Have you guys been watching the news?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
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Green Springs Ohio
Fox news is always on in this house, at least when my dad is home anyway. I normally dont bother to watch but i've been hearing all day about how today could have been another 9-11 exept worse.

Now there not letting any lyquids or bottles on planes, so i guess that means you guys flying out to AMHR nat'ls next month that show sheen is off the list of things to pack

But what exactly happened today or could have happened that caused all this new coverage and airports to go to this extreme? I've been watching the past hour or two and i still cant figure out what triggered all this alert.

I guess if this is what they have to do it keep a 20 ton plane from landing (or crashing ...) ontop of my house they can do whatever they please for however long they want!


Anybody else been keeping up on this?

Leeana H.
From what I have seen on Fox. They caught a group that was flying from the UK, I

think to the USA. They have been watching them for a while. Today they decided to move

in on them. They were going to use some kind of liquids to cause another 911, but this one

would have been even worse. They have them in custody. But did they get all of them?

So yes, anyone flying should know, no Liguids on the planes. No tooth paste or any of

that stuff. Buy it when you get there. Keep bags to a minial. Carry on, try for only one bag.

Expect long waits and long lines. They are saying here its least 2 hour waits. So carry lots of

patients with you. And remember its for your own good.

Travel safley please.

Anybody else been keeping up on this?

I used to work in federal security and have been watching this closely.

The people in custody had planned on using liquid explosives and detonators (such as disposable cameras or cd players) to blow up at least ten planes flying to the US. Carry on luggage is not being allowed on planes flying out from England. Carry ons are allowed (at this time) in the US, but no liquids are allowed as carry on. Liquids ARE allowed in checked bags. This could change at any time, but it is current as of now.

This is the latest posting by TSA (Transportation Security Administration):


SUCH ITEMS MUST BE IN CHECKED BAGGAGE. This includes all beverages, shampoo, suntan lotion, creams, tooth paste, hair gel, and other items of similar consistency.

Exceptions: Baby formula and medicines, which must be presented for inspection at the checkpoint.

Beverages purchased in the boarding area, beyond the checkpoint, must be consumed before boarding because they will not be permitted onboard the aircraft.

Passengers traveling from the United Kingdom to the United States will be subject to a more extensive screening process.

These measures will be constantly evaluated and updated as circumstances warrant.

For anyone flying -

go to tsa.gov for updates.

Here is a link which may explain it a little more...
I am an Air Traffic Controller and they have raised our security level at work...we do not get any flights from the UK into our airport though. They may be putting some restrictions out for private pilots and such like they did after 9-11, it's going to depend on what else they find out in the next couple days.

After 9-11, no private pilots where allowed to fly for a few days. There are still some restictions that have never been lifted also, but those who don't fly would not find them interesting.

This world is a very scary place to live these days...no matter where you live.
Carry ons are allowed (at this time) in the US, but no liquids are allowed as carry on. Liquids ARE allowed in checked bags. This could change at any time, but it is current as of now.
My daughter lives in NY, and was to come home today. But was put on hold as they still do not have all of yesterdays flights out.

Her airline was to be United.

When checking on her flight she had a Note, on her ticket information page.

There will be no carry ons, purses will contain no type of liquid. No liquids will be allowed in checked bags.

Not sure if this is because it's NY, or if it is a decision United made on their own. So if flying, maybe you should be sure to check with the carrier you are using.
Very scary.

I am flying home from nationals on September 11th as well.

I wonder how they found out about this? Good job.
Oh Dear, my parents have an exchange student flying in tomorrow from Hungary. I sure hope this won't affct his flights, other than possible delays which are understandable at this point. His poor parents though, to send their child off for a year and the first thing they hyave to deal with is putting him on a plane during these types of "incidents" (can't think of any better word, incident doesn't really cover it either) How frightening for them! At least they know he is in good hands when he gets here, they have met my parents and we hosted his sister last year.
Doesn't anything think it's a little weird that first was 9-11...now was 8-10....possibly a countdown of any kind?? I'd be real suspicious of 7-9 next year.....

This is just getting way out of hand all the crap that is going on...it upsets me so much to see what other countries are doing to us, and I doubt it's because we "aren't doing anything to them"....some days i'd really like to know what is going on behind the curtains because a lot of days I feel America is being fed lies about what really happens when troops are sent to other countries. Disgusts me. Don't get me wrong, I am proud of America and what we have accomplished, and yes when someone hits us first I see every right in hitting back to keep our freedom. Sometimes I just wonder if there's a lot of fowl play going on that we don't hear about...

Ok I think watching V for Vendetta was a BAD IDEA lol my mind is just crazy right now! But I still say this is nuts what is going on with the airlines...
I am an Air Traffic Controller and they have raised our security level at work...we do not get any flights from the UK into our airport though. They may be putting some restrictions out for private pilots and such like they did after 9-11, it's going to depend on what else they find out in the next couple days.

After 9-11, no private pilots where allowed to fly for a few days. There are still some restictions that have never been lifted also, but those who don't fly would not find them interesting.

This world is a very scary place to live these days...no matter where you live.
I've heard that your profession is one of the most stressful jobs in the world; you must have nerves of steel (especially in this day and age
: ).
Dan flew US Air today.

He was coming home from his step brother's in Florida and had a layover in North Carolina.

His first time on a plane and says it's his last.

When he saw these guys coming at him, he totally freaked

He's glad to be home

Dan flew US Air today.

He was coming home from his step brother's in Florida and had a layover in North Carolina.

His first time on a plane and says it's his last.

When he saw these guys coming at him, he totally freaked

He's glad to be home


I feel sorry for the muslims/arabs that are good people (and there are a lot). Because of all of this crap many see an arab and "freak out". Sad.
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Matt if you lived where I live you would have NO sympathy for them at all.

They intend to turn England into a Muslim state- they think it would be better managed that way!!

I am NOT kidding.

They think Democracy is not working and we would be better off governed by Religious Courts- the ones that put to death a sixteen year old girl for Immorality after she had been RAPED- that sort of court??

I have to put up with women in full Hajib in the queue ahead of me, behind me- I have NO way of knowing, by the way what they have under those robes- they could have Uzis for all I know!!

This whole plot has been watched by the Special Forces for over five months and the perpetrators were all picked up in a dawn raid.

The reason for the security clamp down was that you can never be 100% sure to the point where you will risk peoples lives on it, that you have caught them all, and, knowing the method intended to be employed it was better to be safe than sorry.

This , had it not been caught, would have made 9-11 and 7-7 look like a pile up on the Freeway in comparison.

We do not yet know how many planes were to have been involved.

They have found five taped suicide -martyr tapes.

I do not believe in heck myself, but these morons sure as anything are NOT headed straight to heaven.

Trouble is, there is absolutely NO point in trying to reason with religious fanatics.

I think we should send them all back to the country of origin, which is usually Pakistan, and then, if they can PROVE they are peace loving and wish to integrate into our society without trying to take over, then they MIGHT be allowed back in.

Remember ALL the people caught are Muslims and most are British born, British subjects.

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