I am getting soooo EXCITED

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OHHH I know what it is.........................................................
Oh neat, can't wait to find out! Little one that is still baking is doing wonderfully! I think he's more active than his older brother, lol. The one here, is a toot, as always and into something as always.
We've had Dalton the past few days and he has been a hoot. Loads of fun, but I think he is ready to go see Momma. Bless his heart. Time for home getting home sick
Poor babe! Mine went hunting with his uncles a few weeks ago, adn I think mom and dad were more nervous than he was. He had a blast. lol
Are you sure you have to wait two whole weeks to reveal? I don't know if we can wait that long.
No...that is just "wrong" to make your forum family wait TWO whole weeks for a secret reveal!
LOL Two weeks IS a rather long time to wait! Looking forward to the big reveal
:yeah Ok. I understand. I've been waiting for a lot longer. Maybe I can get it revealed in stages at least.

Number 1. Diane of Castle Rock Farms has graciously agreed to let Son Rise come to Texas and live with me. Son Rise is 100% falabella and the son of Chianti ll and grandson of Chianti.
:wub . I want the thank Diane for being so very patient with me and holding my hand when she really didn't have to. She should be on Santa's extra special good list. Thank you Diane.

So there is part of my secret.
:yeah More to come.
Oh, so you also get to meet Gary and Ruth Owen (from this forum) who are delivering your "secrets" from Florida (see...I know that part...lol) On that same trip, my Shetland mare will be getting picked up...finally!! So, I have you to thank (in a way) for the transport!!
Yes, I am excited to meet Gary and Ruth. We have talked on the phone. I am glad that I have helped in a small way getting your new mare to you.
Isn't it great that we can work together to get things accomplished for each other. Linda, how far from Gary and Ruth do you live? I'm guessing not very far. Congratulations on your new mare.