Head start day

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Apr 20, 2005
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Southwest Oklahoma
I took my two horses, Dapper Dan and Midnight, to Head Start today. My sister took her two horses also. There were 82 children. This was Midnight's first time to experience all that "hands on" and she took it very well. My friend is shown here with Midnight and some of the children.
No pictures of Dapper Dan, but he was his usual self--Personality with a capital P.midnight at head start.jpg
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Not allowed to give cart rides any more. next year the children won't be allowed to even wear sandals as they get rocks in them on the playground.
Midnight wore the turquoise extensions. they held up very well to mane brushing and even rolling.
No sandals ever? Or just around the horses? If its forever, that blows my mind. I could make a lot of comments on that policy but I will reel myself in. It makes me look back on my childhood and think I was raised by barbarians or something, lol. We were allowed to run wild and free :eek:o_O. And barefooted.

Sorry!to hear Dapper Dan could not give rides, but I bet he was just happy to have fun with the kids. And its good to hear Midnight was a good girl :).
No sandals ever. They used to have a field trip where they took the children out to a sandy area to dig for dinosaur bones. Some old dry bones were hidden the day before and the children dug them up. One of their favorite field trips. No more. Bones are unsanitary and sand is messy.
I'm surprised they are allowed to have swings and a slide.
We probably won't be allowed to bring the horses again.
Those poor kids are going to miss out on alot. Sometimes I am glad I am older and was able to experience the childhood I had. I didn't have much, but I had fun.
I hope that they will let you and your sister bring the horses next year.
I often think of the picture of you, Dapper Dan and the pony cart FULL of kids from last year. That picture captured true happiness and joy.
We got another call today for our horses. Busy this month with two visits, so I told the nursing home today that we need to wait till June to visit. She would like us to decorate our horses in purple as it is alzheimer's month.
No sandals ever? Or just around the horses? If its forever, that blows my mind. I could make a lot of comments on that policy but I will reel myself in. It makes me look back on my childhood and think I was raised by barbarians or something, lol. We were allowed to run wild and free :eek:o_O. And barefooted.

Sorry!to hear Dapper Dan could not give rides, but I bet he was just happy to have fun with the kids. And its good to hear Midnight was a good girl :).

Can I ever relate to this. I turned 80 years old this year and somehow I survived childhood and running around with the neighborhood kids barefoot pretending we were the Lone Ranger, listened to on the radio every Thursday, no tv. As long as the parents knew where we were we ran free.
He did so well; I was proud of him. We went into rooms and maneuvered into tight places. He stood quietly, then backed out carefully. He is a terrible nibbler, but he didn't try to nibble on a single person.
We are doing a parade today, weather permitting. He is a busy horse lately.
Anther nursing home. They wanted us to have some purple on the horses. Most of the residents were assisted living. They were thrilled about the little hroses and followed us around the facility, petting and stroking. The little resident dog took his guard dog duties very seriously and barked at the horses. It is hard work doing this: cleaning the horses, decorating, travel. Usually our visit is only 45 minutes or so.
Everyone generally prefers Jackie O, as she is a pinto. I try not to mind on Dapper Dan's behalf, but sometimes he is left standing outside the limelight. Dapper Dan had purple tutu ankle puffs also, and purple ribbons on his tail.
Since we have been going to nursing homes for the last 10 years, I have noticed a change. At first, the men remembered plowing with horses or riding a horse to school. Now the men remember their tractors and the ladies only have recreational horse stories.
jackie o.jpg weatherford nursing home 2.jpg
That is so neat about the horses going out to visit children and elderly. I know Dad would have liked meeting a mini horse while he was in a nursing home.
Well you can tell Dapper Dan for me that I like him best. I think he is a very regal little gentleman.

Its nice that you can share your love of horses with your sister. You are not only making nice memories for the residents, but also some memoriee for the both of you.

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