Housekeeping for a living

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Aug 18, 2003
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Ok Ok, first off I know I'm a little strange because i like to do housework (especially when I'm being paid for it LOL) I get a really nice sense of satisfaction and I could do it in my sleep. its a great way for me to blow off steam and its also a great workout. I would LOVE to clean houses for a living, but working for a cleaning company has several drawbacks. 1) the pay isn't great, at least here. 2) most companies require you to have a car or at least drive theirs, something I do not have the capacity to do. 3) Having a boss sucks LOL

Has anybody ever cleaned houses for money? Did you work as part of a company or on your own? How did you get started? What other things did you do as part of your services?

For people who haven't done this work, have you had someone come to clean your home? Were they independant or from a company? What did you like, dislike about the experience? What would you have had done differently or what services did you want that weren't offered?

If you haven't had this done, but would dream about it, what kinds of servises do you wish you could have? How much would you expect to pay?

I live in a large apartment building with many others near me. I was thinking about posting an add 9in my building first to fish for nibbles) advertising my services. Dusting, vaccuming, polishing, laundry and ironing, local errands, cooking, bathrooms, housesitting, babysitting, moving day cleanups etc. I would do a free in home consultation to see what the client wants/needs done and make a personal quote for each client based on how long and how hard I would have to work to provide their needs. If all goes well, I would take referrels and also advertise more broadly in my neighborhood. I know there are a lot of clenaing companies out there, but I also think that cleaning is something that there is always room for "one more" in, and its also a very low-no risk investment in that there is little to no start up cost. If i post the ad and nobody answers then I can move on. I have other jobs to keep me going in the meantime, but woud really like to make thins a full time profession. (again, I know I'm a little strange). Part of my current jobs involve cleaning and its my fav. part of the whole job! If I could jsut do the cleaning I would be tickled pink! When I was young I used to clean when I was in a bad mood, or sad and I would be happer when I was done. When I'm stressed I clean my house.

So any tips, pointers, words of caution or advice would be greatly appreciated!
Ok Ok, first off I know I'm a little strange because i like to do housework (especially when I'm being paid for it LOL) I get a really nice sense of satisfaction and I could do it in my sleep. its a great way for me to blow off steam and its also a great workout. I would LOVE to clean houses for a living, but working for a cleaning company has several drawbacks. 1) the pay isn't great, at least here. 2) most companies require you to have a car or at least drive theirs, something I do not have the capacity to do. 3) Having a boss sucks LOL

Has anybody ever cleaned houses for money? Did you work as part of a company or on your own? How did you get started? What other things did you do as part of your services?

For people who haven't done this work, have you had someone come to clean your home? Were they independant or from a company? What did you like, dislike about the experience? What would you have had done differently or what services did you want that weren't offered?

If you haven't had this done, but would dream about it, what kinds of servises do you wish you could have? How much would you expect to pay?

I live in a large apartment building with many others near me. I was thinking about posting an add 9in my building first to fish for nibbles) advertising my services. Dusting, vaccuming, polishing, laundry and ironing, local errands, cooking, bathrooms, housesitting, babysitting, moving day cleanups etc. I would do a free in home consultation to see what the client wants/needs done and make a personal quote for each client based on how long and how hard I would have to work to provide their needs. If all goes well, I would take referrels and also advertise more broadly in my neighborhood. I know there are a lot of clenaing companies out there, but I also think that cleaning is something that there is always room for "one more" in, and its also a very low-no risk investment in that there is little to no start up cost. If i post the ad and nobody answers then I can move on. I have other jobs to keep me going in the meantime, but woud really like to make thins a full time profession. (again, I know I'm a little strange). Part of my current jobs involve cleaning and its my fav. part of the whole job! If I could jsut do the cleaning I would be tickled pink! When I was young I used to clean when I was in a bad mood, or sad and I would be happer when I was done. When I'm stressed I clean my house.

So any tips, pointers, words of caution or advice would be greatly appreciated!
[SIZE=12pt]No tips, but I'd make Steve clean out his office if you want to move in with us :cheeky-smiley-006: You can clean alllll you want! I even have room for horses!~LOL [/SIZE]
My mom has somebody come help her clean her house now and then. Mostly the bigger spring cleaning type job: wash walls and ceiling fixtures, plus the other cleaning things you listed. My mom used to be a cleaning fanatic, but now that she's in her early seventies, she just doesn't like to clean any more. [she still lives in her own house and gets along just fine, she just doesn't like to clean any more. FYI - she lives in a very small town.] Anyway, the gal that comes and cleans for her is self-employed and evidently one heck of a worker. Mom told her one day that she got tired just watching her, so the gal told her not too watch. :lol: Mom says she is awesome at her job and does great work. I don't know what she charges, but mom is more than happy to pay the price.

