anxiety
Hope your boy feels better soon!
Well, we think he's mostly chihuahua, although he's definately mixed with something else. He weighs a little over 7 pounds, and he's about 10 inches tall and 11 inches long. His tail is docked, but we think someone did a "home job" with that because he never had his "double" dewclaws removed. Whatever he is, he's stolen our hearts, and I never thought I'd care for a small indoor dog.


I'm so sorry he's been in so much pain. Prayers are there for him to feel better soon. He's such a beautiful little guy.
Teddy moped around the house Monday, Tuesday and half of Wednesday. He started getting a bit more energetic yesterday but he is still not wanting to jump up on the couch much. Personality wise, he seems almost back to normal. Much more clingy to us, if that's possible.
That stocky little body shot from behind/side sure does look min pin. What a cutie, he's so lucky to have been taken in by you all. Hope he feels better very soon!