HC Minis - new pics pg 172

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With limited feed selectons, you just have to do the best you can -- and senior feed is just fine, as it has the little "extras" that are important to good health for sytems that need a little "umph!" I'm sure it will be fine, and it is made to be easily digestible -- so baby should be able to tolerate it well. Once baby is born, though, I would be sure to feed some added alfalfa pellets or soaked alfalfa cubes to make sure baby gets all the protein she needs for healthy bones and muscles. You can add alfalfa pellets to Baybe's feed, too, to give some added protein -- which should also help in milk production. Just an idea.
If I can find alfalfa pellets. The one elevator has "alfalfa dehy", tiny little pellets of alfalfa, but the last time I tried it, no one really like it.
It'll be next month before I can get it, but I might just have to suck it up and special order growth formula from the place that delivers once a month (if they have it in stock). Or, see if I can get the other elevator to order me in some TC growth (the manager doesn't like to do special orders, and they don't stock TC products due to the higher price).
Oh, and my two bum calves have moms now. Unfortunately, that means we did lose a couple calves for cows to be available. Shayne went out and found a dead calf that was somewhere between 3-10 days old (he was in the small pen of calved out cows), probably got kicked or something (maybe even sick); so we put the orphan heifer on her, and stalled them for a few days to bond, seems to be working. Then, a 3-year old stepped on her calf and broke its leg high up; so we've put the little steer calf on her, they are still bonding, so I had to give him a bottle mid-day today to keep him energized (no energy, he's not going to be looking for the udder on his own).

Did a little sewing on the quilt, but not much progess, so no pictures.
So glad the little calves are taking to their new Mommas, but sorry you had to lose those other two. Do you feed merchants keep some sort of balancer feed in their stocks? If so, that could be useful to boost the minerals and vitamins for Baybe and her new baby. If not then yes, the senior feed will be the most suitable as a base feed.
So glad the little calves are taking to their new Mommas, but sorry you had to lose those other two. Do you feed merchants keep some sort of balancer feed in their stocks? If so, that could be useful to boost the minerals and vitamins for Baybe and her new baby. If not then yes, the senior feed will be the most suitable as a base feed.
I can order Calf Manna from the company that delivers once a month. They do carry Progressive Nutrition, limited selection, which is what I was feeding before the last price jump took it out of my budget (I was using the grass balancer for most, but our hay is inconsistent, and some has way too much alfalfa to be using a grass balancer). It dawned on me, last night, why she may have gone off her extruded feed, I've been feeding some Source supplement, it doesn't smell the best, so perhaps she no longer likes it.
Ok, I lied, here's another picture of the quilt. I couldn't wait, I'm really liking this one.

prairie Queen - center section.jpg
Thank you!

I don't think I've ever made a quilt of multiple sizes of the same block, I've done single block, same size, such as this one:

blue friendship star - in progress 2.jpg

Or this one (my all-time favorite):

Fall Frolic - finished.jpg

And, I've done multiple blocks in one quilt, like this one (this one, a friend and I exchanged blocks):

exchange block quilt - Krista 2.jpg
wow I love this one


Diane it is too hot in Florida, I think it would be better to store some here in Italy
He's Back.... The steer calf didn't get that the cow was the milk bar, unless she was in the maternity pen wiht her head in the head gate, and now she's annoyed with him, so he's back to being a bottle bum, and I've named him "Melvin".
OMG!!! They are all so beautiful!!!! I am so envious of your talent and your "eye" for color and pattern.

They are all gorgeous!!!

If you run out of space to store them, you can always send a couple to Florida!!
wow I love this one


Diane it is too hot in Florida, I think it would be better to store some here in Italy
Thank you guys.

It can be arranged for a small fee.
Most of my quilts are for sale. Although, I don't know if I still have the blue stars quilt, I may have given it to someone as a gift, but I can look on the shelf later (farrier is supposed to be here any minute).
Farrier was out today, and Baybe got her pedicure; so come on foal, anytime would be good, maybe this full moon weekend will be the time.
Lets hope so.

I would love to buy one of your quilts but I am afraid the postage will cost a fortune. I will speak to my girlfriends here in Italy and find out if any of them are going home to the states soon.
I'd love to have one too, but apart from the shipping expense plus possible import taxes, I'd be a bit worried that it might get lost in transit, knowing what our postal service is like at the moment!

I will keep my ears to the ground regarding anyone from here visiting the States in the next year - if they could bring back a couple (providing of course that you would be willing to sell some?) then I could get yours from here to your parents Renee - does that sound a possibility?? Or, you could collect it when you come for that promised visit! LOL!!

Hope Baybe's new pedicure prompts some ACTION!!
Lets hope so.