Hope this helps a little bit.
Sure wish you lived closer! You'd be a dream come true!

I am NOT a good housekeeper and ever since I could afford it I've had someone come in. There are times when I've not been able to afford it and have had to do it myself for awhile.......and it's been a disaster!

I have had a company once.......but it was very expensive - not worth it, IMO. The only positive is that the employees are bonded. Much prefer an individual. We get to know eachother that way and tend to develop a friendly acquaintanceship every time.

I think your idea is great. Be sure to offer references to people, even if it isn't housekeeping related. If you have a small market within walking distance from you, put up your flyer there too. We live in a small rural area but the two ladies who have advertised locally are booked.


Dust piling up? Need a spring clean? Moving out? Just don't have the energy or time to deal with the hassle of housework?

Give me a call, I'll do it all!

Dusting Polishing


Laundry and ironing


Help organizing


House sitting


Local Errands

Moving day clean-up

Other tasks considered-just ask!

Stop fighting with the dust bunnies!

Call today for a free in home consultation. I make every effort to tailor my services to YOUR needs and schedule.

*Resume, references, background check and first aid/CPR certificate available on request.

Call ###-#### and ask for Melanie.

Thats basically my ad that I will post, except it looks a lot prettier formatted and with a cute picture on the bottom. I plan to offer a discount to people who refer new buisness as well. I'm pretty organized and will have check lists of the jobs each client wants done weekly/bi weekly and monthly, so I can spread the monthly chores out throughout the month for people who want me to come regularly. I'm glad to hear so many positive responses so quickly, keep them coming and thanks!
Until my fall, I ran my own business cleaning homes, had two to three other ladies that worked with me.

Unfortunate not dependable and they where getting $10.00 an hour.

I charged $15.00 an hour for one worker or $25.00 for two workers. no problem was booked in know time. Well done Job will speak for it self. I ended up just going out on my own usually....

Advertise Advertise... Turned at lot away and had my regulars weekly or biweekly.

Good Luck
You'd have a very good income and many clients if you moved into our area here. Alot of people in this area have their own businesses and big beautiful homes and have cleaning people and hire all the time. One thing they ask for first and foremost is that you carry insurance and are bonded. This way should something happen to you while on their premises they are not responsible....many people will try anything to sue, even a slip and fall. Or on the flip side, should anything happen to their stuff while you are there, your insurance will cover it. I have thought about getting someone to come and clean for us especially in the spring and summer months when I'm busy outside with the horses...just have'nt found the right person.
My friend does it and makes a ton of money.

She gets $25 an hour minimum. Often gets a set amount to clean and she can really make out on this deal.

Many of her customers are people who own summer homes and she cleans them while they are gone! Not too hard to clean an empty house!

If you do it in a seasonal area there is lots of money to be made in the peak season!

I need a housekeeper
: Hubby said to go ahead and hire one but I feel like I would have to clean up before they got here :lol: :lol:

Good Luck in your venture!
I had a friend who did this... she is bonded and insured because someone once accused her of stealing. It turned out the person had left their watch in their car, and forgot about it. accused her of stealing, then found the watch and apologized but it scared her to death so she got bonded and insured... but I have no idea what being bonded actually means or what sort of insurance she got... I just remember her telling me about it. She charged $25 an hour, once she knew how long a house took she would give the people a set price.

She used THEIR chemicals and cleaning supplies, just left a note to tell them if they were running out of something. So she had very little overhead.

She had more work then she could handle last I heard. She had hired two helpers.
I'm pondering small-time work like this myself. I'd have to have someone to watch Nathan though, so it may wait till he's in school.
great ad!! id hire you
i HATE cleaning!!

just be careful as there are weirdos out there! sometimes i think its safer to clean in 2's

my sister loves her housekeeper and always gives her bonuses, christmas presents etc. If your good at it and dependable you could make some good money. My sister also supplies the cleaning stuff as shes very picky about what is used. I think a lot of people are like that.
My sister and I cleaned houses/condos for a while in Florida. Good money in it and it sounds like (since you're in an apartment building) you're in a good place to get it going. I was going to mention bonding/insurance, but someone already did that.

