Has anyone else had this happen?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2003
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Doesn't she look like a sweet loving m

What is going on she is being really mean to her baby?

Baby is letting mom know she doesn't like how she is being treated.


I figured it out , apparently mares don't like all the smelly spray and jell that I put on baby for pictures she didn't calm down till I bathed foal and rubbed her with dirt

Now everything is back to normal.LOL
Oh Yes!! I had my stallion with one of his yearling sons in the field together so they could play and dad could teach him some manners. They had been together since yearling was weaned and would play ALL day. One hot day I looked at the yearling and he was filthy so I brought him in for a bath, well 45 minutes later I put him back in the field and Dad tried to kill him.
This was 3 months ago and they still can't be any where near each other or Dad will attack.

Very sad to watch as the yearling just doesn't understand why
I haven't had that happen Nancy, but it's something to think about in the future. Gorgeous mare and foal though. Congratulations.

Eagle. I suspect your stallion looks upon the yearling as competition now that the youngster is sexually mature.


I agree it was just weird to happen in 45 minutes, plus my yearling is very submissive and chews whenever any horse comes near him. He really isn't a threat yet as he is still very much a baby.
That is one stunning little foal youve got there iam in love
Thanks! She is a colorful buckskin, I just clipped her and left a small section to show her natural color.

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I haven't had that happen Nancy, but it's something to think about in the future. Gorgeous mare and foal though. Congratulations.

Eagle. I suspect your stallion looks upon the yearling as competition now that the youngster is sexually mature.

Thanks Lizzie, I was lucky I figured it out before turning them back out together, mom was actually kicking at her, who knows what she would have done if they were loose together. From now on, I will certainly make sure I always wash off the unnatural smells, before putting the foals back with moms.
She is beautiful
Thanks Eagle,glad you liked her, she is a little ...hot rod....LOL I am sorry you are having trouble with your colt and stallion. Stallions can be very unpredictable, I have had some that would get along great with other horses and then for no apparent reason they will start picking on another pasture friend.
I have seen mares be a little mean to their babies if I've just bathed and clipped the foal. And one time I took a mare and her yearling filly to a show and stalled together. They had been together living together before the show and loving to each other, but when I put the filly back in the shared stall after her class, the mare full out attacked her! It only lasted 30 seconds, but she was MAD. I think all the product we had on the filly and the stress of being off site and at a show was too much for the mare and either she didn't realize that was her baby, or she just was really not into being at the show
But they did win their classes and champions that morning. AND I learned a little unexpected insight into horse (mare / foal) behavior, too.

You did a great job with your foal and she is adorable
Love her color and cute little head
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Well I just partial clipped my Cam ( not quite 4 weeks ) b/c it was so hot still and had heard of that happening ( mom and baby ). So I clipped him in the stall w/Mom and did a little of mom too. then took them both out and washed mom and did a quick wash w/baby while mom was standing next to him and put the spray

shine on mom then did baby at the same time..just not as much. All was well after...maybe b/c Mom witnesses the whole thing....who knows LOL

Your little one is a keepper I hope....if not I'd like to keep her..shes beautiful.
I've seen that in my herd of mares. Whoever gets put back in after a bath gets the rough treatment from #1 and #2 for a bit.
Thanks everyone for the input and compliments on the little filly.After reading your comments, I am just sure it is the products I used on her that created the problem, they were shine and conditioning products for human hair and did have a perfume smell. I just heard from a friend that told me when she had trouble with a mare not excepting a foal that had been stolen from her at birth by another mare, she would spray hair spray on the mare's nose and on the baby and the mare would except the foal. I suppose it has to do with them both sharing the same sent or perhaps the mare cannot smell the strange mare odor on the foal when she has the hair spray on her.
Glad I read this, explains a lot here too! I never would have thought of the grooming product causing mifted relationships.

Your filly could be my fillies double! She is pretty. The avatar is an old pic, she looks like yours now and mine turned out to carry the smutty/sooty gene, just like her dam and grand-dam. Took awhile to figure it out, she has the Mask on her face and a dorsal stripe. What confused matters more was her sire was dun. So she is a sooty buckskin pinto. Makes for a colorful little horse!
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