Frozen mare colostrum

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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2008
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Does anyone know best places that you can purchase frozen mare colostrum? We live in Missouri. I tried to Google it and didn't get real good results.
Hagyard Pharmacy in Kentucky is the one place I have located colostrum. Anyone else know of other places for me to try?
You can try Sandys Nursemare Service in New [email protected]

They have a colostrum bank and will ship via Fed X anywhere in USA!
Here is a tip for you that I do....

If you ( I hope never happens) have a mare loose a foal during foaling, milk her out asap and freeze that colostrum, put a name and date on the bag and save it for emergencies. You can also milk out a mare that has a live foal, but make sure her foal has had PLENTY of the colostrum first! I would suggest only doing that with experienced mares who tend to produce an extra large amount.

You could possibly contact friends/other farms and see if they do this and would be willing to let you have some of it, or buy it off of them.
Your vet may also know of a source or sources.
over the years when we have had mares loose a foal for whatever reason, we have always colected colostrum, we collect 4 oz at a time,(this is the amount you can safely tube them) freeze and unthaw when needed. I always lable it, 1 milking, then the second 4 oz 2nd milking. I have a bunch saved for emergencys