Something you might want to add to your ad would be something like "Yes, I do windows".

Good luck!
I hate housework, and am really bad at it. I would hire someone in a minute, but they must be insured and bonded for their own protection. To me this indicates they are serious about it as a business.

There is a man in our mini horse club who cleans houses for a living and does quite well. He does a good job, but it is a bit strange. I was maresitting for a friend when he came to clean. Strange to sit there while he cleaned, but I got over it. It was funny, he mentioned that he really hated to use her Kirby vacuum cleaner, it was so hard to push. Turns out it was in neutral! I put it in drive for him and he was much happier!
A friend and neighbor of ours cleans houses for a living. She started after her husband died a few years ago. It was a rough time for her, I don't think she'd ever worked outside the home other than helping out a little bit with the businesses her husband owned. He was in a bad accident and hospitalized for several months before he died and she was so distracted during that time that she wasn't paying attention to bills and payments and his life insurance policy expired for nonpayment and they fought it but never received any insurance money and she didn't know what she was going to do for money. She targeted a certain market and charges $65 an hour and is very busy and is making a living and was able to keep their house and their standard of living and has five kids -- three in college, one in high school and one in elementary school. I know that $65 IS high and some people (like me) would never pay that much but she gets it and has a waiting list and she is usually at a house for 2-3 hours a week. She is also really into home decor and decorating and remodeling and landscaping so does a lot of little odd job things related to that for her clients that they pay her extra for. Her house and yard are beautiful. I don't know how she does everything that she does. She is also very thin and in great shape which she credits to housecleaning all day.

She is bonded and insured too and it is one of the first things most people ask her before they hire her.
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Something you might want to add to your ad would be something like "Yes, I do windows".

Good luck!
You might want to specify that you do NOT do windows on the OUTSIDE from the SECOND story and UP!

I used to do house cleaning for a few people but I only do it for one now.

I could still have all the work I want but I hated doing cleaning!

HOWEVER, when I cleaned I did FANTASTIC work.

The one person that I still work for pays $15.00 an hour. I have never been insured or bonded.

I didn't work for anyone that had kids at home, or that stayed home while I cleaned.

I had a twenty-five dollar minimum back then, now it would probably be more like $45.00.

They supplied all the cleaning stuff.

I much prefer pet sitting and I have a few regulars that I "sit" for. Its funny how I don't mind mopping up after a muddy dog but I would mutter all kinds of not nice things if a person tracked up a house I cleaned.
I had to post again because I was reading this and remembered another friend that cleaned houses on the side and she charged I think $25 an hour with a three hour minimum. She had a couple of "clients" that were unbelieveable who's houses she cleaned once a week that were consistantly disgusting. She would clean the house top to bottom and do all their laundry and dishes and she was pretty sure the family did nothing the entire week. Literally mountains of dishes on the counters, dirty pots and pans all over the house, dirty (poopy) diapers laying around on the floor and under furniture, garbage thrown everywhere except in the garbage can, overflowing dirty catboxes, piles of dirty laundry everywhere including crusty underwear all over the bathroom floor, etc. I'm not a very good housekeeper, but even if I had someone coming to clean I'd still straighten up and pick up laundry and do a few basic things. She eventually fired the family and told them their house was just too much for her, one family begged her to come back and she agreed but told them if they were not going to do anything themselves that they had to agree to having having her come to clean twice a week so she could keep up better. Last I heard she was still cleaning for them. I think they realized how much they needed her and were willing to pay for the two time a week and my friend was more able to keep things under control for them.
I haven't had time to read all of the replies, but just wanted to add in case it hasn't been thought of to be sure you check into getting a business license for your city and state, as well as a good insurance policy. Honestly, I would also always keep pepper spray on your person and a cell phone "just in case." You never know what might happen and besides all of the weirdos out there, some also own dogs that aren't too friendly with strangers!

My mom used to clean commercial offices and I worked with her a bit. I've also known several people who clean homes for a living and have known clients of house cleaners. It's not an easy job, sometimes thankless and it's not always easy to please the home owner. I would think it's very important to get all of your cleaning agreements in writing and signed to avoid any disagreements over what was expected after your job is done.
I use to enjoy cleaning, but now I despise it. I'm thinking of hiring someone for this summer to help me out as I want to be outside, not scrubbing floors. If I were to hire someone, if it wasn't someone I knew really well, I would want them to be that's something to think about. Good Luck!