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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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Well this won't look like much to many BUT I managed to get 5 mini bouquets for the market tomorrow out of my cutting bed I created this year.

I have tried to get pics of the bed but they turn out camera and I have a love hate relationship :eek: :eek:


Rori, those are lovely! I'm guessing you sell those at the market? How much do they usually sell for? People don't do that around here, but I sure wish they would
Rori, those are lovely! I'm guessing you sell those at the market? How much do they usually sell for? People don't do that around here, but I sure wish they would
Good question Steph...LOL....this is my first bouquets and they are small compared to the other gal who sells them at our market.......I am thinking 2.50 or 3.00 and actually I will ask her tomorrow what she thinks.

If no one does it around there then that might be a great work from home for you
: My dad has a little stand in front of his house on the road with an honor system box.....he cuts flowers all season and sells quite a few with very little dishonesty...he even got a couple IOU's that did come back and pay :aktion033: :aktion033: still good people out there.

you don't have to start big believe me......most of these flowers I grew from seed planted this year. Next year the bed should be spectacular.

beautiful flowers! All those wonderful colors! These will sell fast!
Joan thanks.
OOohhhh.......Very VERY pretty!!! Right up my alley in the color department too of purple!!

Lets see...I recognize that long purple one as a butterfly bush but don't know the correct name, then some I see some Bachelor Buttons or mini Carnations? I'm probably all off but they are so beautiful!! What are those red ones that look like star flowers? I would love some of those for my garden!
Gorgeous! I wish someone would sell flowers at our farmer's market. I just bought a very small bouquet to lay on my dad's stone. Goldenrod was $2.50 PER STEM and so was liatris. Because of shipping, fresh flowers are more and more expensive. Don't sell your bouquet short!
OOohhhh.......Very VERY pretty!!! Right up my alley in the color department too of purple!!

Lets see...I recognize that long purple one as a butterfly bush but don't know the correct name, then some I see some Bachelor Buttons or mini Carnations? I'm probably all off but they are so beautiful!! What are those red ones that look like star flowers? I would love some of those for my garden!
OK Sterling the butterfly bush is correct it is the long purple one and the little yellow pompom'ish looking one. No daisies those are cosmos in pink, pinker, and white. Then there are strawflowers, and yep the little carnations or dianthus.

A few zinnias, and the red ones are beebalm. I will try again to get a good picture of the bee balm and post it. It smells like bergamot (think earl grey tea) and the native americans used bee balm to make tea I think it is called oswego tea. Humming birds duke it out over that flower and the butterflies love it. You should be able to get it locally at a better garden center.

The farmers market I go to has 2 flower vendors and several of the other booths always bring a few bouquets as well :bgrin , so lots of choices.
Oh Strawflowers yes!!! I should've known that as I've grown them before and used them for crafts. Such neat little flowers!!

Well if that Beebalm brings Hummingbirds, then I will be looking for it next year to add to my garden. Is it a perennial? Neat information on the native americans using it for tea...I did'nt know that. Good luck at the farmer's market tomorrow! :bgrin