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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2007
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Hi guys

I need womanly advice! I am looking for a form of birth control that doesn't use hormones and I have been told good and bad things about IUD's. I have done some research and know that there is one that has hormones and one that does not and instead contains a copper rod. I have also researched the amount of time each can stay in.

I don't like using BC with hormones because my family has a history of heart attacks, blood clots, and strokes....all of which are risks when taking BC.

I am hoping some of you may have experience on this subject and can tell me the good, the bad, and the ugly on IUD's.

Thanks for any advice or info:)
I have the Mirena, which is the 5 year one that has a small amount of hormones. I love it, no period...however, it is extremely painful to have put in...if you have had a child before and your cervix has been dialated, it is no big deal...but if you've never had a child it is very painful and difficult to insert. I have a very high threshold for pain...collapsed lungs, 20 staples in my stomach after a bad appendicitis and internal bleeding, crushed collarbone, and none of it could compair to the pain of an IUD...I'm not exagerating...it hurts!
Hi Sonya

Thanks for your response! I am concerned about bleeding nonstop or cramping continuously after it's put in. I haven't had children so I will probably end up having a similar experience as far as pain goes.

I have been on BC before and not had a problem. I just get scared about the increased risks. I was prescribed the ring and have heard good things about it but I haven't tried it yet. Maybe I should try it out before I decide to go the IUD route.
I had one for about 5 years, but it was 32 years ago. I never had any trouble with it, but I found out years later the one I had worked by causing an abortion. The military doctors didn't tell me that little bit of information, and being very young (a 17 year old bride) it never occured to me to ask any questions. I don't know how they work nowdays, but it might be a question to ask. Abortions are being linked to breast cancer now.

It was a little painful to put in and take out, but not that bad.
Brandi...the first day there is cramping and alittle bleeding..by day 2 you're fine. 9 out of 10 women do not get a period after the first couple months at all. I am on my 2nd one...don't know why I just didn't do the 10 year this 2nd time but figured I'd stay with what was working good for my body. It is wonderful not having a period and it doesn't hurt you in anyway. Good Luck.
I have the mirena also, and it is so worth it! It was a little painful to insert, and I have had two kids, but it did not take long. I love not having a period, and if I still need something when this one expires I would absolutly get it again, wish I did it many years ago!
I had the mirena too but didn't have a good experience with it. It was painful going in and I cramped pretty badly for the first 24-36 hrs. I told the hus that if I hadn't known what was causing the cramping I would've thought that I was in pre-labor! I had it for 3 months and during those 3 months I didn't have a period but I had groin pain during the time when I was supposed to be ovulating and then again when I was supposed to have my period.
I ended up having it removed but when it was removed the doc said even though he pulled both strings evenly, the one side popped out before the other. He thinks it was in there crooked and was causing the problems.

I've been on the patch, the shot, the pill and mirena. Out of all of them, if/when I need to go back on birth control I will go back for the patch. I liked that the best out of all of them and as soon as I come off the patch, my fertility returns to normal. It's been proven twice now... And I like having the option of having that fertility immediately instead of having to plan things out...
Not sure about the IUD's available currently, but I used a copper 7 for 30+ yrs. I did have bad perods but all the females in my family had those. I couldn't use the pill. I went through say 5 IUD's in that time. They hurt a bit when inserted but not much worse than a pap smear. You can try it to see if it works for you and if not have it removed. Take some OTC pain relievers before going in to have it put in. When I finally decided to have a baby I had it removed, the Dr said it could take me a year to get pregnant if I get pregnant at all! I got pregnant the 1st month! Go for it, I hated all other forms of BC.
I get the Depo shot, been on it for 20 yrs now, was in the clinical trials way back when too. you HAVE to get it in the HIP! not in the arm, big mistake. one shot 4 times a year.
I recently got a mirena inserted... It does make you cramp when you get it put in but I didnt think it was horrible... Just uncomfortable for a couple minutes... Then you can have cramping for 24 hours or so but I havent had any issues since then... Before I had my son I was on the depo shot for 7 years (I saw a previous poster said not to get it in your arm but I got all of mine in the arm except the very first one was in the hip)... I loved the depo very much.... It was easy to get since it is only every 3 months and then just a shot.... The only reason I did not go back on Depo after my son was because they say long term usage of it can cause weakening of the bones and some bone issues run in my family so I didnt want to risk making them worse... But otherwise I would have went right back to it.... The benefit to the mirena (in my opinion) is that it is in there for up to 5 years and requires no real maintenance

Good Luck whatever you do....
I was on the Mirena for 18 months. I loved it! Insertion was horrible but other than that it was fine. I never had any cramps or anything.... MY ONLY COMPLAINT ABOUT IT IS.......THE DANG THING FELL OUT!!!! I was in the shower when it happened....
Thanks for all the info! I have an appointment in the morning to talk with the doc about it. Not sure what I'm gonna do. It seems like more people go for the one with hormones. I am nervous about the pain during insertion but if it's only for a short time it sounds like it would be well worth it. Hubby and I have never felt comfortable enough to go without a condom even when I was on other birth controls. I'm hoping an IUD will be just the thing to set our minds at ease! Unless of course it starts falling out lol

Thanks again everyone!!!!
Well, one of my older sisters had IUD's and also has 2 daughters!! I dont think she had good luck with them either (besides that little issue, LOL). I never tried them myself, so can't say...........

LOL, nothing like seeing it hit the shower floor. Now how effective is THAT??!!
LOL well at least when that happens you KNOW FOR A FACT that you need to use another method lol

I talked with the doc today. After looking over my medical history more thoroughly she said she would not recommend anything for me except the Mirena because of my family history with heart, blood and stroke issues. The other doctor had given me the Nuva Ring but this gal said NO!. She said that the Mirena does have hormones but a very very small amount. She also said that it is best for me since it is localized instead of systemic. She explained that it will be uncomfortable during insertion and maybe afterwards but that it's different for everyone.

So I'm gonna try it out. If it doesn't work for me then I can always have it removed.

Thanks so much for all of your input! It's been very helpful