foal PJ's

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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2003
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Well everyone has been very helpful to me so, if you don't mind I have one more favor. I have tried to find these pajamas but, haven't had any luck and right now I really need them I have a blanket on my newborn but it is bulky and cumbersom. I know I have seen the little jamies with legs to the knees and belly covered rather than open. I guess if I can't find them I will just have to get the old sewing machine out and buy some nice soft fleese and make one.

Please help my little guy would appreciate it. This is the first time in 10 years that I have had a foal born before late March. Don't think I will do this again.Geezze

Does anyone know who makes them?
Are you talking about these foal pj's? Playfoal PJ's

I have been using them the last 2 years and love them ! They stay on the foal much better than a blanket.

Hope this helps.

Oh, those are very neat! I'm going to bookmark that site. Thank you.
Over the head and then stick each leg through - they are a WONDERFUL design! I have several sizes and would love to get more!
Thanks for info. I have e-mailed them about the flannel ones but, not sure what size to get so will probably order 3 to see how they fit.
Hi Gals, I Love them PlayfoalPJ's, and Mandy send instructions on the different ways to put them on, everyone put them on the best way that suits them, legs first,over the head, then back lags, or over the head and then legs in, That could be harder for some, or easier for some, when you get them you have to find what way is best for you.

It promotes easy handling since you have to pick up feet and put it over the head, I found my foals are so much easier to handle after wearing them, just the taking on and off helps so much with easy handling.

She is also on Facebook now too. I think this is the link at least this is what I have on my facebook page.

Playfoal on Facebook

I hope this helps, also if the facebook link don't work and you are on facebook just email Mandy and she will send you a fan invite.

I was just wondering. It's a little hard to see from the pictures, but any problems with the foal getting poop or pee on the PJs?
Nope no problems at all, they are cut up enough for a boy and still keep the chest warm, the other ones do not do that, and they have to have a serious case of diarrhea to get them dirty on the legs, they are open at the rump but still stay on and don't ride up like some do, you will know they are covered well.

Hope that helps.