I would love to buy one of your quilts but I am afraid the postage will cost a fortune. I will speak to my girlfriends here in Italy and find out if any of them are going home to the states soon.
Aw, thanks, that means a lot to me.

Priority mail would be the safest, and I could probably squeeze a quilt into a Medium Flat-Rate box, which is $47.95 international (at least til postage rates go up again).
I'd love to have one too, but apart from the shipping expense plus possible import taxes, I'd be a bit worried that it might get lost in transit, knowing what our postal service is like at the moment!

I will keep my ears to the ground regarding anyone from here visiting the States in the next year - if they could bring back a couple (providing of course that you would be willing to sell some?) then I could get yours from here to your parents Renee - does that sound a possibility?? Or, you could collect it when you come for that promised visit! LOL!!

Hope Baybe's new pedicure prompts some ACTION!!
Thanks. I can usually be persuaded to part with one or two quilts, and for friends the cost is pretty reasonable.
I'm going to be asking for another early birthday present from my children -- since they are the only ones with $$ !!! I would just love to have one -- they are just gorgeous!!!!
Thank you so much, I really appreciate the compliments.

I do want to let you gals, that like my quilts, to know; I do all the work on my sewing machine. I'm a bit lazy by nature, so do NOT do any hand sewing, I don't like to. All of my quilts are completely machine pieced and machine quilted by me. [My quilting skills are limited, so most are quilted very basically. I'm trying to improve them, but still mostly straight line quilt.] Just thought you all should know.

And, one more quilt picture. This one is for my Mom, her 75th birthday is coming up in about 10 days (I even enlisted my sister's help on this one, so that we could go in together on the gift, I did the work, sis provided some of the supplies).

Mom\'s Birthday quilt - April 21, 2012 - finished.jpg

And, the labels, which my neice and nephew also got in on:

mom\'s birthday quilt - April 21, 2012 - labels.jpg

I bought the wolf fabrics several years ago with intentions of making Mom a quilt, but didn't get around to it, then this year seemed like the perfect year. So, I talked to my sister to see if she'd like to go in on it with me to give to Mom; Mom always says she doesn't want anything for birthdays or Christmas, so as you can imagine she is hard to gift. This ought to be well received.
Chanda, your quilts are beautiful and I agree with Diane the color schemes are just fantastic. That's where I always have the most problems is coordinating colors.
sometimes I buy fabric collections, so the fabric company has already done that work for me, such as this quilt:

Fall Frolic - finished.jpg

but sometimes I just pull together fabrics I like and hope it works, like this one:

chunks quilt - 2-21-12.jpg

The fabrics in this quilt are marbled prints in olive, jade and coral; who would have thought they'd go together, but it works

I'm pretty sure I already showed these quilts, but just showing again as examples of what I'm talking about.
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I'd love to have one too, but apart from the shipping expense plus possible import taxes, I'd be a bit worried that it might get lost in transit, knowing what our postal service is like at the moment!

I couldn't agree more.

I will keep my ears to the ground regarding anyone from here visiting the States in the next year - if they could bring back a couple (providing of course that you would be willing to sell some?) then I could get yours from here to your parents Renee - does that sound a possibility?? Or, you could collect it when you come for that promised visit! LOL!!

That sounds like a plan.

Hope Baybe's new pedicure prompts some ACTION!!
I must be losing it. I swear when I look at Baybe at night, especially tonight, she looks like she's changed shape, kind of dropped but no "V", but her butt is still tight and not much bag (except the pooch in front of her udder). I did close them in the barn tonight, although, half the barn is flooded due to today's rain (I did put down anohter bag of shavings so hopefully there is at least one or two dry spots).

Hopefully, Shayne will help me dig a drainage ditch tomorrow. I've been cleaning out the barn, its a former cattle shed, so it has/had a huge layer of old manure and rotted straw in it, well I've removed much of that and now that the "poop island" is gone, the barn is flooded and has standing water in about 1/3 of it. The front of the barn is higher than the middle and back, so the water can't drain out, hopefully we can get a ditch dug and get the water moving out. [The entrance is so hard packed that I can't get the dirt to budge, even with a pick-ax. So, I need more muscle and know-how to get the job done, hopefully with the rain he'll have time to help me as he can't be in the field.]
Sounds like a nightmare for you -- just when you don't need one!!!

Praying you have a few days of NO additional rain to set things back -- but then if you need rain to get hubby's help -- ooowwww this is a double-edge sword!!!

Good thing Babye is waiting for you to get it all figured out!! SMART GIRL!
Well, my mini barn floods too. Everything here is on a slope, so everything from uphill, drains right through my barn(s), so I need to get a ditch dug out of my main mini barn, too. At least at the mini barn, they don't live in it, they mostly just eat in it and use the run-in attached when it rains.
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