How Hot is too Hot?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Just wondering if anyone has ever had or knew of a horse having a heat stroke by being out in the pasture or dry lot. Not while riding/driving, just at home doing their everyday thing? Mine are up in the mornings on dry lot in the shade then are out in the pasture from 12:00 - 4:00, then they come in the barn and stand under fans. Very spoiled!!
: I've seen where some people say the temps in their area gets up over 100 degrees and I'm thinking those horses have got to be alot hotter than mine. It's usually in the 90's range here but very humid.

So I got to thinking ~ Am I just being silly by thinking the horses need the fans?
I use fans every summer to help keep flys off as much as anything. They spend the heat of the day in their stalls enjoying them, so I think they think it's a good idea too.

To answer your question, yes, I have seen a horse suffer heat stroke. She was an older retired mare. Just noticed her acting lethargic and not sweating at all in the Florida heat. We hosed her down to help cool her off and made sure she was drinking.
Here in the desert it is sometimes over 115 degrees through the summer- 105 is a pretty cool day! We have never had a heat stroke, but we also have low humidity and do not work horses during the hot part of the day. Only early a.m and then p.m.- if weather is permitting. A horse should not have a heat stroke just from 'standing around' and is nothing to worry about.

I have watched my from the air conditioned kitchen window out running and playing when it was 112!!! Doesnt seem to bother them- they are pretty hardy!